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About sarsipius

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  • Location
    New Zealand
  1. sarsipius

    Some noob questions

    Your looking in the right places for items, anywhere undercover is where things spawn, in buildings, sheds, barns, even doorways can some times have drops. You will learn what type of loot drops at which type of location. Sucks to have a broken leg and no morphine, its good to get to a hospital, in the main citys, to get some meds before heading out. If your still broken and know where you are, I'll come over and heal you, tend to carry all the meds on me.
  2. sarsipius

    Looking for friendly players

    Hey, always keen to jump on with friendly players, dont have a vent server but do have a mic. Add me on steam or pm me for skype. Cheers
  3. I'm keen, looking for no dramas, let me know a server and time.
  4. sarsipius

    New player

    Hey, sent you an invite on steam. I'm returning after a few months away and more than happy to show people the ropes. Happy to play anytime as now working from home :) steam name is sarsipius
  5. Count me in skype: sharkyoceans
  6. sarsipius

    Looking for friendly survivors.

    I'm in as well, a bit over solo play skype: sharkyoceans steam: sarsipius