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I'd like to see it impossible to shoot unarmed players

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I'd like to see it be impossible for another player to kill an unarmed player.

Give a new guy a chance to find some stuff before killing them instantly with a sniper rifle just after they have spawned.

Also, lets have other areas for spawning like around the north or west side of the map in the woods.

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Yay sprint through NWAF with all my weapons in my backpack!


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i would like peace on earth, equal rights for all, a communist utopia and zombies that give me blowjobs

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i would like peace on earth, equal rights for all, a communist utopia and zombies that give me blowjobs

They already do, just ask politely

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This isn't the game for you, might want to try the Sims.

For every 10 unarmed players that get killed 1 fully kitted out player gets killed by somebody with a hatchet. Things like this wouldn't happen if there wasn't something to draw those fully kitted out players to the coast. I like 1-stop shopping with my hatchet, see no need for any change.

Edited by random51

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Yay sprint through NWAF with all my weapons in my backpack!


^this...i actually do this sometimes to cover myself in cherno/elektro hoping nobodys shoots me poor unarmed guy wuhu :( ...m14 ready in my backpack

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I'd like to see it be impossible for another player to kill an unarmed player.

Give a new guy a chance to find some stuff before killing them instantly with a sniper rifle just after they have spawned.

Also, lets have other areas for spawning like around the north or west side of the map in the woods.

Dissagree, most of the spawns are already far as hell from Sherno or Elektro(I AWAYS search elektro, i know exactly how to get to the best places when i spawn at it..)

Also, the new INVENCIBLE guy will grab a hatchet and keep swinging it like hell to try to kill you...

Im not a sniper, but i respect who likes to. Respect because none of them already killed me... Im lucky :D

Edited by Rocketguy

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Anything to do with invulnerability would hurt the DayZ experience. Even when signing on you should not be given any leniency. If you signed off in a place where you could easily get shot when spawning, then thats your fault. And I'd say the same thing for new spawns. If they don't stop heading towards the big pvp hubs, they should expect to be shot at. This game's a rough place...

The Anti-Bandits Steam Group:


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By unarmed, I mean no weapons, not even a hatchet, on you or in your backpack.

I have been playing for the last seven days and have only found one gun in several dozen buildings searched.

I have been killed multiple times by others when I have only had the items I spawned with. Why be able to kill players with no weapons at all and no loot? It's just a waste of time for those of us who can only devote a small amount of time to the game.

Also, in a dozen deaths, I have never spawned anywhere but in between cherno and electro. I have actually had a zombie spawn next to me in the first 10 seconds of the game and attack and kill me because of being unarmed.

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I want to tell you a story. Don't worry, it won't take long.

Once upon a time, I was in a rather unpopulated server in Cherno. I see an unarmed survivor, who also sees me. I decide not to shoot, since I would have nothing to gain. About 5 minutes later, he comes back and kills me with a pistol he'd found.

Players are dangerous, friend. End of discussion. Having them NEAR you is dangerous. They're traitorous bastards that don't care about anything you do, and getting them further away from me is top priority, most of the time.

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Everyone is missing what I am saying. I you have no weapons whatsoever, no in you pack, anywhere. You should not be able to be killed. If you pick up a weapon, you are fair game, no matter where you store the weapon in your inventory.

Just saying it is too difficult when you newly spawn and haven't found a weapon yet. Pick one up or put it in your inventory, and you can be killed.

No fair or fun to kill someone who can't fight back.

For those of you in Rio Lindo, you have to have a weapon in your inventory or on your person somewhere to be killed.

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When your friend in Cherno came back and killed you, you were on even footing, not an armed player killing an unarmed one.

Pick up a weapon and you are fair game.

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Stuff like this is just too exploitable. I see right now, how every squad would just hoard their stuff in their bases to do "unarmed nwaf runs".

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Actually, I think it might just be 'too safe' to have this feature implemented. Think on this-

Ignore every single weapon you find. Every one, except for the hatchet. Because it can be on your toolbelt, you can keep it there, and it won't be a weapon. Run through towns gathering Zed's behind you without a care, looting at will. When you're done, drag the zeds out of the town to a hill, and lose them. Live forever. =\

This is silly.

Sorry OP, I understand your intention but this idea really just isn't how it should be done. If you can't see that, you need an unbiased opinion.

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Once again, zeds can kill you, just other players can't, program the game that no matter where the weapon is, on your belt, in your inventory, SOMEWHERE ON YOUR BODY, you can be killed by anyone, even zeds. No knife on your tool belt, no hatchet on your tool belt. nothing that can be used as a weapon ever in any form or fashion, makes it so you can't be killed BY ANOTHER PLAYER.

Just think of realism, in a real zombie apocalypse, there would be scavengers just looting and living without killing zeds or humans. if that's how you want to play, see if you can live by stealth and not killing anyone. There's a challenge, no killing unarmed noobs because you can.

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In my opinion, this idea has multiple flaws.

If you have no weapon, no point in trying to save yourself, since you probably have just spawned in 5 minutes ago and have no gear worth losing. If you don`t get a weapon first thing, you are kind of screwed anyway.

I also can see this being abused, people dropping all weapons for basic invincibility, this would become almost as cowardly and bad as quick disconnect.

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I don't think you really understand what I was saying.

Zeds aren't a threat. At all. Ever. I can run into a town unarmed as it is now, loot every building in there, and not get hit by a zombie once because of how pathetic they are. I've even done this in Cherno before, because I was lucky enough that noone was there at the time. Got out with an Alice pack, med supplies, infinite food/water, and some nice guns that I'll never fire against zombies because of how worthless they are. Give it a try sometime. The only thing you need to do to not get hit by a zombie is just keep running. They'll stop, swing, then miss cuz you're gone.

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Send an unarmed scout directly to the enemy.

Enemy is not able to kill the scout.

Let him tell you where the enemy hides, preferably by standing right next to them.


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While I disagree with OP about being ''untouchable'' when not armed, being new dayz player I do agree its just tiresome, getting killed over and over again, having only a goddamn patch on me.

On the other side, I feel sorry for the guy who came across unarmed player just to get shot minutes later by the same fu**er., as said above (#10).

Its just plain sad. In fact this behaviour pisses me off so much that cocksuckers like him just ruin the game, creating environement where noone can trust noone. Eat shit *****

Anyways, happened the same to me just today. Funny how some ppl are so fucking greedy that not even dropped beans and coke were good enough.

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So because you have bad experiences you want rocket to change the nature of the game? riiight.

Listen, the point is the game to be a tool-set for players to form their own paths trough the world and survive in their own way. surviving in dayz is hard, especially in the beginning with nothing on you but the bare necessity to survive and It needs to stay that way. Its what makes this mod so special, hell, i'd like it to be even harder! Anyway I think you need to realize that for now, at this stage of the games development (pretty damn early) this mod is not for you. You need time to get ahead in this game and since you, as you said yourself have limited time to invest, you cant expect to go anywhere. It takes time (many deaths and allot of hairy situations) to learn how to be successful at this game. I think it would make this game way WAY to easy if you could simply avoid being shot. Its the nature of the beast and I think it adds to the realism of the game. people will be dicks, and people screw other people over. you cant trust noone because once you turn your back on your cherno friend, there is a high chance that he will shoot you for your beans. Dog eat dog, its a tough world and you need to adapt to survive.

The best advice I can give you is to, once you spawn, go prone, crawl to the edge of the woods staying away from zombies and run into the wild. Its the safest place at this moment (until they add predatory beasts) and head for the nearest small town. crawl to buildings avoiding zombies and find stuff there. The coast is to dangerous for new players so don't stay to long!

Edited by EVIL9000

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I don't really like to see this happening. Here is my little story:

I had an Lee enfield, had a lifetime of a few hours. Just camped in Cherno at the Supermarket,Fire house and such. Then I saw a unarmed guy passing me, I decided not to shoot 'cause he had no weapons, and I found it rather poor to shoot a guy who can't defense himself. 2 minutes later I saw him coming back from a house, passing my building, was in the Fire house and suddenly he was next to me with an Double Barrled shotgun.

And that's how my little story ends... Sad but true.

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It's really easy to loot Cherno/Elektro with no equipment. You see, most people tend to try and snipe people from afar. Most people also have awful aim. Simply run into the town, run into all buildings, when you finish you should have everything youd ever need to survive.

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No knife on your tool belt, no hatchet on your tool belt. nothing that can be used as a weapon ever in any form or fashion, makes it so you can't be killed BY ANOTHER PLAYER.

In my mind some nice trolling schemes immediately pop up:

- Running unarmed, training zombies onto people.. they will have to shoot the zombies, giving away their position to other players who will then snipe them.

- Or you can follow people just to annoy them, stand in their way in doorways and so on to lock them in. If they try to shoot at you, they will just attract zombies and pvp.

- You can also just walk up to them and steal things from their backpacks, funny as hell!! Steal wapons and drop on the ground.

- Or you can put garbage in their packs, like some empty cans so the pack overflows and their packed DMR is deleted.

Being unarmed, you have nothing to fear. Zombies? Run away from them. Players? You are bullet proof!

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I would like to see everyone who makes suggestions like this, get a divine bullet from god himself, right in their fucking skull!

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