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mad rabbit (DayZ)

'Save Old Camping Tent' action not being removed

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Date/Time: 23 to 24/05/12

What happened: 'Save Old Camping Tent' action does not disappear from action menu once used and very much out of proximity of tent

Where you were: Various locations on 3 different servers

What you were doing: Saving currently deployed tents

*Current installed version:

*Server(s) you were on: ANZ2, US Hardcore 2, and FI1

*Your system specs: Clevo P150HMB Laptop

*Timeline of events before/after error: Normal play. Happens after short/long play duration on a server.

- Occurs on newly deployed tents and previously deployed tents

- Tent contents appear to be saving correctly though

- Started occuring after version

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Date/Time: 23 to 24/05/12

What happened: 'Save Old Camping Tent' action does not disappear from action menu once used and very much out of proximity of tent

Where you were: Various locations on 3 different servers

What you were doing: Saving currently deployed tents

*Current installed version:

*Server(s) you were on: ANZ2' date=' US Hardcore 2, and FI1

[b']*Your system specs: Clevo P150HMB Laptop

*Timeline of events before/after error: Normal play. Happens after short/long play duration on a server.

- Occurs on newly deployed tents and previously deployed tents

- Tent contents appear to be saving correctly though

- Started occuring after version

There are several topics that have been posted about this bug already, it doesn't only effect tents, it does it with barb wire, sand bags, vehicles, and probably a few others. ATM a friend and I are slightly unhappy (although the game is in alpha so cant really complain) but we have a car missing only 2 tires fueled and ready to go but we cant finish it because of this bug. I sincerely hope that someone who isnt experiencing this bug doesn't stroll along and finish the car we've worked so hard to complete. We can only hope for a quick hotfix :D

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Update #1:

My tents are gone on the 'ANZ2' and 'US HC 2' servers! :-(

Seemed to coincide with multiple server resets and release of 93121 beta release.

Redployed new tent on ANZ2. This action bug is no longer occurring i.e. action removed properly once out of proximity of tent.

Update #2:

-Disappears when you change servers.

-Appeared randomly whilst walking through forest ~30mins after deploying tent.

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As an added note to this report, which I can confirm as well:

Once you have this, some item interactions seem limited.

For example, I can usually use fireplace, pick up flares and chemlight. However, as soon as I have this interaction issue with "save tent" appearing non stop, I am unable to interact with these other elements.

A relog will usually fix it, if you are far from a tent.

Seemed to coincide with multiple server resets and release of 93121 beta release.

Seems likely since the tents I placed where during that time period (new dayz patch, lots of server resets, and new beta patch). I have yet to find another tent and for some reason I cannot pack the tents I placed during that time, so I cannot test further yet.

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'Save Old Camping Tent' action not being removed

Date/Time: 23 to 24/05/12

What happened: 'Save Old Camping Tent' action does not disappear from action menu once used and very much out of proximity of tent, Indeed, this new patch crash the dayz ... ie when you scroll the mouse on any object, eg tent (on the screen is safe old trend) helicopter (Safe hell), Car Safe pickp, or whether it crash the hud and tb is not working anymore the option of repairing same ...

Where you were: Various locations on 3 different servers

What you were doing: Saving currently deployed tents and repair vehicles

*Current installed version:

*Server(s) you were on: BR Dayz

*Your system specs: Pentiun i7, 4gb ram, nvidia gforce gtx 480 , 1000w

*Timeline of events before/after error: Normal play. Happens after short/long play duration on a server.

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This also causes that you cant Cook meat if you have opened gear from tent.

Abort to lobby and login back will fix temporary.

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