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Looking for friendly survivors.

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Hey I'm looking for other friendly survivors to play with, and maybe possibly start up some kind of small clan or group. I have been considering joining a clan pretty hard but finding one that actually sticks to there own rules and doesn't have an already established click within them can be pretty difficult.

I live in atlantic canada, so my time is ahead of est by 1 hour. I'm 23 years old, I'm on all hours of the day and night cause I'm currently laid up so lots of time for gaming.

I'm looking for like minded people that don't shoot everyone they see on sight, especially newer players. I've racked up 450 zed kills with 0 murders, and will only kill to save my own life or that of another deserving player.

I have vent/teamspeak/skype/etc.

Would really like to get a good group of guys going around protecting the innocent and purging some of the bandit scum ;)

Skype- justin.dawson9

Steam- Gambles

Edited by Gambles

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im am also interested in playing with people who can be trusted and only killing to survive, i have skype add me- laytonpomerleau

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If anyone is interested I have two others added on skype now, so post your skype or send it to me.

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What server you playing on currently? Id be pretty keen to play with you guys =)

Im currently at NW airfield and i play on NZ servers

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I'm in as well, a bit over solo play

skype: sharkyoceans

steam: sarsipius

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Hey if you need another moral survivor I'd love to join up. Also getting sick of solo play and having to zig zig away from all the bandits and KoS people out there. Not really a medic but I have alot of medical supplies at the moment and would love to share them with a good group. Also Atlantic time as well.

Skype: fonzi89@miller

Steam: fonzi89

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Add me up:

Username: AARON,

Steamname: zero_point_

Skype: zero_point_101

I play on CA 10, 11, 12, 15, etc. Most often on Monday nights.

Edited by zeropoint1

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