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how to stop campimg sniper bandits

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If your wondering what I mean by "camping snipers" I'm talking about those lone snipers that kill only to kill with no intention of looting the bodies. In real

life when a sniper gets a kill he cant claim it as his until he gets the dogtags off the target in order to confirm it. If a dogtag system was implemented it wouldnt stop it entirly but because in order to gain credit for the kill you would need the dogtag to prove it you would have less 1 km snipers and more snipers beginning to loot bodies even if just for the tags. A dogtag system would also make it so you cant just confirm your kill by leaderboard to the top right of your screen. This could also cut down on survivors branded bandits because they wouldnt become one unless they claimed the tags. Dog tags

could in the far away future if implemented be the bandit's currency. so in a sense you could kill a fellow bandit and take all his tags or trade tags for items if your in a bandit clan. Now I have no knowledge on how to implement it but it would be a very cool system if someone could implement it. So what do you guys think?

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I actually really like that. You get a certain amount of dog tags and maybe it changes your appearance or like you said could be used as some sort of currency. I'm not so sure I actually like the dog tags themselves, but if there was something you could collect from a victim proving you did what you did it'd be cool.

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I'm not so sure I actually like the dog tags themselves, but if there was something you could collect from a victim proving you did what you did it'd be cool.

their ear.

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You should go back to BF3 if you want tags. Here you have to scan all raised positions for snipers and go take them out like a man.

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yeah i like this idea i wouldnt try and make it a currency of any sort but rather then just having a murder count on your screen remove that and have a dog tag count so that whenever u kill someone and take the tag off them it gives you a count then. To force them to come down from the mountains if they want credit for just farming kills. But you would have to make it so only the person that killed them could collect the tag

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Actually, using dogtags as a form of leaderboard system would be more realistic. Normally, people don;t have magical leaderboards that track every kill, so instead having to have the dogtag would add a kill to your score. It would also lead to people looting dogtags off people who died by Z, which is perfectly fine. There is little trust in a zombie world, and I don't see why leaderboards should be any different.

The only thing is, to stop people from farming the coast, dog tags should drop from players after an hour of gameplay, when a person has found an identity so to speak. Or just let people have dog tags immediatly and let the people decide how it happens.

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You should go back to BF3 if you want tags. Here you have to scan all raised positions for snipers and go take them out like a man.

Multiple games have Dog tag systems, I like how you just say BF3. You don't think games or mods can take ideas from elements of other games? then that means every MMO is just a WoW copy, oh please.

Edit : Forgot to say this is quite a nice idea, maybe not a priority but definitely a nice side to the mod.

Edited by Elektro

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If your wondering what I mean by "camping snipers" I'm talking about those lone snipers that kill only to kill with no intention of looting the bodies. In real

life when a sniper gets a kill he cant claim it as his until he gets the dogtags off the target in order to confirm it. If a dogtag system was implemented it wouldnt stop it entirly but because in order to gain credit for the kill you would need the dogtag to prove it you would have less 1 km snipers and more snipers beginning to loot bodies even if just for the tags. A dogtag system would also make it so you cant just confirm your kill by leaderboard to the top right of your screen. This could also cut down on survivors branded bandits because they wouldnt become one unless they claimed the tags. Dog tags

could in the far away future if implemented be the bandit's currency. so in a sense you could kill a fellow bandit and take all his tags or trade tags for items if your in a bandit clan. Now I have no knowledge on how to implement it but it would be a very cool system if someone could implement it. So what do you guys think?

No... just no

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Yes.... just yes.

If it help you to read the post in another light, think of it as a way to track kills instead. A informal leaderboard. You might even have the option to 'Show Dogtags' to another player, comparing kills. There shouldn't be a formal leaderboard which auto tracks kills.

If it helps, they don't even have to be dogtags.

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you can make them whatever you want dogtags ears fingers whatever the devs want it to be but its a great idea non the less

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How will this stop snipers? They dont kill to get a huge kill count they kill for fun (it is fun) if you want rocket to put that in its just useless extra work

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I don't think it would. As a way to stop snipers, it doesn't make too much sense. As an informal leaderboard for those who are competitive, its a realistic way instead of a leaderboard that the server tracks.

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Thanks for all the feedback guys i only hope this idea will eventually get implemented instead of being forgotten. maybe the dogtags could be consumable so when you use one it raises your kill count by 1.

Edited by Robert-_-Frost

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How will this stop snipers? They dont kill to get a huge kill count they kill for fun (it is fun) if you want rocket to put that in its just useless extra work

Nailed it, have some beans.

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I wouldn't mind something like this being in game, but it shouldn't be implemented as any kind of system. There especially shouldn't be any kind of reward or appearance system tied to it. I completely agree with the idea of removing the visible kill count. In a real situation you have know way of knowing if you've actually killed someone unless you check the body, or see their head explode through the scope. If this were added though, I don't think dog tags should be used as the indicator. That would imply that everyone in Day Z is military, which they aren't. We play as survivors, regular people.

I understand how infuriating it is to get sniped from the next county over while you're trying to loot, especially when the sniper is just chasing thrill kills, but in this game no system should ever be implemented to change, encourage or discourage any player behavior. That is the beauty of Day Z; It's organic. Day Z places no restrictions on player actions, so players do whatever they want, and that is realistic. In a real post apocalypse there would be sickos and crazies just killing for fun. And you never know, even though he didn't loot your body, that sniper may have been running over watch for a friend while they looted and you just happened to be in the way.

If something like this were implemented it should be something like a finger, or ear, or even a head if you want to be able to prove the identity of the dead player.

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In real life when a sniper gets a kill he cant claim it as his until he gets the dogtags off the target in order to confirm it.

That comment is the most ridiculous thing I have ever read... well not really but close. Do you think for one second that when a sniper, in real life, makes a kill that he/she walks/runs/crawls 100-1000+ yards/meters to collect a dog tag in the midst of a firefight/enemy position/etc? Kills are confirmed in numerous ways. Most commonly through Battle Damage Assessments after the engagement, or enemy "chatter" collected by intelligence talking about the fact that the targeted individual was indeed killed. You've seen too many movies.

However with that said, if you're playing as a bandit, while tags may not be the answer, the proposal seems sound. If you're wanting them to loot the bodies in order to draw them out or make people think twice, then if a person is actually designated a bandit, then have supplies disappear from ground drops and the only way they can get supplies from then on out is to kill or raid tents, that's what a bandit is supposed to do right?

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The monitor shows you who you've killed already. Your's involves names and recording them, which is arbitary but I'd prefer a number without names attached as I feel that your notebook would get cluttured with names. Though using a notebook to record a kill is a brilliant idea.

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If your wondering what I mean by "camping snipers" I'm talking about those lone snipers that kill only to kill with no intention of looting the bodies. In real

life when a sniper gets a kill he cant claim it as his until he gets the dogtags off the target in order to confirm it. If a dogtag system was implemented it wouldnt stop it entirly but because in order to gain credit for the kill you would need the dogtag to prove it you would have less 1 km snipers and more snipers beginning to loot bodies even if just for the tags. A dogtag system would also make it so you cant just confirm your kill by leaderboard to the top right of your screen. This could also cut down on survivors branded bandits because they wouldnt become one unless they claimed the tags. Dog tags

could in the far away future if implemented be the bandit's currency. so in a sense you could kill a fellow bandit and take all his tags or trade tags for items if your in a bandit clan. Now I have no knowledge on how to implement it but it would be a very cool system if someone could implement it. So what do you guys think?

Go back to cod 8, your people need you

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Yes your right i do watch too many movies. It makes sense that if you see him fall you should get the kill awarded but what if he bleeds out behind cover. This really applies for any banditry seeing as on most youtube videos the one question to figure out if the guy really died is "did you get a murder?" it should remain a secret if the guy really died or if he just ran off until the shooter could confirm the kill. While visual confirmation makes sense it would be much easier to simply impliment an item that added a kill to your leaderboard than to have kills confirmed when you have line of sight of the person. Also this would lead to less solo snipers kill farming but instead have more overwatch snipers shooting and having a friend collect the tags and give it to him afterwards. Also I am refering to the way the russian snipers would use this system to claim there kills for greater prestiege in ww2. In real life those snipers would wait till nightfall to move and collect their tags. I am in no way tring to say that this is jsed in modern warefare but it is or was used in a time before uav's and other means of improving optics/communications. Sorry that i didnt clarify that in the origonal post. Also who made the most rediculois statement?

Edited by Robert-_-Frost

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I don't like this idea for a few reasons:

1. This is a zombie apocalypse game, not a war game. Why would anyone have dogtags in the zombie apocalypse?

2. The game is supposed to be about surviving in the zombie apocalypse, not about racking up the most player kills.

3. Player killing is, and should remain a
aspect of the gameplay that emerges from more complex motivations like supply shortages and risk aversion, not a primary one. Developing a system like the one suggested puts unnecessary emphasis on player killing and only
encourages player killing behavior as a primary goal
within the game.

4. There are literally hundreds of first-person titles out there that treat player killing as a primary goal. This game is different, and I think it is one of the main reasons reason it is so popular.

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I don't like this idea for a few reasons:

"1. This is a zombie apocalypse game, not a war game. Why would anyone have dogtags in the zombie apocalypse?

2. The game is supposed to be about surviving in the zombie apocalypse, not about racking up the most player kills.

3. Player killing is, and should remain a secondary aspect of the gameplay that emerges from more complex motivations like supply shortages and risk aversion, not a primary one. Developing a system like the one suggested puts unnecessary emphasis on player killing and only encourages player killing behavior as a primary goal within the game."

This system does not make the game any more kill oriented than it already is. The bandit was going to shoot the person no matter what if they needed to or not. I dont see how this will make banditry more appealing. Right now bandits use there murder counts as ways to gain presteige arround their bandit campfires. Like it or not once bandits get the best gear they just kill to kill and giving them a reason to loot the bodies would cut down some of the wasted resources. As I said before if your a survivor you could chose not to take the tags so you dont get labled a bandit and ruin all your chances to help a stranger. This game is supposed to be what you make it... killing people, helping people, or killing zombies.

Edited by Robert-_-Frost

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