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DayZ Name :Rick

How long have you played DayZ :For around 6 months

Time Zone: UTC−06:00

Will you stay loyal to our group?: Yes, I will stay Loyal to CSA.

What is your primary role requested?: (I.E. Sniper, Medic, Engineer) Sniper, Assault, Heli Pilot. Whichever one you need the most!

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DayZ Name : Dr. Satan

How long have you played DayZ : Lost count, i'd say over 9 months

Time Zone: EST

Will you stay loyal to our group?: Perhaps

What is your primary role requested?: (I.E. Sniper, Medic, Engineer) Pilot, sniper

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Been thinking about getting the game for a while. Broke down and bought it today with a steam sale. Sorry if that's a deal breaker, but when the zombie apocalypse happens, you make friends asap.

EST time zone

I'm looking to roll with an organized group who would offer to protect a random solo newb from a horde of zombies or bandits rather than take the easy kill. Idc if i do that through a scope, bloodpacks, or with a wrench.

As for loyalty, that's not a question that can be answered with words.

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DayZ Name : CroFireMan

How long have you played DayZ :I have 200 hours on DayZ

Time Zone:UTC +01:00

Will you stay loyal to our group?:YES!

What is your primary role requested?: (I.E. Sniper, Medic, Engineer)Front line solider.

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Dayz Name: Chairmanmeow

How long have you played DayZ: around 6 months

Time Zone: GMT

Will you stay loyal to our group?: Yup

What is your primary role requested?: I don't mind but i am a good Heli Pilot if the need arises

Edited by Chairman

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DayZ Name : Bonoff26

How long have you played DayZ : 1 Year and a half - Over 300 hours 0_0.

Time Zone: GMT

Will you stay loyal to our group?: Yes, playing DayZ alone is very boring, I want to work as a team with other people.

What is your primary role requested?: Any guns you have I will use effectively, of course if its a Makarov that's a problem. Basically any role. Not bothered about dying as I have played for so long.

Edited by me4222
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DayZ Name : Russian_weed

How long have you played DayZ : A few days, alot of time into it tho.

Time Zone: GMT +1

Will you stay loyal to our group?: Yes oufcourse

What is your primary role requested?: (I.E. Sniper, Medic, Engineer) Scout, base defender

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DayZ Name : Decline

How long have you played DayZ : Couldn't give a fair estimate. Quite awhile.

Time Zone: EST. I work nights so I'm on at weird times of the day sometimes.

Will you stay loyal to our group?: There is more benefit being with you than being against you.

What is your primary role requested?: (I.E. Sniper, Medic, Engineer) Medic will work.

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DayZ Name : SytheJr.

How long have you played DayZ : few weeks

Time Zone: GMT -6

Will you stay loyal to our group?:yes

What is your primary role requested?: (I.E. Sniper, Medic, Engineer) Intel/Infil's

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DayZ Name: BTuline

How long have I played: About 2 weeks

Time Zone: GMT -8

Will you stay loyal?: Yes

What is your primary role requested: Medic/rifleman/Axe Murder*

*When playing with friends at least one person would keep out their axe while others used assault rifles, so we could kill zombies without noise but not be PvP defenseless. I had fun at that job, but gave it up to newly joined friends.

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DayZ Name : dodo

How long have you played DayZ : about one year

Time Zone:GMT+1

Will you stay loyal to our group?: yes

What is your primary role requested?: (I.E. Sniper, Medic, Engineer) medic/riflemanr/pilot, i don't mind what i do.

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DayZ Name : Turtily

How long have you played DayZ : 1 year

Time Zone: PST

Will you stay loyal to our group?: OF course

What is your primary role requested?: (I.E. Sniper, Medic, Engineer) Sniper

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DayZ Name : Cake

How long have you played DayZ : About 4 months. Left for a bit and now I'm playing again

Time Zone: Pacific Time Zone

Will you stay loyal to our group?: Always, I will never betray anyone.

What is your primary role requested?: (I.E. Sniper, Medic, Engineer) I prefer being in close quarter combat and assisting other injured team mates.

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DayZ Name : Dag242

How long have you played DayZ : 6 months.

Time Zone : EST.

Will you stay loyal to our group? : Absolutely.

What is your primary role requested? : I'm good at scavenging and Engineer.

Edited by Dag242

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DayZ Name :


How long have you played DayZ :

One Year

Time Zone:


Will you stay loyal to our group?:

Yes, if the times work well

What is your primary role requested?: (I.E. Sniper, Medic, EngineerI

I would like to play as a Assault or a Engineer.

Email me at Rgpred@gmail.com

Steam name: rgpred

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DayZ Name : KenzieChaos

How long have you played DayZ : Couple of days maybe?

Time Zone: GMT +1

Will you stay loyal to our group?: Of course, wouldn't dream of being a traitor.

What is your primary role requested?: (I.E. Sniper, Medic, Engineer) Assault maybe? haven't discovered many other roles

Additional: I'm 15 years old whether that's a problem or not I don't know but I haven't particularly enjoyed the solo aspect of Day Z

Edited by KenzieChaos

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DayZ Name : TremX

How long have you played DayZ : I just started, but I plan to play a lot more than healthily advised.

Time Zone: Central - USA

Will you stay loyal to our group?: Just as long as I'm shown some modicum of respect, I have absolutely no problem showing it. So basically, yes I will be loyal.

What is your primary role requested?: Assault, or any combat position applicable.

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This is GreyFox, Why is no one on Team Speak any more. Please contact me via email (andersoje1243@gmail.com) and let me know if CSA is still up and running or sould I get my resume ready.

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DayZ Name : TechWolf

How long have you played DayZ : 6+ Months

Time Zone: US EST

Will you stay loyal to our group?: Yes

What is your primary role requested?: (I.E. Sniper, Medic, Engineer)

Sniper / Engineer

ive been playing dayz for a while now by myself and ive never really found anybody to play with. i would really enjoy to find a good group of people to play with and just enhance the Dayz experience more

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DayZ Name : evilsnow

How long have you played DayZ : 8-10months

Time Zone:EST

Will you stay loyal to our group?:yes

What is your primary role requested?: (I.E. Sniper, Medic, Engineer) Infantry,Medic,Sniper(best to not so great)

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DayZ Name : Mark Grindcore

How long have you played DayZ : 1 year

Time Zone: UTC -5:00

Will you stay loyal to our group?: Yes

What is your primary role requested?: (I.E. Sniper, Medic, Engineer) Support

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DayZ Name : Jacob from State Farm

How long have you played DayZ : few months after vanilla came out

Time Zone: Central

Will you stay loyal to our group?: definately

What is your primary role requested?: assault/sniper

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DayZ Name : Gameboy0627

How long have you played DayZ : Since June 2012

Time Zone: GMT -6

Will you stay loyal to our group?: Of course

What is your primary role requested?: Engineer and/or Sniper

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