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'Realism' arguments need to be left out

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I can't say I've heard Rocket puching for the realism aspect tbh. I often hear him talking about balance though and balance means that a large number of stuff is not going to be realistic.

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Dayz is a realistic simulator, just like Arma, because everything was ported over from the same fucking engine smacktard. Few reskins /anis on the zeds and then some placement of weapons..work on the hive.. its a realistic milsim; thats why it became popular.. ppl were suprised by how much entertainment there was to be had in the midst of nowhere - but that was always the case. You have been plastered to mainstream AAA shite for so long you can't see that you dont belong here if you think gameplay should come over realism. It won't btw. so fuck you

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Dayz is a realistic simulator, just like Arma, because everything was ported over from the same fucking engine smacktard. Few reskins /anis on the zeds and then some placement of weapons..work on the hive.. its a realistic milsim; thats why it became popular.. ppl were suprised by how much entertainment there was to be had in the midst of nowhere - but that was always the case. You have been plastered to mainstream AAA shite for so long you can't see that you dont belong here if you think gameplay should come over realism. It won't btw. so fuck you

That is not true...

Arma 2 is a game based on a military simulator, but a game non the less. That's why it already has a lot of "gamey" features in it.

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For me, realism went out the window when I started finding winchester 1866 rounds all over the place. Seriously - dafuq is a .44 Henry?

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If the simulation detects you logged from a US ip, your weight is increased 200%, you are unable to sprint but as a bonus start with an assault rifle and camo clothing.

Can we also log in with all our gold medals? ya know, from the supior athleticism?

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Why are we all so concerned with realism? And are we really? You want real? Go outside and insult someone to their face. Go steal a car. Or loot a house. No-one here has ever experienced an apocalypse or a zombie. So all their reference comes from books movies and television. I've seen people do it...they'll reference a tv show or comic book with regards to what it would really be like. Dummy's. It's a game. It's meant to entertain you.

I know I know...it's not meant to be fun it's meant to be harsh and real....right....and that fee I pay for talking to an actual bank teller is a "convenience fee". The whole "anti-game"..."not meant to be fun" shit is a gimmick to make you believe you are doing something you've never done before....but the truth is you are sitting on your ass playing a video game...same as ever. :)

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Flawed logic of the OP (edit: and a lot of other posters)

There is something like virtual realism. When we watch an SF or Horror movie we can only fully enjoy it, if we have a feeling that everything (well at least most) follows an inner logic.

Or Robots, Androids - the Terminator - for example: Their abilities like strength, speed, damage resistance as well as the way they act has to be within parameters we can accept as "realistic" - at least within the universe the movie plays. If anything goes over the top to often or too much it can ruin the whole movie - and it does. Long running TV-shows like "Supernatural" or "Lost" also cared to be realistic within their own setting, and the viewers are very picky about that (compared to some of these forums this here is more like a tropic resort)

And people playing computer games also need a certain level of virtual realism to feel the needed level of immersion - or simply enjoy the game. Why else have in game developing history 1000ds of manhours been put into replicate RL weapons as realistic as much?

Personally I have not decided yet about the detail of the bonebreaking Zs, but imo players are entitled to discuss any aspect of game "realism".

Edited by TheStoryteller01
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