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{PAF} suspected hacking - US 1543

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I don't often post threads of this nature, but unfortunately sometimes it is necessary due to the problems myself and other players within the group I play with have experienced playing on US 1543.

The first problems were nothing too serious, a bit of combat logging and some ghosting but nothing unexpected. Our group found a few vehicles and as such we started to frequent the server more often. It's been fine for a few days and we had had no problems with them until today.

One of our group discovered their base, within which 2 of their tagged members {PAF} BoomPow and {PAF} Foxtrot, as well as another untagged player named Matthew. At first they were firing off shots at will, seemingly random which seems a bit unusual as ammo for the particular weapon, an M240 (I believe) is not a particularly easily obtainable item in large quantities.

After a few minutes of this random firing Matthew was killed, although the three of them within the group had been running around. Our friend who had been maintaining over-watch on their base then found a player right next to him and subsequently was killed.

This is where things got really interesting; I met up with a friend who had his motorbike that we were going to go north with, upon getting on to the motorbike a black SUV teleported in front of us with both Matthew and {PAF} BoomPow inside it (PMC addon SUV), seeing this I immediately opened fire on the two of them within the vehicle - Matthew was killed although even after 8-9 shots {PAF} BoomPow was still alive and had time to take his M240 out and kill both myself and the player I was with.

By no means am I clearly stating that {PAF} are a clan of hackers, although an explanation from a {PAF} member would be nice to clarify this situation.

EDIT: After respawning, we were greeted by the welcome sight of a UH-1H over Elektro, which proceeded to mow down any, and everything with little care for ammunition consumption. They landed, carefree, in the middle of the town and a member unloaded who then killed me, you'd think that one would take a little more care of a helicopter in-game. Not the best behaviour from a clan.

Edited by Aftershok
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Hello. This is The clan leader. I can assure you that we are not a group of hackers. We have had a lot of issues with other people hacking on our server and you are not the only one who experienced this. However, 1. we work in a group and we get things done. Yes we have a camp. And yes we have a chopper. Choppers are back on the loot list and it is legitimate. We do not have an SUV though and the teleporting had to be a desync issue. Not sure what you seen or if you are trying to make your story seem the most "hacker" like. Boompow is the owner of the server, And doesnt know how to even work it himself sad to say. So i can assure you he is not cheating. And for our behavior, yes we may get careless at times. We are here to have fun, not treat this game like its real life. So i do apoligize for everything and i will disscuss these events with my clan. Thank you for your feedback.


Leader of {PAF}

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The server logs would prove otherwise.

BoomPow teleported in front of us with a hacked-in SUV, i can guarantee you it was not a desync issue and I insist you examine the server logs, considering we are not the only group who have had issues with BoomPow you should have a closer look at his activity.

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The server logs would prove otherwise.

BoomPow teleported in front of us with a hacked-in SUV, i can guarantee you it was not a desync issue and I insist you examine the server logs, considering we are not the only group who have had issues with BoomPow you should have a closer look at his activity.

I will look over them in a few. i will report them to you as soon as i can. if he is hacking, he will be kicked immediately

Edited by Tiger140

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Boompow has been kicked. Found out he was hacking. thank you for your feedback

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Boompow has been kicked. Found out he was hacking. thank you for your feedback

Hello. This is The clan leader. I can assure you that we are not a group of hackers. We have had a lot of issues with other people hacking on our server and you are not the only one who experienced this. However, 1. we work in a group and we get things done. Yes we have a camp. And yes we have a chopper. Choppers are back on the loot list and it is legitimate. We do not have an SUV though and the teleporting had to be a desync issue. Not sure what you seen or if you are trying to make your story seem the most "hacker" like. Boompow is the owner of the server, And doesnt know how to even work it himself sad to say. So i can assure you he is not cheating. And for our behavior, yes we may get careless at times. We are here to have fun, not treat this game like its real life. So i do apoligize for everything and i will disscuss these events with my clan. Thank you for your feedback.


Leader of {PAF}

Desync Issue? Have you never been the victim of a hacker while you lay down watching over NWAF or NEAF with your AS50 missing 4/5 shots on a non-moving target?

Edited by Flex Plexico

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Yep we already did him in on our servers:

16:04:10 BattlEye Server: Player #6 iRIDEdicks ( connected

16:04:10 Player iRIDEdicks kicked off by BattlEye: Banned (banned bitch! )

17:56:11 BattlEye Server: Player #27 smokeDEMtreeeees ( connected

17:56:11 Player smokeDEMtreeeees kicked off by BattlEye: Banned (banned bitch! )

22:24:52 {PAF} BoomPow uses modified data file

22:24:52 Player {PAF} BoomPow connecting.

22:24:53 Player {PAF} BoomPow connected (id=60997830).

22:24:53 BattlEye Server: Player #8 {PAF} BoomPow ( connected

22:24:53 BattlEye Server: Player #8 {PAF} BoomPow - GUID: 135f653eb5b28fbd7603467248dcfcde (unverified)

22:24:53 BattlEye Server: Verified GUID (135f653eb5b28fbd7603467248dcfcde) of player #8 {PAF} BoomPow

Known GUID:


16:35:05 BattlEye Server: Verified GUID (27eafbb04fd7c9e9402a4ffb49cbce9b) of player #34 {PAF} BoomPow

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