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"CD-Key in use" issues

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Ich glaube ja du bist Deutsch und ich sollte ja schreiben ob es mit dem neuen Key klappt.

Und ja bis jetzt (24 Stunden sind vorbei) Habe ich noch keinen Fehler oder sowas bemerkt alle sachen sind da und ich habe auch kein CD Key in use fehler mehr.

Ich werde Morgen nochmal schreiben ob sich was getan hat oder nicht.

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Danke SilenTTT! Ich warte immer noch auf Antwort vom Support, naja ist eben Wochenende.

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Anything new guys? Someone get it to work?

As far as I know one of us got a new key, wich worked well. Another got a no-working key.

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This just happened to me today, got an arma X edition from amazon. Can't join any servers because of "cd key in use", I never gave that key to anyone else. How can someone else have my key???

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I had the same problem until I reinstalled Combined operations. It seemed to fix it's self in the install. If that is not working then make sure you are running the latest Arma 2 patch.

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I just managed to get back into the game, now all my gear is gone and I respawned at the beach. WTF is going on with this piece of shit game right now?

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I still wait for responses to my support ticktets. I wrote to BIS, Peter Games and DayZ-Devs. Not a single answer yet. :huh:

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Hi guys!

I have to same CD key in use issue. I have got the dvd version of the Arma 2 and OA, bought it in Hungary. What can I do?

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Hey Cika, just write support tickets to BIS and maybe the Dev-Team and wait for their answer. Seems to be pretty hopeless.

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Hey Cika, just write support tickets to BIS and maybe the Dev-Team and wait for their answer. Seems to be pretty hopeless.

in progress :D

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Ok ich glaube der neue Key funktioniert ;) ! Fast schon 3 Tage vergangen und immer noch kein Problem ;) !

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Got a realy fast reply from Peter Games, seems like they ve a top notch support. I will get a new key soon.

If you have Arma X , dont forget to tell them so, because normal Arma:OA keys will not work with Arma X since PMC+BAF is included there.

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Peter Games...... Beginning to see a pattern here.

Looks like these guys may have sold the same Key more then once which is why they are giving out new ones so easily.

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I got a new key by peter-games-support. Will give it a try when I am back home.

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Then you should contact steam support and bohemia. Hopefully steam will replace your key.

Edited by whet

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ok im gonna contact and post what they ill say

Edited by Ale0509

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I wonder when we get an offical word, this problem affects more and more players....

When u add the unreported cases and players that dont know about it yet or think its a bug this is getting serious. Not to mention that keys can be banned cos of this if the "key thief" uses hacks.

Edited by whet

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English: only to save the char on a cd-key isnt rly save.. better we have the chance to save a cd-key on a account with them we loggin to dayz. sry for my bad eng.

German: Nur den Char auf dem CD-Key zu Speichern ist auch lächerlich. Viel besser man könnte sein CD-Key mit einem Account verschmelzen und man müsste sich damit Anmelden im Spiel.

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Dunno where you guys come from but in germany u can restore almost everything within two weeks also games.i did this Years ago with UT2004.

Edit: if you use steam, just close steam and restart as administrtor, should help.

Edited by leckarsch

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Not to mention that keys can be banned cos of this if the "key thief" uses hacks.

Seems something like this happends to me yesterday.

And i didn't even could play the game.

I restore the version today and got a new one from media markt, will have a look now it is the same for my ArmA X as it is for the players in this thread.

If this affects only the german version, this is really strange and should be fixed immediately.

Fu, only once a year i buy a game and then this happends -.-

Edited by Apfelsator

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Having the same problem since yesterday, can't connect either.

CD Key in use!

When i make it into the game my gear and my position is totally different.

EDIT: my Character is dead! After 22 days alive! Everything is gone. So, after dieing from bugs and hackers, now other ppl are playing and killing my char, this game keeps getting better and better!


Edited by Shruu

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