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Do you ever go back south after you get well-geared and why?

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To pick up friends that just started to play/died.

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Any type of player interaction really requires this. Also it seems to me loot spawns are better in the coastal main towns than most other places, especially non-military.

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Some do too kill players

To kill new players.

"Yes, cause I'm an asshole."

I usually pick up friends there, and kill assholes.

Edited by EnermaX
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big industrial spawn points

all except for the factory are on the coast

Edited by Buffjesus

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"Yes, cause I'm an asshole."

I usually pick up friends there, and kill assholes.

It's so fun to stalk newbies, Shoot them once or twice with a silenced weapon then proceed to chase them down with a hatchet while screaming at them with VOIP.

Good times.

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The only time I head back near the South coast is if someone in my group needs to be picked up after a respawn, or if we need parts to repair a vehicle. Why? Because I'm not the 'sit in tower @ Cherno/Elektro and snipe noobs' type.

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To pick up friends that just started to play/died.

Same here. Making it back down to the coast is kind of a fun journey, especially when there's a friend starving in a church in Cherno.

Edited by TheLonelyFrog

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It's so fun to stalk newbies, Shoot them once or twice with a silenced weapon then proceed to chase them down with a hatchet while screaming at them with VOIP.

Good times.

This happened to me, was pretty hilarious actually.

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It's so fun to stalk newbies, Shoot them once or twice with a silenced weapon then proceed to chase them down with a hatchet while screaming at them with VOIP.

Good times.

One word. Pathetic.

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Once i leave the coastal towns i dont go back until i die. Me and my squad fight in stary, then move on to the NWA when were happy with our gear. When we die we start over.

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I've never done this once. Wanna know why? I've never actually found anything more powerful than a Lee and I've hoofed it all over the map, to the furthers portions of the north. wanna know why? Because usually after a couple hours of playing a hacker will come in and slay everyone and it's super fucking cool.

Things I've never done in Day Z: See a working vehicle on my own

Find weapons that aren't "stock" weapons

Do something that can't be compared to Windows Hiking Simulator 98

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I don´t, what can you find there besides other well geared jerks hunting for some numbers in their stats? I´m alive since 9 days now, have a strong team with me (4-8 pretty geared and experienced players and vehicles) and we strafe from Berezino, Stary Sobor to NWA and back, just farming crash sites (still no night vision, tho :( )

When we encounter other players, they usually ran away when they see us :D We just gather vehicles and looking for some helicopters, I have ZERO murders and 100% fun :)

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This happened to me, was pretty hilarious actually.

Also, Break a new players legs if you can and toss a grenade at them. That or toss a smoke grenade by them after you break their legs, if there are zombies nearby.

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I do. First, I get fully geared up with all the sweetest loot: coyote patrol pack stuffed full of chemlights and heatpacks and crossbow bolts. Crowbar in hand, with road flares just ready for the chucking I roll right into Cherno and terrorise the noobs. I like to lie in wait in the sneakiest sniping spots and throw empty cans at their heads. Right at them.

They normally DC in terror.

Edited by kander
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Rarely do I stay well geared. I like running headfirst into bad situations so I usually end up back on the coast. I actually went down to the coast one day with a bike for some extreme downhill. Didn't work out too well.

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Rarely do I stay well geared. I like running headfirst into bad situations so I usually end up back on the coast. I actually went down to the coast one day with a bike for some extreme downhill. Didn't work out too well.

That actually looks fun, I may need to try that sometime soon...

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I do. I get fully geared up with all the sweetest loot: coyote patrol pack stuffed full of chemlights and heatpacks and crossbow bolts. Crowbar in hand, with road flares just ready for the chucking I roll right into Cherno and terrorise the noobs. I like to lie in wait in the sneakiest sniping spots and throw empty cans at their heads. Right at them.

They normally DC in terror.

LoL :thumbsup:

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That actually looks fun, I may need to try that sometime soon...

Start off small, and work your way up. IMO bikes are the funnest vehicles in the game.

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*Spends 3 days dodging deadheads and bandits from elektro to berezino to meet friend whois too lazy to walk and meet me halfway*

*Arrives in berezino, can't find friend*

*friend gets killed by bandit while looting player who died of gunshot wounds to the face*

Friend: Oh shit Rock, I got killed

Rock: wut

Friend: I know it's dark out...and bandits and zombies are everywhere...but could you PLEASE come to elektro so we can meet up?

*puts gun in mouth*

*pulls trigger*


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I never go back to south coast. I may go south to the e.g zelenogorsk when I want to explore, but not to the coast. No point in going there really - I don't hunt noons, and lots of noob hunters will DC in combat anyway. I prefer north ;)

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To pick up friends that just started to play/died.

^This. At least driving to Skalisty Island was my biggest mistake losing 25 day equip :(

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