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Spawn on Friends

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Ok after skimming the forums I didn't see anything that quite fit this bill, but reading others know I'm probably going to get flamed for this, however I want to put my 2cents in on what could make this a better game at least in terms of co-op.

Heres the thing I love the game so far as its come along, but my biggest gripe is that you wind up having to waste so much time trying to locate a friend or group of friends. I don't know about most people who play, but I know when I get on I only have a few hours to play every so often during the week. When I play Day-z I play it because I like the zombie horror survival mmo style play, however I tend to play mp games with friends and would like to be able to play the actual game with them not hide and go seek. So my idea is to allow when joining in on a server with a friend (assuming it can accutally be done) that you be able to spawn on them. This would allow friends to jump in game and be able to start playing together and not waste precious time trying to find each other (and potentionally die by zombie or bandit whilst running to each others location). Also if a player dies if we could be able to revive them, or again after death be able to spawn on friends location (with normal spawn equip no change in that regard).

This would be all in the sake of making the game somewhat more accessible for friends to play together and allow friends to also be able to play solo with out fear of when we do get online together to play having to waste time finding each other. I mean I've tried to get a few friends that play arma and love zombie games and love concept of Dayz but because of having to sit there and spend time hunting for each other vs raiding and gearing up and surviving. They especially got turned off (which it does me as well) die and have to repeat the whole (potentially) 30min running just to re-group and start all over (bad enough we already lost everything which I like adds consequences and makes most people think before just going rambo or doing dumb stuff).

Basically if it could be made just a little bit more accessible for group play (considering theres no way to form a squad or survival group so its clear who it is running towards you) I think this game would soar even higher as I personally don't feel it would detract to much from the difficulty/realism of the game enough to break it but instead allow groups of friends a better time playing the game together as well as solo with out worry of the hide and seek game.

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This has been suggested many times over.

It will never happen.

learn the spawns. Learn the routes to get to a meet up area.

^ this.

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Sounds horrible. This would basically give you the ability to teleport all over the map to your friends, lol.

Say you're looting the NW airfield, have your friend go to a different airfield then all join him and loot their while another person makes their way to the next point of interest and you all teleport to him when you're done, and so on...

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Rocket said he might add some sort of spawn grouping thing. So pretty much you make a party with your friends and you all spawn togeather. But being able to spawn on your friend is bullshit. Say you're raiding someone's camp. You snipe everyone except 1 guy, before you manage to locate him the rest of his teamates have spawned on him, grabbed a few guns and are now shooting back at you.. Great fucking idea you have, I'm sure the rest of the community would love this.

This is not Battlefield, and learn to use the search funtion. "your" ideas have already been posted countless times.

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This is not Battlefield, and learn to use the search funtion. "your" ideas have already been posted countless times.

Something like this should be pop-up when you enter the suggestion section of the forum.. or when you try to start new topic.

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