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Graz (DayZ)

Tips and Tricks on the loading screen

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The loading screen is great, I'd love to see some noob friendly tips, letting them know the things we already know from dying 12492148926419 times.

Reason for this? Best way to distribute information imo.

We all have to look at the loading screen and there's very little to do apart from read the tips

  • Remember, bandits can hear you shooting
  • Zombies spawn only when players are close ~200 meters
  • Helicopter crashes are a great source of equipment, but can spawn in any field
  • Got a broken leg? Contact the Reddit Rescue Force
  • Admin powers (for the obviously large amount of uninformed)
  • There's always someone shooting in Cherno (for the old timers!)
  • Patch notes
  • Don't trust anyone at first sight, access the situation before revealing yourself
  • The bigger the weapon, the more zombies are atracted by it's sound

I have more I'll put up, feel free to contribute to the list. If it gets decent enough we might even get a sticky :P

It's a very SIMPLE idea, I'm aware. I think the tips are great, it gives you something to do during the load screen and sometimes even the pros learn something

Flamers, bean givers, contributors are all welcome.

Edited by Graz
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Sound good, but would have to be server based. A randomized message at the the bottom left of the screen when you join a server.

Was thinking the Dayz loading screen tbh

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The loading screen is great, I'd love to see some noob friendly tips, letting them know the things we already know from dying 12492148926419 times.

Reason for this? Best way to distribute information imo.

We all have to look at the loading screen and there's very little to do apart from read the tips

  • Remember, bandits can hear you shooting
  • Zombies spawn only when players are close ~200 meters
  • Helicopter crashes are a great source of equipment, but can spawn in any field
  • Got a broken leg? Contact the Reddit Rescue Force
  • Admin powers (for the obviously large amount of uninformed)
  • There's always someone shooting in Cherno (for the old timers!)
  • Patch notes

I have more I'll put up, feel free to contribute to the list. If it gets decent enough we might even get a sticky :P

It's a very SIMPLE idea, I'm aware. I think the tips are great, it gives you something to do during the load screen and sometimes even the pros learn something

Flamers, bean givers, contributors are all welcome.

+1 sure why not would help the newcomers just a little.

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The loading screen is quite static, so the hints wouldn't be able to "shuffle" smoothly as some other games that have the hints as base feature.

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Sure, why not. It can only help new players. Except the reddit part. Scum community.

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Misleading title, I thought you found away around the 45 minute loading screens on servers with more than 2 players.

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I dont think you should have help on the loading screens,its about survival & freedom.

I think its much better having people learn the hard way about doing things (like runnig towards gun fire)& they would feel much more of a reward because of it,,i no i did anyway.

Edited by ProGrasTiNation

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The loading screen is great, I'd love to see some noob friendly tips, letting them know the things we already know from dying 12492148926419 times.

Reason for this? Best way to distribute information imo.

We all have to look at the loading screen and there's very little to do apart from read the tips

  • Remember, bandits can hear you shooting
  • Zombies spawn only when players are close ~200 meters
  • Helicopter crashes are a great source of equipment, but can spawn in any field
  • Got a broken leg? Contact the Reddit Rescue Force
  • Admin powers (for the obviously large amount of uninformed)
  • There's always someone shooting in Cherno (for the old timers!)
  • Patch notes

I have more I'll put up, feel free to contribute to the list. If it gets decent enough we might even get a sticky :P

It's a very SIMPLE idea, I'm aware. I think the tips are great, it gives you something to do during the load screen and sometimes even the pros learn something

Flamers, bean givers, contributors are all welcome.

"There is never a friendly in cherno"

"The bigger the weapon, the more zombies are atracted by it's sound (whenever this is fixed of course)"

"Don't trust anyone at first sight"

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