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evilsandwich2 (DayZ)

battle at the barracks

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i got glitched on top of the roof... no way down, didnt want to jump

so i decided to go rambo


51 zombies were harmed during the making of this video.

also notice it's dark at the start, then light at the end. shows how much time i spent up there shooting them all lol

Edited by evilsandwich2
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Yea me and a friend tried to go into the barracks at the same time and i glitched on the roof. You can see a bench by the second and third window, he told me to crawl head first off the roof into the bench and you fall off without getting hurt or breaking your legs.

Edited by mad_orbitz

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The edit made it look like an aimbot lol.

180 Zombies killed, 0 murders, 0 bandits killed, nice stats! :P

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The edit made it look like an aimbot lol.

180 Zombies killed, 0 murders, 0 bandits killed, nice stats! :P

look at the zombie kill count at the start of the video then the end lol..

i crawled for about 20 minutes with a silenced m9, sneaking up to the barracks.. i wanted to be invisible. i was sure that there were players around that were gonna come for me, and about 10 minutes after the video, they did... back to square 1. luckily i emptied my pack back at the base, so all i really lost was the 436346346 hours it's going to take to run back up there 0_0

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