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Can we please try to come up with a consensus?

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There seems to be a lot of threads and a lot of complaining. I don't know what criteria the Day Z developers use to actually act on these criticisms, but I doubt they trawl through every thread of this forum trying to identify what to solve next.

My suggestion is to nominate 5-10 of the biggest problems with the alpha, and then poll them to see what the vast majority of us think is the worst problem.

For example, my three biggest problems with Day Z:

1) Zombie movement- Absurd unpredictable zigzagging except for when they enter a building and become meek kittens to be lined up and shot.

2) Lack of end game- Once you have the survival gear and a semi decent weapon, the remaining options to do with your time can be a little boring.

3) Loading times- Loading up a game takes ages, which is really annoying because it deters me from restarting the game when it glitches out/hackers strike etc

Once I've seen enough nominations I'll make a poll and we'll see what problem annoys everyone the most.

By the way there's nothing unusual about the level of whining. Anyone who played WOW and saw the state of that forum should know that.

Official Nominations (so far):

1. Zombie Movement Unpredictability/Endless Sprint/Walking inside buildings

2. Hacking Teleportation/mass killing etc

Edited by Conor88

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1. Hacking: Make server logs comprehensible; ban on teleportation players, mass-killing of the server, duping, etc.

2. Gameplay mechanics: Fix legs breaking from getting stuck in doors, walking into other players, jumping off a 1" high ledge, etc.

3. Lack of socialization: Add support for squads and spawning together; bring back side chat as a server variable & client toggle.

4. Balance: Make loot spawn rates much lower on low-population servers to prevent loot-whording; make military-grade weapons rarer.

5. Disconnecting and server hopping: Not sure how to fix this, other than it needs to be fixed?

6. Zombie AI: Fix zombies so they don't walk through walls and aggro from half a mile away.

7. Inventory system: Make it more intuitive and fix bugs where items delete themselves.

In order of importance, from most important to least important.

Edited by drmantistoboggan

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We need a bit more than this. It would be great if the Devs came out and pointed us in the direction they intend to take the game. Ideas that they like and are considering, ideas they don't, etc. I know Rocket has done a lot of interviews, but it seems to me that everyone is always asking the same questions. There have been thousands of ideas presented in these forums, and the only one I have seen that got immediate attention is the reason you have "Woodland Warrior" right above your name. The game has a solid foundation, but is lacking as a finished product. We need to know what he plans to implement in the finished product so our ideas might actually be helpful. Some of the biggest problems might not even be an issue once the game is released as a finished product, and were going to have to wait until the game has proper funding to be released as a stand alone game until we will know what issues we think he should be prioritizing.

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and then poll them to see what the vast majority of us think is the worst problem.

actually, the vast majority in here has no clue what this mod is all about.

just skip through some random threads to get a rough idea.

it really need to NOT matter what the vast majority thinks.

this would turn into some bf3 hello kitty average zombie mmo in no time.

i would rather have the developers decide what needs fixing and how to

organize their development.

exactly as it is happening right now, i am perfectly fine with.

Edited by Azrail

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I also would like to see no more zombies using ledge or opening doors (okey, they can destroy them after time, but not just open) and that walk thru walls. Ah, It hurts when u stand next to wall and he can attack you normally.

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We need real zombies, not mentally ill homeless athletes on bath salts.

Hackers need to be hunted down and dealt with, preferably with extreme violence.

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There seems to be a lot of threads and a lot of complaining. I don't know what criteria the Day Z developers use to actually act on these criticisms, but I doubt they trawl through every thread of this forum trying to identify what to solve next.

My suggestion is to nominate 5-10 of the biggest problems with the alpha, and then poll them to see what the vast majority of us think is the worst problem.

For example, my three biggest problems with Day Z:

1) Zombie movement- Absurd unpredictable zigzagging except for when they enter a building and become meek kittens to be lined up and shot.

2) Lack of end game- Once you have the survival gear and a semi decent weapon, the remaining options to do with your time can be a little boring.

3) Loading times- Loading up a game takes ages, which is really annoying because it deters me from restarting the game when it glitches out/hackers strike etc

Once I've seen enough nominations I'll make a poll and we'll see what problem annoys everyone the most.

By the way there's nothing unusual about the level of whining. Anyone who played WOW and saw the state of that forum should know that.

1. I agree, it would be nice if zombies would follow a less evasive path, they want to eat you, they aren't having second thoughts about it.

2. The concept of "end" game is overrated, to me we need more opportunities to start over in some ways. I know players who felt "relieved" from starting over and losing their gear because it made the game fun again. Ultimately, after you secured your survival, the challenge is to keep what you have from raider groups, and ... well raid them.

3. I moved all the arma assets to my SSD drive, no regrets, it's simply that your disk is slow :/

Edited by Lady Kyrah

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There is this thing about 'how' to deal with things too though,

1. The whole zombie speed thing is more likely to be changed once a weight/stamina system is implemented that prevents players from running from zombies if they are packed with stuff. Untill that happens changing zombies will likely mean they are always meek kittens to be lined up and shot!

2. The end game idea is pretty clear for the most part, and can not be realized within the mod. What can be realized within the mod is more content, stretching out the early-game, and making mid-game more challenging (here the weight thing will come in handy again). So the aim for the mod should not realy be 'end-game' it should be stretching the survival horror idea for as far as it can be...

3. Loading times indeed bug me somewhat at times, but once i am in the game usually runs quite ok for the entire session ... so there is no real problem there, and only minor when i die and have to respawn (esp. on good servers with good ping). And my computer is about 4y old and running XP...


So what IS the biggest problem, well after today i think hackers are the biggest problem, because within Arma they are not the general cheating code injectors, but they are basically taking over the game & the server ... unfortunatly Rocket can't do much about that within DayZ, but seeing he is employed by BI, i think he can make clear that they no longer own their own product, and that hackers are shitting in front of their door while standing right beside it laughing about it...

All other things in my views are just a minor hassle, and if hackers were just code injecting cheaters they would be a minor hassle too, thing is though, the hacking seems to be way beyond that .... or Arma2 allows way to much in regards to code injecting while a game is actually running. And that needs to be fixed, not for DayZ but for BI as a company, because these mods will effect other games as well, and if Arma3 is like it as well not many people will be interested, or even if they build up a weak reputation, the release may already be lost b4 it ever came out ... so it's very much in BI's interest to do something about this, and protect their otherwise nice game, even the modding is cool! They just need to find a way to devide the modding from the 'running', so the game and mods can be safe :)

So if you want to support anything, support the 'Do something about hacker poll' ;)

Edited by L0GIN

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I've added two nominations so far, willing to add more once people throw their weights behind new or previously mention problems.

Hacking is an issue. It's something I've only experienced twice ( both mass teleportations) which is why it didn't make my own personal top 3, but its definitely annoying when it happens.

I think I would throw Zombie movement in even if no-one agreed with me, it bothers me that much. If it didn't make the poll a little convoluted it could be widened to "Zombies In General", because...They suck. They feel more like nuisance than a challenge to my survival, which is a shame really.

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1. I'd say hacking is number one right now, nothing more fun then getting randomly blown up

2. Zombies should always be a threat. I don't care how its done (more zombies, faster zombies, zombies spawn in the woods, ect) but once you have an axe, zombies present very little challenge.

3. More/better end game; I'd much rather do something than hunt players but that is all there really is to do. If number 2 from above is dealt with, this may be dealt with as well.

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