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TiiX (DayZ)

Direct Communication

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Does the direct communication actually work? I've seen from some players that they can talk but not write or vice versa.

It hasn't worked for me this far.

I'm able to talk in side channel but people get angry for that and obviously direct comm is alot better for talking to people nearby.

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At this point, it changes. Some people have it working, and in another game the next day it is broken. NEVER EVER talk in Side Channel or Global. Nobody cares about what you have to say when you are several miles away.

Just use TS or another program if playing with friends, else use sit/salute to indicate your intentions and group up through Steam voicecall!

Not the best solution, but we're just waiting for the new Arma II patch, as it is NOT a DayZ issue.

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At this point' date=' it changes. Some people have it working, and in another game the next day it is broken. NEVER EVER talk in Side Channel or Global. Nobody cares about what you have to say when you are several miles away.

Just use TS or another program if playing with friends, else use sit/salute to indicate your intentions and group up through Steam voicecall!

Not the best solution, but we're just waiting for the new Arma II patch, as it is NOT a DayZ issue.


Alright, thanks for the fast answer!

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I believe that the latest ArmA2/CO beta build has fixed this.

I have not tried myself so...

What I can tell you is that installing the beta will not stop you from playing on official 1.6 servers.

Be aware that there might be instalation differences between Steam and retail versions of the game.

Try it.

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Direct Comm is broken until the next Arma II update.

Beta patches are backwards compatible but people can only hear you if they installed the beta patch too.

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but why did you disable global and side chat then, if you knew that direct comm is broken? i can really understand that disabling those channels is adding realism to the game, which is cool, but since many people are just unable to communicate now you could have waited till the issue is resolved.

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but why did you disable global and side chat then, if you knew that direct comm is broken? i can really understand that disabling those channels is adding realism to the game, which is cool, but since many people are just unable to communicate now you could have waited till the issue is resolved.

That was the ARMA II patch that did that.

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