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Alright, here's some stories for you guys, that were pretty interesting.

Story 1:

My friend and I met up at Cap Galova, both with DMRs and NVGs. We went onto the hill East of Cap Galova, server hopped to find a nighttime server, and once we found one and were both in the server, my friend heard a helicopter. At the time, I thought he was insane because I didn't hear it. Then around 10 seconds later, we see a helicopter. We both unload on it with our DMRs, and it flies away. It circles back around and they try shooting at us while moving quickly. We change our position, and wait for it to circle back around. It circles back around, and the person flying the helicopter realizes just flying through quickly isn't an effective way to shoot us. He turns auto-hover on, and levels the helicopter out. My friend points out now's a good time to try to shoot the gunner, and I take a few shots at him. One shot, too high. Second shot, too low. Third shot, I hit him. He's not dead yet, I shoot again. He falls out of the helicopter and dies. We start shooting the chopper more, it flies away and circles back, but we don't get it down. We loot the guy's body and find an AS50. We make our way north to look for their camp and found 2 bikes, an ATV, and a boat. We take the ATV back to down to Cherno to snipe people. This is when Story 2 comes into play.

Story 2: My friend and I are both at Cherno, we both have DMRs, but I have an AS50. I decide to go down to my old clan's server, (which I was kicked from for calling an admin an asshole.) and after a few minutes of being in there, my old friend, Rick Grimes, is driving a bus into Cherno from the north. My friend and I unload, Rick gets out before the bus assplodes. He starts running around and shit, and I kill him (I would like to add the AS50 did not kill him instantly, nor knock him out.) He starts crawling around, because I fucked his legs up. I shoot him, go to loot his body, grab his coyote pack, some mags for my AS50, and oh look, 24 ghillie suits in his backpack. I tell my friend to go into their teamspeak to hear their reactions, and he said they were all talking about "NCR Killer" (Which was my name at the time.) I tell my friend to say "Kody sends his regards to Rick Grimes and his bus. Good day." He was then banned.

cool stories, rite?

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I once fought off 500 players at the NW airfield.

I was using a revolver with just one bullet.

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Haha lets pretend that you weren't banned for hacking, which oh, by the way, the videos with proof will be uploaded. Have a good time getting your SECOND account banned.

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Alright, here's some stories for you guys, that were pretty interesting.

Story 1:

My friend and I met up at Cap Galova, both with DMRs and NVGs. We went onto the hill East of Cap Galova, server hopped to find a nighttime server, and once we found one and were both in the server, my friend heard a helicopter. At the time, I thought he was insane because I didn't hear it. Then around 10 seconds later, we see a helicopter. We both unload on it with our DMRs, and it flies away. It circles back around and they try shooting at us while moving quickly. We change our position, and wait for it to circle back around. It circles back around, and the person flying the helicopter realizes just flying through quickly isn't an effective way to shoot us. He turns auto-hover on, and levels the helicopter out. My friend points out now's a good time to try to shoot the gunner, and I take a few shots at him. One shot, too high. Second shot, too low. Third shot, I hit him. He's not dead yet, I shoot again. He falls out of the helicopter and dies. We start shooting the chopper more, it flies away and circles back, but we don't get it down. We loot the guy's body and find an AS50. We make our way north to look for their camp and found 2 bikes, an ATV, and a boat. We take the ATV back to down to Cherno to snipe people. This is when Story 2 comes into play.

Story 2: My friend and I are both at Cherno, we both have DMRs, but I have an AS50. I decide to go down to my old clan's server, (which I was kicked from for calling an admin an asshole.) and after a few minutes of being in there, my old friend, Rick Grimes, is driving a bus into Cherno from the north. My friend and I unload, Rick gets out before the bus assplodes. He starts running around and shit, and I kill him (I would like to add the AS50 did not kill him instantly, nor knock him out.) He starts crawling around, because I fucked his legs up. I shoot him, go to loot his body, grab his coyote pack, some mags for my AS50, and oh look, 24 ghillie suits in his backpack. I tell my friend to go into their teamspeak to hear their reactions, and he said they were all talking about "NCR Killer" (Which was my name at the time.) I tell my friend to say "Kody sends his regards to Rick Grimes and his bus. Good day." He was then banned.

cool stories, rite?

Its cool because kody (now known as [Thc] Kody) is a known hacker, he has been banned before and has bought a new key. As for Kody and his friends ([Thc] Connor and [Thc] Method man) i find it funny how bad your pub hacks are as seen in this photo every time you and your goons try to load into our server (obv hacker is obv)P22yp.jpg?1 as you continued to spawn a jet, and bomb the northern half of our server, just because we kicked you out of our clan for hacking?. i cant believe how immature you are.

Just BTW heres his IP: [redacted]

Have fun Kody :D.

Also you were kicked for hacking not calling someone a asshole lol

[Warned - 3 day suspension - Ubi]

Edited by UbiquitousBadGuy
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Scout/Soul, I honestly never hacked. I keep getting kicked because I don't have all the files. I'd like to see the "proof" you talk about, considering I never hacked. I didn't spawn a jet on your server, ask Lattice where I was at that time. We were in the middle of a raid. But you fucked up and banned me just on suspicion, and now your whole clan will have to pay the price. It sucks having to kill old friends, but my hate for Soul is much more persuading. Their server name is US1208, they have multiple vehicles, and most likely have a helicopter. Anybody who reads this and wants some free loot, their camp is near Lopatino. (although they might have moved it, they will now though.)

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Also, I haven't even joined a clan since Soul decided to be buttmad. I have no idea what clan THC is, but if he's the hacker, Particle can get his PlayerID from the logs. Then you can see I never once touched that server with hacks.

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I find it really funny how you are denying hacking when it's plainly obvious that somthing was wrong with your client. It's funny because for like 30 minute you sat at your computer changing you IGN To things like. "fly it I dare ya" or "satchel charge.. Anyone?" even suggesting we would purposely restart our server when it was a automatic restart??

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I find it really funny how you are denying hacking when it's plainly obvious that somthing was wrong with your client. It's funny because for like 30 minute you sat at your computer changing you IGN To things like. "fly it I dare ya" or "satchel charge.. Anyone?" even suggesting we would purposely restart our server when it was a automatic restart??

What the fuck are you talking about? I didn't do any of that.

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What the fuck are you talking about? I didn't do any of that.

then why do i have it on my stream you fucking idiot? just you wait until we get more of our footage uploaded

also you didn't get kicked for disrespecting a admin you got kicked for hacking


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then why do i have it on my stream you fucking idiot? just you wait until we get more of our footage uploaded

also you didn't get kicked for disrespecting a admin you got kicked for hacking

What proof is there of me hacking?

Shadow linked me to the stream, I'm not in it. You guys think I'm the person who keeps changing his name?

Why do you think it's me?

Edited by Kodeth101

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What proof is there of me hacking?

seeing as how you kept loading in with the 'fore mentioned message, and how you have been banned (from dayz) already for hacking/scripting on a diffrent account. also you are denying that you sat in our server changing your name to threaten us, and also deny that you were not working with [Thc] connor or [Thc] method man?. and you think we wont find you? i have your address now bro you need to stop fucking hacking


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seeing as how you kept loading in with the 'fore mentioned message, and how you have been banned (from dayz) already for hacking/scripting on a diffrent account. also you are denying that you sat in our server changing your name to threaten us, and also deny that you were not working with [Thc] connor or [Thc] method man?. and you think we wont find you? i have your address now bro you need to stop fucking hacking

You have my address, huh?

You can't find addresses with IPs.

The message that was given to me was because I am missing a file in my Arma 2 folder.

I have no idea who Connor or Method Man are, and I have only connected to your server with the names of [NCR] Kody, and NCR Killer.

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so you have never had any contact with http://dayzmod.com/f...220-thc-connor/ or http://dayzmod.com/f...thc-method-man/ also i bet that you were using a separate CD to hack, why else would you STOP getting that message after a certain point. also i can get pretty exact with ip just wait :)

I've never seen those people before. And the reason it the error messaged stopped, is because it wasn't me.

Are you really that fucking stupid?

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I've never seen those people before. And the reason it the error messaged stopped, is because it wasn't me.

Are you really that fucking stupid?

so you are denying that you were using the username: NCR killer?

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::Grabs Popcorn::

Please, continue :thumbsup:

It's funny how people can derail threads so easily.

Spiderman time?

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Scout, if you want to talk to me, PM me. I don't want to derail this thread any further.

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Scout, if you want to talk to me, PM me. I don't want to derail this thread any further.

i want this to be public sir, all shame is on you :)

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