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Brickwall (DayZ)

Looking for Ghillie suit, have nvg, dmr, m107 pick one

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I take it you're trading the items in the title for it? If so then I'll trade you a ghillie for all items listed.

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I may want to give you a ghillie suit for the m107.... does it come with any ammo. If you want to talk more about this add me on skype: Jorilhelea

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Tent with the m107 is gone after last server restart, gonna have to wait until next restart and hopefully it will come back... still have an extra nvg if your interested in that though

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Ahh, no .50 cal anymore? Pity, that's the only item I was really considering :/

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Alright i talked to him.... he said that we should wait till tomorrow to see of the m107 comes back, but if not we will take the NVG.

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I'll trade my Ghillie for the NVG and a CZ, if you have one?

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