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Interesting idea: Civilized towns

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Many of you are aware of the fact that currently the game has only one end game, killing other players for no damn good reason.

All this could change if friendly players band together and form trade hubs where water, food and protection can be mutually provided.


-groups of 20-30 experienced players with good gear could form these settlements

-at least 2-3 players would be online at all times to protect the merchandise

-Players who enter said settlements with their guns drawn are incapacitated for security


-All manners of items could be traded here, food, weapons and medicine

-Many paid services could be set up, armed protection, transportation..etc

-A shelter from bandits


-To add new social goals to the game, these are endless and add even more depth to the game

-To provide shelter for new players

-Combat bandits, instead of having to venture into bandit infested towns, players could trade and buy what they need to protect themselves

Fun things this could lead to:

-Factions wars

-Become rich

-Combat bandits, instead of having to venture into bandit infested towns, players could trade and buy what they need to protect themselves

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Do you remember the interview in which rocket was talking about underground bases? This seems fairly similar in a way.

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I am afraid it is a Utopia. The rules would be uninforcable and the stash would draw many snipers who can kill perfectly fine without being inside the town.

That is, unless you suggest adding arbitrarty and unrealistic mechanics.

Edited by ServiceStud

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Its a good idea, but you would need enough people willing to do it, all the time, and it would eventually attract bandits to your trading hub. But I think it is a good idea.

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What's stopping you and 19-29 other players from attempting that now? Good luck with that. :)

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Friends of mine and I have tried it, we camped around some barns and offered to trade.

Most people who saw us just opened fire without replying, I think we just need more people

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What's stopping you and 19-29 other players from attempting that now?

Unrealistic, cheap and highly annoying zombie respawns.

You should be able to completely cleanse an area from zombies and hold it.

Zombies should only spawn there after you leave the area.

They could however try and attack the area from outside.

Edited by serioussam909

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No mechanic should be introduced like this. Try yourself fine, but even if you had so many players committed enough, every one will be betting sniped in or approaching this 'safe haven.'

Also, can somone link me where Rocket said he would add factions. Because I sure as hope he doesn't.

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Also other players should not be able to spawn in faction controlled areas (because that too is cheap and unrealistic).

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