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Killed a guy and he ALT+F4s = ???

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Just killed a guy wearing a ghillie suit within 50m. He didn't know I was there till I opened fire and killed him. Apparently he tried ALT+F4ing while I was killing him and now his body magically disappears but I hear flies around his dead body area.

What the heck?

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Search function, happens to all of us all the time.

Edited by Hakultair
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He's dead. Congratulations you shot faster than his alt+f4.

Me personally, I would be happy.

But you wanted his gear didnt you? awe sorry its gone.

and this:

Search function, happens to all of us all the time.

Edited by core.-

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Yea thats a problem. If you kill him and he alt f4s his body dissapears. Happend 2 me alot of times.

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Yea thats a problem. If you kill him and he alt f4s his body dissapears. Happend 2 me alot of times.

Oh so that's how it works. Thanks for the info mate!

Yeah he had an AS50 and everything and I was stalking him for like 15mins or so. Bummer!

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Yea thats a problem. If you kill him and he alt f4s his body dissapears. Happend 2 me alot of times.

Not entirely true. If the other party disconnects after dying, from the you are dead screen, there is still a pretty good chance of the body disappearing... And even a small chance he will reconnect in fine shape elsewhere.

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He's dead. Congratulations you shot faster than his alt+f4.

Me personally, I would be happy.

But you wanted his gear didnt you? awe sorry its gone.

and this:

Haha gear's fine. I'm content with my L85A2 & AS50 combo. Feels good to have killed a cheater though!

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Not entirely true. If the other party disconnects after dying, from the you are dead screen, there is still a pretty good chance of the body disappearing... And even a small chance he will reconnect in fine shape elsewhere.

I hope that doesn't happen.


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