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About falcos

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    The Survivalist

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    Hey Am Falcos jervil you been reading my profile I take it? hope it has help you find out about myself and the history be hind my gaming life. game are my passion and all time joy they take us to places no one ells can go I aim to keep playing games for as long as I can I also hope to make my own some day.

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  1. falcos

    Q&A with Map Designer Adam Franců

    I am not sure if this has been asked or is ever going to be addressed but in the early days of the project and the map was being done there was talk about Utes being added as part of the lower map out at sea and player could go there. Is this sill on the table to be added in or have we gone pass the point where it can not be added? Am a fan of it being added if possible but i'd settle for any news about it.
  2. falcos

    Dayz video Copyright info

    As stated I've since found out More info into this I was Wrong In making this Post and wish u all well.
  3. falcos

    Dayz video Copyright info

    Right I called the studio turns out this is true and they did i've been on the phone with them and thinking of doing it myself. Soooo I guess am Sorry to them and good job on there video hope they do well. as SmashT posted is legit if other wish to know how they did this all the info is on http://pro.bistudio..../motion-capture
  4. falcos

    Dayz video Copyright info

    Fair play then Just hate seeing people try to rip off dayz by saying its theirs when its not as for the video and the idea its brill and hope they do good just wanted to know thanks.
  5. falcos

    Dayz video Copyright info

    thats just it I dont I know dayz where doing this and that why I think its stolen from dayz but if this dose turn out to be real then well done to them. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TEKBkfH-Veg
  6. falcos

    Dayz video Copyright info

    am not saying fake or anything like that am just wanting to know if anyone has info on if they stole this video and claim it as their own? I know there are number of life mods out there I work for one of the bigest cityliferpg.com as a admin am just wanting to know if this video was a dayz dev and they saying its theres or can any one pay bis to use there tec.
  7. falcos

    Dayz video Copyright info

    Yeerr am not sure as to what to call this topic?
  8. I found a video that looks very much like the Dayz one that rocket showed however its from this Community that say they paid bis to use the tools and studio can anyone help me prove this is genuine or is this a video they have taken from dayz http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=BRG_y4GKz5I
  9. falcos

    Which T-Shirt design would you buy?

    Id say one and two but only sell number one for a short time to make it like a limited edition kind of thing. number two all they way tho.
  10. falcos

    Please change the forum colours...

    I have to say am dyslexic and i do find it hard to read at time but a lot of work has gone into the site when they get more time and am sure cash wise they maybe able to change this as i know all to well how much this can cost not just cash wise but time as well. so guess am saying let them work on core iusse and they will improve the over all dayz community and site when they get time.
  11. falcos

    Hunger while offline?

    hahahah well that nice to know i can go on hoilday for a week not think hmm is he dead yet hahah ill have to find a nice pink gun to go with the kitty bag.
  12. ok i understand that your gut still get hungry while offline yes. but what will happen to my guy say if i go away for a week? will he die and i lose all my stats? cos if so that is too harsh far to harsh. you can find my stats on the board name is Dr.Falcos and iv been playing for ages and not died or gotten killed as well as my kills and good deeds for new poeple I just like to know as am going away from the 11may for a week just dont want to lose my good sats.
  13. falcos

    Day Z 1.5.2: Give me your answer do

    ah this makes more sense now that you put it in this way as your a one man band then. fair play to you. time must be one of the hard things to find when people keep shutting they want stuff i was under the impression that this was a much larger team such like the one at CityLife now that i see your the one who has to do all this on your own much respect to you sir.
  14. falcos

    Day Z 1.5.2: Give me your answer do

    Rocket Sounds nuts but when you do get time can you make a post of the team who are working the mod as I find scripts that are done by a few guy who i think are part of your team? Such as people keep asking for Holster stuff and the CLY holster is done by celery who i think is a team dev member. would help players who post ideas when researching stuff to bring to you guys and say one of your devs made this would it be able to be put in game?
  15. falcos

    Day Z 1.5.2: Give me your answer do

    you maybe right on that there as i know that ArMaTec has a driffreant type of code and way hes scripts is nuts but they are two completely diffreant games. I got an email from your team saying We're not looking to rip scripts/models/work from other projects in the ArmA community. Thank you for your concern anyway but if we want something we'll develop it ourself in order to work best with the system. Sam Maunder - Marketing Director and I total understand this as a dev you want to make something unique and done in house not taken from other places however maybe there should be a post in here saying a guide line of what your team is after and what there not this may help new player to the game who post alot of good ideas but not able to be done or you not taking that set route.