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el mariachi

User squads and side tasks.

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It is really hard coming up with suggestions for this game. Not because I don't have any. When I think of them, it could make the game lame.

So, with that in mind, here are some of those suggestions anyway- with a lot of dumb questions!

1. Can you enable the ability to join squads?

There are scripts out there that I've used for missions that would allow people to form their own squads. Can we be allowed to do this?

I understand this is a survival horror thing. Perhaps you don't want too many people teaming up all the time, but some people are going to do this outside of the game anyway. I think it would help grouped survivors (and encourage cooperation) if groups could be made.

2. Can we have side tasks/missions?

It would be nice to have some clear cut goals every now and then. Something specific and out of the ordinary. Maybe give some sort of award for it.

I know it would be probably be difficult to implement, and you'd have to find a way so it isn't abusable.

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Squads would be really nice, and would make it easier to group up with friends, or just strangers that aren't bound on blowing your head off for you empty tin cans. It would make it more organized in such in my opinion, and is a great suggestion! :)

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Let me start by saying this sir no idea is to small or dumb OK if u have one please post them.

OK now for ur post yes this can be easy done with group as its part of arma u get to chat in game too.

Now for missions that can be hard however the spec tops mode can be placed in and player can chose to do them or not.

Hope this helped u.

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