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Servers with no PVP, for those to kill just Z's

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Is it possible to have non-player vs player servers designated for those of us who want to unite against the Z's instead of just killing each other for cans of beans?

Maybe these already exist and I can't find one?

I understand that there are several online games of this type that do that.

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Is it possible to have people use the search bar?!?!?!?

Probably not...

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Sorry, I am really new to this game....

What search bar and what search terms should I use?

I try to be helpful and not just sarcastic.

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It's already been said that this WON'T HAPPEN. Carebears belong on a MLP game, not DayZ. The games is unforgiving, lets keep it that way.

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That sounds really boring but I would never tell people how to play or what is fun for them. There are tutorials on how to set up a LAN server for dayz but I honestly dont know if its against the rules. I know for a fact that you wouldnt be connected to hive.

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I honestly don't see how just running around killing zombies is fun. Even though I don't run around killing as many people as I can just being able to make that choice of letting them live or not is exciting enough for me. If you don't want pvp and only want to kill zombies maybe you should move to a different game like left 4 dead or some shit.

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I just looked at my Six updater and there is no search bar, what are you talking about?

I'll certainly keep playing the game, it's the only one I've found that I'm remotely interested in, just making suggestions.

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If there are any servers with no pvp, it would have to be private servers.

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This would be solved if griefers could not kill unarmed players.

Once again, unarmed means no hatchets or weapons of any kind on your body. This way the attacker couldn't be harmed either for the attempt.

The game could be programmed to just not have the unarmed guy die. Easy squeezy...

What kind of coward kills someone who can't fight back?

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I just looked at my Six updater and there is no search bar, what are you talking about?

I'll certainly keep playing the game, it's the only one I've found that I'm remotely interested in, just making suggestions.

Using search refers to these forums, where you created this post.

You neglected to search here to see if someone else had posted a similar question or suggestion. The equivalent of farting at the dinner table and not excusing oneself since 1995.

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In many countries,, the fart is a sign of great respect for the cuisine.

That's OK, I'll just stop posting and leave this forum for those people that have nothing better to do all day than play this game and become super experts at it.

God forbid anyone makes a suggestion or repeats a post without searching.

The forum police should come and take my computer and make me sit in the corner.

Maybe you guys can add "I am an expert at DayZ" to your resume and move out of you parents basement and get a job that doesn't require flipping burgers or selling stuff at Best Buy.

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I don't see why you are getting mad? You made a thread in the suggestion area that has been seen many times and people are basically telling you research a little bit. Probably shouldn't post here anymore if you cant take criticism.

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Non PvP DayZ server would be the server hoppers and Alt+F4s paradise ^_^

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Im sorry but this is a really bad idea to many people would go here get LOADED on all the BEST stuff and then hop to a different world and destroy everyone

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Can't we separate the servers and you lose your loot if you go back and forth? I thought you genius programmers could do anything.

Those who like the PVP can stay, others can go to PVE. Or maybe something like the recruit servers. Some sort of practice area. It's always a better business idea to give the customer more choices. I would buy a commercial version of the game faster if it had this option.

Just sick of the sniper rifle types that just shoot because they can.

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Just sick of the sniper rifle types that just shoot because they can.

How do you KNOW the intents of your killer? I really would love to know. To me this is just coping with death "i did nothing wrong, he was an asshole, my death isn't on me". It's always on you if you are seen. Learn how not to be seen. This is a military sim with plenty of visual cover everywhere, you can remain mostly invisible should you want to, but most players are too lazy "want to play quick" to do so.

That sounds really boring but I would never tell people how to play or what is fun for them. There are tutorials on how to set up a LAN server for dayz but I honestly dont know if its against the rules. I know for a fact that you wouldnt be connected to hive.

It is against the rules and probably as illegal as pirated software, the server files hasn't been released publicly (there is no dayZ mission on armaholic for example) and is only distributed to server operators.

Running a local hive doesn't change a thing, it only prevent rocket from banning your ass from the hive, it's still shaky from a legal standpoint as dayZ remain his intelectual property. Unconnected DayZ servers are ran by scumbags that consider that if they can get their hands on the server files and figure a way to run it on it's own, it now belong to them.

You need to accept the server ToS to get your hands on the server files.

Edited by Lady Kyrah

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You should read the pinned tread READ THIS FIRST,

"IF your suggestion or reply is about PVP/PVE it has probably been beaten to death already. Again, use the search function."

Well yeah I don't know why people still keep posting such retarded suggestions, dayz without pvp is not dayz if that's what you want go play l4d or some MMO game that hold your hand and give out free loot.

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DayZ was designed to be impossibly cruel, dark, and brutal. It was not designed as a game it was more of an experiment, I prefer the term "anti-game" - in other words the mechanics are not designed to be balanced, or offer a way out for different situations. These are things game designers normally take care with.

I discussed this with the our team members at great length of many arguments, the idea behind safe zones. The eventual consensus was that it went against the ethos of the project. This whole concept, and the reason it "works", is that there IS no safe zone (unless you make it). Your actions have real and brutal consequences. There are no game designed safety nets.

It is the kind of system/environment that will sometimes make you want to punch the computer screen. But with that kind of risk, comes great emotional reward when you carry something off. The sniper you describe - there are people like this in the world, and in the breakdown of order I can bet that there would be people who would sit on a roof and shoot people "just for the lulz".

The system makes no judgement on player actions, and this is one of the only real rules that was adopted for the development. While consequences may occur for a particular action (e.g. humanity loss), no judgement is implied or placed on that behavior. Beyond hacks, and misuse of exploits, regulating player behavior is not a scope of this project. If players, themselves, wish to group together and attempt to regulate the behavior. Well, that's entirely up to you.

This kind of activity is not for everyone. It really is more of a social experiment than a game. There is no intention to change that, if you dislike the PVP, then I would recommend playing Dynamic Zombie Sandbox or Celery's excellent Chernaus Apocalypse - there is no point in these being recreated through this mod.

Why make something that has already been done?

Just because I did not script rules, doesn't stop anyone from making their own in game.

Are people so used to games shoving rules, tasks, stories down their throats that they can't handle it when something doesn't? Or would you like a world where the players actually get to do this? Not a structured and controlled environment that is "dressed up" as post-apocalyptic?

I hear what everyone is saying, and yes - its cruel and unsporting when you get killed 10 seconds into the game. But that's what this is, it is brutal, it is cruel. This is not fair. Maybe you will hate this game. Maybe you already do. It is an unforgiving environment with no structure. It is up to you to decide what to do next.

I would rather let the project die (and maybe it will, I accept that) than take over the role of establishing rules and punishments and structure. Instead I am going to work on the world's framework. It is up to the inhabitants of that world, you guys, to decide what kind of world you want it to be.

Is this actually possible? Fuck knows. But I really want to find out, and I've got nothing at all to loose. And to be honest, neither have you because you haven't paid me a cent and I haven't been paid a single cent for any of this.

So here's the challenge - just take a moment and think about what you are asking me for, with alot of these requests. Balancing, structure, rules, protection. These are what the game industry has shoved in your face for the last twenty years. Even the game industry itself can't escape it. EVE-Online tried briefly but caved in. Why? Money. They needed subscribers.

I don't.

This is going all the way, to whatever end that is.

Edited by zq7

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Who is Rocket? I presume a designer? Anyway, I give up. I'll play an hour or two a week when I have time from the real world's demands and just keep getting killed the minute I enter a barn that some schmoe is guarding as his personal property.

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Who is Rocket? I presume a designer? Anyway, I give up. I'll play an hour or two a week when I have time from the real world's demands and just keep getting killed the minute I enter a barn that some schmoe is guarding as his personal property.

Rocket is the guy who is making this mod, yes.

As for that shmoe, well private property in dayZ is sort of enforced at gunpoint.

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