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Hackers, hackers, and more hackers

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I'll start by saying. I. Love. This. Game. Okay, onward...

I've been on a "hacked" server 3 times today. Each time being warped into a killing pit. Twice I have been able to run and d/c before losing weeks of work on a character, but the third time was my undoing. I lost everything. Ghillie suit, M4A1 with a red dot, plenty of ammo, NV goggles, rangefinder, AS 50, and a PDW.... That's a bunch of work/luck.

I don't mind losing my gear legitimately, it's heat breaking, but part of the game.... But to lose everything because some punk runs a script and thinks he's a "hacker" is absurd. This script running has gotten out of control and must be the very top of the "Things To Do" list for Rocket and his team.

My friends have already quit because of hackers. My brother is close after tonight's events. Hell, I'm getting close if this continues. Please save this game from the punks that find this amusing. Otherwise, you will continue to lose potential customers once this thing goes live.

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Was this on US 252? Happened to me tonight on that server. My mates and I first noticed all of our gear had got swapped to different stuff, and we all had the same stuff... A couple minutes later we were transported with everyone to the airfield and it looked like some death match script or something was run. We were able to alt f4 out before we got killed. Fortunately when we came back into a different server our gear had been restored, but we were still at the air field, instead of our previous location in the south.

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As long as these threads exist then you're giving them what they want.

Keep trying servers, keep the situation on a down-low and have faith. Its probably going to take a fair few months but something will at least be tried to combat it.

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As long as these threads exist then you're giving them what they want.

Keep trying servers, keep the situation on a down-low and have faith. Its probably going to take a fair few months but something will at least be tried to combat it.

I'd love to keep it on the down-low... Unfortunately it's done and will continue to do damage to the player base. I wish there was somthing they could do about it.

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So far... I've maybe seen two hackers and I started playing Dayz like two months ago. I always play on the same two servers and I never have any problems.

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So far ran into 3 hackers today. Might be the same one server hopping, they just seem to teleport to you and use a silenced weapon to kill.

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Yeah, I've given up hope on this game and I'm giving it a rest for awhile until they sort out the hackers.

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