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how to stop campimg sniper bandits

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I honestly had MW3 pop on into my head when I saw this idea. Like that Kill Confirmed gamemode where you had to pick up their dog tags to get the points.

In my opinion this idea isn't too "direct" on the main point.

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read the all of people have said to make it so you have to get a finger or ear or whatever the hell you want. It doesnt have to be a dogtag you people need to stop getting so caught up on the dogtag thing

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Love the idea of dogtags or kill claiming.

I'm not %100 sure I like the idea of stopping the lone bandit, I think there is a ton more immersion when you have to be so careful.

An unintended bonus: Spotters very, very rarely get kills. I escort my sniper, and use the GL to ward off bandits, I have nearly 200 zombie kills and 0 bandit kills/murders. Being able to claim kills in this way would encourage people to use support roles. Spotters and escorts are as important as snipers and looters, yet they are shunned positions due to the lack of glory.

+1 (if feasible to implement)

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Go play MW3 instead if you want to kill and get tags. a kill is a kill if the player dont want the loot its up to him.

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I like the idea as a 'just cuz' kinda thing. I don't think the dog tags should have any major roll in game-play, but still be there just cuz, you know what I mean? Be able to collect tags and tags of people killed by the person you found. They don't even necessarily have to be from the person you killed, but rather found. It could become loot only obtainable from other players that players could make something out of themselves, whether it be currency or just for proof of kills.

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This system does not make the game any more kill oriented than it already is.

Yes it does...a little bit. Now you'd get cool little collectable trinkets when you loot the body of those you kill. Serial killers tend to do the same thing in real life. It enhances their enjoyment. The OP also talked about potentially using dogtags as currency. Certainly you can see how this makes the game more PK oriented and/or encourages player killing.

The bandit was going to shoot the person no matter what if they needed to or not.

True. Hopefully this will be less of a problem once the devs implement REAL solutions to incentivize (but not necessitate) teamwork.

Right now bandits use there murder counts as ways to gain presteige arround their bandit campfires.

Correct. Dogtags would be no different. I don't think a significant portion of a survivor population in the grips of a doomsday outbreak would find it most important to sit around and brag to eachother about how many survivor's they've murdered without reason. So the solution is to provide additional ways for people to brag about how many people they murdered? The suggestion SHOULD be to remove the murder count from the debug monitor....though I imagine this is already a planned change once the game goes into beta.

Like it or not once bandits get the best gear they just kill to kill

Right, because there's not much else to do as a lone survivor. But by saying "like it or not" it sounds like you've given up on the game ever becoming a more realistic struggle for survival in a zombie apocalypse. Personally, I don't think the game should be 1. Scavenge 2. Survive 3. Collect as many trinkets off of murdered human players as you can.

Edited by LogicRising

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How will this stop snipers? They dont kill to get a huge kill count they kill for fun (it is fun) if you want rocket to put that in its just useless extra work

I believe the idea was that they would have to get up close and personal as to actually collect the tags (because in theory they would be used for some form of reward or recognition otherwise unattainable?) from the people they killed as opposed to just sitting back and killing anyone they see from a distance far from harms way. Making them a form of currency so to speak.

Edited by Sinvex

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That comment is the most ridiculous thing I have ever read... well not really but close. Do you think for one second that when a sniper, in real life, makes a kill that he/she walks/runs/crawls 100-1000+ yards/meters to collect a dog tag in the midst of a firefight/enemy position/etc? Kills are confirmed in numerous ways. Most commonly through Battle Damage Assessments after the engagement, or enemy "chatter" collected by intelligence talking about the fact that the targeted individual was indeed killed. You've seen too many movies.

However with that said, if you're playing as a bandit, while tags may not be the answer, the proposal seems sound. If you're wanting them to loot the bodies in order to draw them out or make people think twice, then if a person is actually designated a bandit, then have supplies disappear from ground drops and the only way they can get supplies from then on out is to kill or raid tents, that's what a bandit is supposed to do right?

Do you think for one second that a sniper is running from zombies and just killing indiscriminately in real life?

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Are you kidding me..? You are kidding me aren't you. Okay so every fucking survivor was or is in the military... And DayZ is MW3?

You've officially been added onto the list - http://dayzmod.com/f...ng-to-make-dayz


Pretty sure the idea was a token incentive of some form... ears for instance would be great. I believe the concept was his point not the details.

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If your wondering what I mean by "camping snipers" I'm talking about those lone snipers that kill only to kill with no intention of looting the bodies. In real

life when a sniper gets a kill he cant claim it as his until he gets the dogtags off the target in order to confirm it. If a dogtag system was implemented it wouldnt stop it entirly but because in order to gain credit for the kill you would need the dogtag to prove it you would have less 1 km snipers and more snipers beginning to loot bodies even if just for the tags. A dogtag system would also make it so you cant just confirm your kill by leaderboard to the top right of your screen. This could also cut down on survivors branded bandits because they wouldnt become one unless they claimed the tags. Dog tags

could in the far away future if implemented be the bandit's currency. so in a sense you could kill a fellow bandit and take all his tags or trade tags for items if your in a bandit clan. Now I have no knowledge on how to implement it but it would be a very cool system if someone could implement it. So what do you guys think?

Um, in real life, You don't take people's dog tags, you leave them to ID the body. I THINK it is a war crime to take them, but I am not sure on that. And more likely than not, the sniper doesn't give two shits about his kills. He just kills for fun ;)

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Um, in real life, You don't take people's dog tags, you leave them to ID the body. I THINK it is a war crime to take them

Nope not so much

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