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Why dont we just take a city?

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Guess the barn, or the tower would work, yep.

We shuold actually try getting it work.

What server?

EU3, or EU5?

Plus, who would actually like to take part?

Add me on steam and write something like "Yeah, me."

I'm gonna make a group, or at least a group chat.

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Can't take over Elektro or Cherno, your whole team would be ripped apart by bandits. This is a good idea though, it'd be easier and safer to execute further inland as their isn't as many hostiles in one area.

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Electrozavadorsk might as well be mine and like three other bandits on US3. We usually have it under pretty tight control.

Electrozavodsk, I suppose, you meant.

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You should make a steam group so we co ordinate without those who wish us dead hearing

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Yeah, okay, everyone give me his Skype AND Steam name.

(If you have both. If not, get'em, they are both awesome.)

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On pen and paper this an awesome idea, but... In actual practice I doubt that it would work. I don't mean to rain on your parade, but organizing this kind of an effort would be nearly impossible in a town, much less a city.

Also, it's a cool idea, but it just isn't profitable - a group of 3 or 4 wandering nomads could travel and find loot faster, and also avoid the chance of being located by gangs of bandits.

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That's going to be difficult. It's all about survival, and if you're in-need of something, and someone won't trade with you. What are you going to have to do? I had a broken leg, so was crawling all around the middle of no where (thankfully with my trusty 1866 winny and tons of ammo). I came across someone who claimed to have 3 morphine doses, I was willing to trade my rifle and ammo for one morphine and 2 bandages. He refused, I had no choice but to kill him.

I died 15 minutes later after entering Elektro and was chased by tons of zombies...so i did feel guilty. But the moral of the story: there are no morals in the apocalypse.

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I don't really see this working either, not in a city or town as everyone else has said. 3 Bandits can pretty much lockdown a town from the outside without much risk to themselves, periodically running in for supplies. With a group of a dozen or so you could perhaps hold a farmhouse, but you'd need to send people out on supply runs constantly, and you would definitely want a vehicle. For those not going on the supply runs, but just holding back and defending an otherwise unwanted farmhouse, the game would probably get quite boring. And if there are bored bandits who catch wind of your location, and think you have stockpiles of goods, then good luck holding them off for very long.

The competition for resources in this game makes bandits out of otherwise kind and generous people... when it becomes a choice between killing or dying, morality tends to go out the window.

I think you'd be better served to try and get a travelling platoon together, maybe a dozen people skyping and constantly on the move, stealthing their way from town to town and clearing it of supplies while watching each other's backs.

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Sure, locking down a town would be fantastic, however, to keep it together and defending it against bandits is a problem. You could defend it, mabye even put up some more advanced defenses if it gets implented, you might even get together a trustworthy group of a dozen guards. But it would be defenseless when they aren't around, and even with them there anyone who enters for trading could be working for bandits or ready to kill to become one.

As YouCanRun said, there are no morals in the apocalypse; people will kill for supplies and weapons just for their own survival - some of them might even be nice people, but that doesn't count for anything when they're low on supplies and all they have is a weapon with a load of ammo.

To establish something like this requires leadership, usually from clans, but people not within that clan, or people in general, won't care for the leadership.

Even 'protected' (No firing?) zones for trading would be useless, a bandit with a CZ 550/DMR would pick off anyone leaving it with their backpack loaded with fresh supplies.

On the subject of survivors working for bandits, I've seen it done before. Me and four others were low on supplies, so we had the only 'survivor' in our group befriend two travellers with nice big packs presumably loaded with supplies. We stalked them during the night and killed them and saved ourselves from starvation & dehydration.

People will always be ready to kill in DayZ for needed supplies, and a fortified town loaded with supplies and guards armed with military-grade weapons will be a small obstacle for a group of well-armed greedy and/or hungry bandits.

I'm a bandit, yes, I've killed people for supplies and I've killed them in self defense, but I would support the idea of a place where we could trade and feel relatively safe.

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I thought we discussed that already.

Our aim is the military base, it will be easy to protect that.

And guys, there IS moral if you want it to be there.

So, just post your Steam Name if you want to take part, or ignore the thread.


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I'm german, so if you find mistakes feel free to tell me!

I always want to improve my english!

Off topic but your English is better than my German! And I'm going to see Rammstein tomorrow night too! ;)

On topic, it's a great idea, but the dynamics are very hard to balance... groups can become too large to function adequately in this mod. A lot would depend on what town too. I've seen guys try to make Elektro their own and it always ends in a fail. Cherno would be near impossible on a 50 player server IMHO.

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It's a good idea, and I support it. If you manage to get one up, say so. I'll be willing to do some trading with ya (anyone want binoculars?)

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it would work in like a small ranch type thing i found on the map near the coast it was 3 small or meduim sized buildings though you cant go into any i dont think, they could be good cover and theres a small fence though it would only work if the implement a way to like cut down trees and build small things like fences and cover. though i will help you what server you want to do it on, my steam is miradosamurai, same for skype.

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i love idea of this, my group has done the exact thing though, We set up guard shifts, A scavenging group and we go for specific things like food and medical supplies also ammo. IT's a great idea but if we took a WHOLE city it would be chaos because of bandits, They would group up and attack and people on the inside will betray one another. Great idea, but would never work :/

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Yea this is a good idea, a small town or military base would be a good idea, though you might need to deal with the traitorous untrustable bandits trolling the forums for vulnerable communities. Im in, Lol3rrr for steam name

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If taking a town would be to hard to balance make it to where people can actually have the ability to save the tent and fence camps that people make and take them to other servers. The only reason people don't do it now is because players don't usually stick to one server. I'm usually forced to jump from server to server several times a day.

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Even though our group mostly move from smaller towns, staying in the woods, I would be well impressed to see someone holding a city, managing to fortify it. I for one would think twice about entering. If someone do, make sure to get it on tape. :)

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i think a whole city would take 38-50 soldiers, have to have reserves. now that would be cool, ring fire siren to alert a third volunteer reserve to help defend or flank if besiged. also one with an adjacent town, 15-25 in that town, as watch. those numbers could get it done

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Okay, so If you really want to work with us, add me on Skype now, I already opened a Group Chat, at the moment we're 4 more waiting.


Just to remember ya...

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I don't know about one of the larger cities, but I bet you could figure out some way to block off a large section of the city or a small village that had a larger building to get up on.

Today I witnessed zeds walking through barbed wire (inside) and I know you can jump over the wire sometime, so it would take a lot of teamwork to hold down the fort.

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I like the idea, like the barge in Stalker Call of Prip!

I do predict a bandit siege though, a ring of snipers and looters surrounding anything that is created

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Security would have to be hella tight. It couldn't be a large town- it would have to be very small. And the people guarding the town would have to have unquestionable loyalty-backstabbing is just too common. And you'd need Humvees guarding the town.

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I really think there should be a solution for a sort of 'teamwork only' server.

Where you can actually build a 'survivor community' like some post apocalypse movie where they always have a 'safe haven town' somewhere. Work together on arming up and fixing vehicles and stuff, eventually you could fortify a whole location and run ops out to scavenge and fight the undead horde in helicopters and trucks and what not. I think that would be really awesome, but with even a few bandits on a pub server it will just get destroyed.

My first idea was that you could run a passworded server, however your character would ONLY be saved for that server, and only available on that server. That way you can't cheat or dupe at all to get an advantage on others. Then if a large community like tactical gamer, 21cw, shacktac or whoever want to run a game for their community they can as well.

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I really like this idea and would love to be a part of it. Though taking a city would be near impossible, holding a smaller town would be perfect.

There would need to be regular broadcasts informing people of where the town is and the procedure for approaching it (otherwise we will kill more unfortunately unaware survivors than bandits or Zeds) and equally stringent procedures for moving around town. Certain weapons would need to be banned, specifically ones that are used for silent kills (useful for taking down Zeds, maybe, but more useful for a bandit infiltrator) and, of course, there would need to be patrols of an outer perimeter to keep bandit snipers at a good, long distance.

Could work though, It certainly could work.

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