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multiple characters

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this would be an addition that would be enjoyable by all players, not just myself, i am suggesting something that everyone wants, and they know that they want it

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thedeadlysun, your idea is good. But as with all ideas, we have to think things thro before applying them to use. It's true, ability to have multiple characters would be very handy at times. But then again, there are players who would abuse this. And it's also true that HIVE would respectively be under greater than 70% more pressure. This means that capabilities of HIVE would need to be doubled or tripled before applying such upgrade to the game. If you're able to think a way to stop players from abusing a second character and if you could somehow arrange the funding to the HIVE upgrades, your idea could propably be implemented. As said, someone has to pay for someone others "free."

I understand the meaning behind your suggestion. I myself would very much like your idea to be implemented into the game. But seemingly it's not possible to do it yet. I know it's hard to let go of your idea, but that's something you just need to do now.

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It's definitely a great idea and will probably be implemented in the stand alone game. Like most I have my main which is geared that I only play with my friends for backup. It would be great to have another character that I could run solo with during the days my friends aren't online. Many very popular games have multiple characters and it seems to work out just fine for them. You could limit the amount of characters from around 2 to 8 per account. Of course only one could be logged in at a time. The impact to the hive would be very minimal since only one character can be online at a time the access demands would not change at all just the data storage requirements would increase. Of course the character data can not take up much space since it's essentially just a text file probably 5 to 10KB each character and like one poster mentioned storage is dirt cheap. I think it would add a great deal of enjoyment to this game as well as the added intensity of not knowing if when you kill a character at a tent site if he will have another character to login in with at the same spot to kill you. You already have the stress of not knowing if a friend is going to login or come running to the spot where his buddy got killed so this just adds more stress and more fun to the game.

Edited by opiumpot

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