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joppus (DayZ)

Chance of multiple items of same type spawning in the same building?

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The other night when I was playing, I first came across this house which had like 10 (!?) crowbars in it, and the next thing I entered this supermarket, which contained like 7 Czech Packpacks. I mean, whats the probability of that happening? Thought the item spawn was supposed to be a little more random?

Anyone else came across this kind of weirdness? :o

Edited by joppus

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Usually this is -not- your spawned loot.

Crowbars hatchets and czech packs arent exactly top tier items now are they? Meaning that a person leaves them behind and takes all the good stuff. New person comes along finds the old loot + any new loot that might have spawned on empty loot spawns. Takes all the good stuff again...

Imagine this happens 100 times in the life of a building before a server restart. What do you think will end up in the building before the server restart? :D

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Usually this is -not- your spawned loot.

Crowbars hatchets and czech packs arent exactly top tier items now are they? Meaning that a person leaves them behind and takes all the good stuff. New person comes along finds the old loot + any new loot that might have spawned on empty loot spawns. Takes all the good stuff again...

Imagine this happens 100 times in the life of a building before a server restart. What do you think will end up in the building before the server restart? :D

Haha yeah I know, just got confused when I didnt find any loot except crowbars and backpacks haha, very useful indeed..

Kinda fun tho, maybe you could start an medieval army of axe-warriors.. :thumbsup:

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Two Ghillie suits in one building?

6 nightvisions at a helo crash site?

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6 nightvisions at a helo crash site?

Never seen that happening, but yes, I got two ghillie suits just in one building down in cherno... and yesterday in stary sobor, I found in one building one ghilie and one camo suit

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6 nightvisions at a helo crash site?

Wow thats awesome haha, found my first NV at a crash site yesterday, so time for some nightops now B)

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In what type of buildings do you usually find ghillie suits etc?

Edited by joppus

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Joppus: Found two ghillie suits in the residential building, which looks like restaurant/pub in Cherno, close to church. then another one found in one of the residential buildings in Novy Sobor

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Searching the mart, big house, smaller house and school in Electro (the ones all close to each other) I found in sum 11 crowbars. It's bound to happen at some point, and as core mentioned they are definitely low on the totem pole.

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