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Dayz weapon review series

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About to film for my weapons familiarization and review series that i do on you tube, is there any particular weapon that people would want me to cover? Bare in mind all weapon videos are shot within the dayz world.

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l85a2 aws

that can be done but not tonight, squirrel is unavailable to play tonight and hes has it on his body! i will sort that one out another time, any other suggestions

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All of them?

Not much of a review if you pick just a couple weapons and that's ignoring the fact there will be tons of OMG why didn't you review this? that? etc?.

If you're going to bother doing something, bother to do it correctly imo.

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All of them?

Not much of a review if you pick just a couple weapons and that's ignoring the fact there will be tons of OMG why didn't you review this? that? etc?.

If you're going to bother doing something, bother to do it correctly imo.

I was just asking if anyone wanted to see a particular weapon. my plan for the series is to review them all over time, i have a lot of guns at the moment and was only taking suggestions

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AKS-74 Kobra





Edited by Dickhat

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Bare in mind all weapon videos are shot within the dayz world.



I would go for a simple weapon such as a Makarov, then start from there.

Edited by Sticker704

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im mostly curious to compare noise level vs stopping power vs Zeds. (dont care about PK results, as i dont PK)

im using a Lee Enfield but holy crap it brings the Z's a running, hahah

not real interested in having the best guns in the game, just somethign that perhaps isnt like a bomb gonig off when fired.

Edited by Siberian

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Ammo and where to find the guns (usually) would be helpful.

And make sure you eventually do something on the crowbar, that would just be fun.

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I would like you to review the CZ550 sniper rifle. It is the most common and "weakest" one in DayZ.

However people are seriously underestimating that rifle. It has an effective range of 800m. You can precisely snipe wit it at 700m and still get one shot kill if you hit the head or upper torso around neck and shoulders. 700m is a HUUUUUUGE distance in DayZ. It means you are out of danger, and they die before they hear the shot. I used to destroy other snipers that had AS50's and M107's with my CZ.

Only - point is you need range finders because it doesn't have mil-dots to calculate range. But if you play in a regular server this ain't a problem since you can mouse scroll down to see the range, then precisely do headshots :)

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im mostly curious to compare noise level vs stopping power vs Zeds. (dont care about PK results, as i dont PK)

im using a Lee Enfield but holy crap it brings the Z's a running, hahah

not real interested in having the best guns in the game, just somethign that perhaps isnt like a bomb gonig off when fired.

http://dayzdb.com/da...apon-comparison if fantastic for that sort of thing. The Lee is a very loud gun.

As for the rest of the thread, I'd like to see the PDW personally. Or maybe the AKM.

Edited by amaROenuZ

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I would like a sound comparison of each weapon please.

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Separate your video into two parts:

Effectiveness against zombies and the second part for humans. If needed, have a third part for stopping vehicles, if that weapon is particularly well-known for blowing up cars.

Stuff you should talk about in the vid:

Gun's range(as in when damage or bullet's accuracy starts to decrease, and when the bullet disappears altogether)

# of hits needed to kill a zombie and human

How much blood is lost per bullet shot

Zeroing capabilities if applicable


Recoil, and thus, recoil controlling methods(tap fire, burst fire how many shots and how frequently to burst, full auto, etc.), which includes a lot more than just going prone or crouching.

Scope zoom(x1.5? x4? x8?)

Aesthetics(i.e. Iron sight, how sexy the gun looks, etc.)

Rate of fire(RPM, or time it takes to empty a mag is also acceptable, since you can calculate time needed to shoot each bullet after the last from that number)


Ammo synergy(i.e. Ak rounds can be shared with other teammates that use an Ak that isn't the AKM), combination(Double Barrel), splitting(R870, M1014), or versatility(Think PDW's ability to use 6 different mag types)

Crosshair spread, crosshair recovery time(How long it takes for crosshairs to settle back into the original position)

Usefulness/plausability, when is it proper to use this gun, and how versatile is it in different situations.

Edited by Haizakokaru

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Like other people in this thread have written, I would like a sound distance comparison of all weapons. :) (for players, not Zed aggro distance)

Looking forward to your videos!

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