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I just have a question about 2 of the strongest and probably best rifles in the game. My question is what is better the AS50 or M107 .50 caliber rifle ? I just found the AS50 yesterday and the M107 today and now i have both of them in my Coyote Backpack and i just dont want to leave one behind if it is a better weapon.

If it is not 100% sure which weapon is better can you please send me a list of features with things like: Weapon Zoom, Maximum range (not maximum zeroing) and things like that.

You'll get some beans for a useful answer :)

P.S Sorry if my english isnt the best Im not from a country with english as official language.

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Don't apologize for your english, It's better than most people that use english as their primary language. As for the guns, I'm not sure because sniping isn't really my thing but most of the people I've played with prefer the AS50 over the M107.

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AS50 is more accurate, and quieter. I suggest using the AS50 with M107 clips. Hold on to 10 rnds of AS50 5rnd incase you spot a vehicle. Otherwise, stick to the 10rnd M107's.

I guess to elaborate a little.

I think the AS50 with M107 clip does something like 37k blood damage. (Obviously a 1 hit kill anywhere)

I believe the AS50 rounds do something like 117k bloow damage. (Will drop any car if hit in the engine in 1 shot, down a heli in 2)

M107 - 10 rnds

AS50 - 5 rnds

Edited by Meak
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AS50 can use both mags, the M107 ones and the AS50 ones.

AS50 = 174k dmg and 5 rounds per mag.

M107 = 37k dmg and 10 rounds per mag.

The AS50 is a bit more accurate, the M107 has a differnt zoom, but that does not make any big difference to the AS50.

One downside of the AS50 (not sure if it got fixed till now) is that the mil dots are a bit off-scale, so figuring out the range with mil-dots needs a bit of testing.

Maybe you simple use the basic Arma II OA and the Shooting Range mission which you can find for download and test both guns out yourself, there you can setup targets at different ranges and simple shoot them.

Overall the AS50 is for me the better weapon of choice.

So for normal use, AS50 with M107 rounds and if you have, AS50 rounds to disable a vehicle or if you think you have enough ammuntion, to kill a guy for sure.

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Thanks for your answers you have my beans! Unfortunatly i just have 4 M107 Magazines and no AS50 magazines :(.

I just shot a bandit with an AS50 once in DayZ and he was instant down it was extremely cool :D

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as50 doesnt matter what anybody else says or attempts to make up

m107 mags can be used in the as50 if you suck at aiming (10 instead of 5 bullets) but are worse than the as50 nato rounds (slower, less damage)

not to mention you can hardly hear the as50 while the m107 can be heard from 450m away

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Yeah, the sound of the AS50 is totally unrealistic i think, but thanks for the tip about the Ammo of the AS50 :) Im gonna try that out on the shooting range i just downloaded some Dayz ago :D

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You'd be silly to disadvantage yourself by taking the M107 over the AS50. The only advantage the M107 has is that the mildots are correct, the AS50 scope is fucked

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the M107 have 1200 meters range.

were the AS50 have 1600 meters range

additional the AS50 makes less sound while firing.

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M107 maximum damage is like 37500, the as50 with NATO Rounds i belive is 256,000 blood damage.

The bullet travels faster.

The gun isnt as loud,

It can use two ammo types, i belive its maximum range is better too.

Pearsonaly, DMR FTW

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I am sniping a lot (ArmA2, ACE, Wasteland and of course DayZ) and I have to agree with the other guys.

I recommend to use the AS50.


1.) It is really quiet - your opponents have a lot more problems to estimate your position. (Compared to the M107 which I like to call the "Death Star" - hear it and you know why ^^)

2.) Damage is higher (if you use the NATO rounds)

3.) You can use the M107 rounds in the AS50 - more bullets, but lower damage. You should use the NATO rounds against vehicles and the M107 for soft targets (it is a OHK with both ammo types).

4.) Max range for the AS50 is 1600 m (M107 is on 1200 m)

The MilDot issue is known - I think the reason for that is, that the AS50 is a British weapon. (They use another unit of length instead of meters). But if you are playing a lot you will learn to estimate the distance to your target.

Summary: If you can choose between the AS50 and the M107 - the AS50 is winning in all categories. Noise, damage and range.

Edited by Draxx

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use skill and a lee enfield ;) 99 percent more kills and more skill / fun

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AS50 is indeed better on all aspects... Though I prefer the 107 myself mainly cause ,like somebody else already mentioned, I feel like a whimp when firing the AS50 cause of the way it sounds :D :D

Very distinctive sound .... I likey! It feels manly! :D and it looks cooler too imho!

Edited by terrorizer33
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