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AusDayZ the betrayers, avoid.

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God I struggle to even read that with that horrible spelling, someone definitely also needs a higher education. Haha I never even had a tag on my name mate, can't wait for those guys that do have the tag to see you calling them a fuckwit. I've never nagged anyone for gear, all that gear I had when you blatantly murdered me was from 5-6 days of my own playtime. That's extremely ironic because when you killed me I was running to help you fix the car in Petrovka? No you did not tell me to go to the other channel, you instantly had a crack at me for saying something that 'wasn't at all related to DayZ' so if anyone wants to experience a channel where you are not able to discuss topics other than a game be my guest, you will have a bland and over-serious experience. Also everyone can see just how much a pleasure Master is, 'SUCK IT' is oh so him, and as I recall a prior poster saying, 'Assholes in game and real life' definitely applies to him. If you can call me immature, after that paragraph you just posted, something is seriously wrong. If you killed me as you said, for saying 'chill out bro it's just a game' I would definitely call you the one who is immature and someone with anger management issues. The guys I have played with from "Reality Gaming Australia' have been an absolute pleasure actually, they came all the way to Petrovka to help me, something you guys in ADZ would never even contemplate doing unless it was for one of your 5 fanatical clan members, and, as you can see, that Teamspeak has turned way too elitist and unless you are fully geared in the 'Deep North, Yo' you will never see them help you in a million years.

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Ewwww. This thread is full of lies. Fact is proudy is gone from ADZ and I will not miss him. We're not eltists and we help people out plenty... Asking to be picked up from Cherno and asking every 2 minutes if we have an spare nvg's is gonna piss anyone off. Answering the same simple game mechanics questions over and over to different noobs becomes tedious too... That's to be expected with so many new players all the time. That's why there is south and north channels. New players can discover game mechanics together in the south and learn a little about how to play and tactics. Not just jump to whatever channel has the most people cry about not being able to see on a night server and constantly beg to be picked up and fed gear.

If proudy joins your clan... Please remember this thread when the inevitable comes to pass.

Edited by Gloomshade
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Lol righto, still after all the shit you have written we have all yet to see how mature you really are? saying someone else has spelling mistakes doesn't do that, and no none of the shit you say is correct, we didn't like you, plus there more then 5 and all the people with the tags should have them we've already discussed that, and no that's not "the" reason i killed you. i killed you cause i don't like you and still don't it's funny how you went out of ur way to check my profile, i guess your probably trying to find my real id so you can rage more? hahaha nice.

just means i got way more enjoyment from killing you, still you are a complete wank for saying that the group is not trust worthy or safe you knew dam well it was i who shot you. yet again you went out of ur way to put up a post bad mouthing the group not just me, seriously just me i wouldn't of even commented you're that much waste of effort. but these guys didn't do anything for you're shitty mouth to go badmouthing the name. i hope that you learnt from all of this and arn't such a fuckwit to the next group u team with.

you would be all about the shades of grey.

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I hate to waste my breath but yes I never liked you either, that husky smoker's voice ravaged my ears. Well you aren't trustworthy, and now the onus is on you knowing that you have tarnished the name of ADZ?

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Lol how so? are you telling me killing random fuckwits isn't allowed in this game? ohh noes! i'm pretty sure everyone else in the group is safe, haha you hate to waste your breath? are you seriously just copying my insults?

i wouldn't of even commented you're that much waste of effort.
Edited by -ADZ- Master

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I wouldn't call myself a random after playing with you guys for 3-4 weeks and I would hardly call that copying.

See you Master :)

You're right it's a terribly piss poor effort. hence you backing out like the bitch you are hahahaha!

i would call you a random considering you didn't even post in our forums introducing yourself, and no-one on ADZ even recall you helping once.

so type more keyboard warrior type more.

<12:55:22> "Proudy": great paragraph mate

<12:55:39> "Proudy": i needed to get a translator to read that

<12:57:06> Your chat partner has disconnected.

HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA child. i love ur little personal messages they just fuel it.

Edited by -ADZ- Master

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Ewwww. This thread is full of lies. Fact is proudy is gone from ADZ and I will not miss him. We're not eltists and we help people out plenty... Asking to be picked up from Cherno and asking every 2 minutes if we have an spare nvg's is gonna piss anyone off. Answering the same simple game mechanics questions over and over to different noobs becomes tedious too... That's to be expected with so many new players all the time. That's why there is south and north channels. New players can discover game mechanics together in the south and learn a little about how to play and tactics. Not just jump to whatever channel has the most people cry about not being able to see on a night server and constantly beg to be picked up and fed gear.

If proudy joins your clan... Please remember this thread when the inevitable comes to pass.

Never asked for NVG's once and the only reason you have spare NVG's is because you stole mine. I never had to discover game mechanics or even asked any questions based on game mechanics in the South because I had been playing weeks before I saw you and the only reason I even asked to get picked up from Cherno is because Master murdered me and that's where I respawned, I even remember defending these guys Bus and Cars in the North from a helicopter and raiding clan, dying in the process along with ADZ Brawl, guess that doesn't count as help anymore..

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FYI, pointless bickering is pointless bickering, shit happened, why don't the two entities just shut up, or at least take it somewhere private?

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FYI, pointless bickering is pointless bickering, shit happened, why don't the two entities just shut up, or at least take it somewhere private?

lol nice input and no Proudy we didn't need to take any of your gear we already had it all i just killed you purely cause i wanted to.

we loaded your gear into the ural for you but then instead of staying on and getting it back you sent me private messages then went onto the dayz forums not ours and sulked.

hahaha child.

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Lol. The liez they hurts my eyes. I feel dirty typing this reply coz I'm just feeding the child the attention he craves. But good luck to you proudy or whatever you call yourself now. I hope you find somewhere you can fit into better than you did with the ausdayz community. Try not to take it too seriously. It's not your fail nobody likes you.

Good luck. =)

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Lol ADZ master, just because he might be immature and maybe is a dick doesn't make the right for you to shoot him from behide. Wow you talked like your up there and your so mature but by shooting him in the back, you just prove yourself as someone who cant approach them and sort it out.

Proudy join our group now and guess what i know what excatly your talking about and complaining about, we are a commuinty with many little kid and i understand what you mean when it comes to immaturity and talking shit n lieing but have the effort to confront him, if you really hate him have a 1 on 1 pvp deathmatch to sort it out, are you that chicken to just shoot him in the back and says everyone hate him. Maybe you should have a adz channel or something so random people cant join your channel.

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Lol ADZ master, just because he might be immature and maybe is a dick doesn't make the right for you to shoot him from behide. Wow you talked like your up there and your so mature but by shooting him in the back, you just prove yourself as someone who cant approach them and sort it out.

Proudy join our group now and guess what i know what excatly your talking about and complaining about, we are a commuinty with many little kid and i understand what you mean when it comes to immaturity and talking shit n lieing but have the effort to confront him, if you really hate him have a 1 on 1 pvp deathmatch to sort it out, are you that chicken to just shoot him in the back and says everyone hate him. Maybe you should have a adz channel or something so random people cant join your channel.


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Considering the entire ADZ community has been reading this, don't u think that if any one in ADZ had liked him they would have said so by now?

Master didnt shoot him in the back, if any of you actually read properly you would see that he told Proudy that he would kill him before hand, I believe thats called giving warning.

Proudy has not attempted to contact anyone in ADZ in regards to Master killing him to sort it out. Instead immediately logged off and made this ridiculous thread.

Proudy was not muted at the event of the killing he was muted days beforehand because they were already fed up with him.

Yes you are all being immature, if thats everyone's biggest insult, it is hilarious.

Proudy, you have gone from just one person murdering you, to naming that person, to accusing the entire clan stealing, wanting your gear and not assisting you and go on to call the whole clan names. Does anyone not realize that the more times this guy suddenly comes up with another accusation its just another lie?

You even admitted to them being 'pro', so what are they going to want with your junk?

5-6 day old character... Is it just coincidence that you have been hanging with these guys for that long?

FYI Ryukk didnt say HE wanted to be a lone wolf, go back and read that one again too.

And chill out bro its just a game, no need to cry all over the forum about it.

ONE person out of the 100 members we have so far gets shot with warning for being a dick. I dont think we have a problem here. Not one person from ADZ has backed you up Proudy.

Whatever clan you are part of, good for you, we really don't care, no one else cares. In fact all those from ADZ who have seen this have all had a sigh of relief.

And I welcome whatever attempt of insulting me you are about to type, because you have made it clear now, to everyone, you do not know when to stop.

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As i was reading through i was thinking of things to say but when i got to Lunabug's reply i now don't have to say anything lol

Luna has my beans :-D


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You all bitch too much. No one really gives a shit about this. I have no clue who ADZ is and I don't care who they shot. Really, both of you look like complete idiots. Master makes ADZ look like a bunch of high-strung ass holes and this smiley face guy keeps talking about how smart he is, even though he's an idiot.

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