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US199 Vilayer.com admin is cheating

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OK so i was whit my frien in berezino and spoted 2 players both well equiped so wee desided to take em down i fire and kill F4II3N the other guy DC

so F4II3N is the admin so he comes back to berezino or the other guy dont now who and kill mi friend then i fire at him he DC and leater comes back .

the a few moments after that i dies instantly no gun fire no nothing

sorry for my english

mi In game name is Luis Feo mi friend is durex

server is US199 [F4] vilayer.com

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Hi there I rember this well and can provide the logs to any devs that request them proving that we had people in the area when we were killed and they converged on that area and youwere in a guille suit on the roof of one of the apartments and got sniped by our as50 (Johnny Bravo always deadly).

I suggest if you have issues ingame you come to our posted public TS instead of flaming us in forums

I have logs proving my statements what do you have?

also wth commands do we have? did you get banned? no did you get kicked? no did any of us death dodge no you lost us and blame it on alt f4. I have no ability to track people in realtime or even know who killed me without reviewing logs.

Im tired of kids getting smoked because we coordinate on TS and calling hackzors, your no better than the actual hackers imo they fake ability you fake hacks and ability.

Edited by F4ll3N
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Nothing can be done with out proof.

Your word against thiers.

Video evidence




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Please also review this post on what admins can/cannot do! http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/22386-admin-abuse-what-you-need-to-know/

Admins do NOT have the ability to just randomly kill players whenever they want. Also, just because you didn't hear a gunshot, doesn't mean you didn't get shot. Guns have a specific audible range...the AS50 for example cannot be heard past 455m. So anyone that uses the AS50 correctly would be far past that range while shooting you. Hence the reason you didn't hear a shot get fired.

Please read up on what admins can/cannot do before trying to taint an admin's reputation and accusing them of hacking.

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I killed the same admin from the US199 server,

but very interestingly, this guy use admin chat to tell me "we watch you asmode" , due to this server doesn't reveal player's name, how come he knows my name?

and is it appropriate to use admin chat to warn a player?

There is another story, I found camping base which have more than 30 tents with some vehicles, I had looked around that area, soon after he used admin chat again to tell me

something like "I know your camp location as well, so play nice asmode" what kind of warning is that?

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I killed the same admin from the US199 server,

but very interestingly, this guy use admin chat to tell me "we watch you asmode" , due to this server doesn't reveal player's name, how come he knows my name?

and is it appropriate to use admin chat to warn a player?

There is another story, I found camping base which have more than 30 tents with some vehicles, I had looked around that area, soon after he used admin chat again to tell me

something like "I know your camp location as well, so play nice asmode" what kind of warning is that?

Lol @ Asmod thought we would see you here. The first time you were spotted at the camp cause there is actually about 20 of us using that camp from many serv regualr clans on the server, you were spotted because so few ppl were online and unkown to you all but 2 were in our TS together reporting locations. Then when I was message about the contact I came in to check camp and turns out your griefed it with a bunch of tents pout in obvious areas outside our tent zones. So as with many others I messaged you in global saying you found ours then we found yours, when you went back to your camp to get your UAZ and bicycle set upo to loot our base btw you were being tracked, and that you should pay nice, as in not grief our camp, or we would grief yours. Also your name changes were spotted because your score transfers to the new profile (and why would you change your name to come jack our base Jin i mean what a joke i mean asmoDJ i mean asmod i mean admin should not invovle).

A valid exchange between the server owner whos camp you just griefed and a player that refused to come into TS even after I posted the TS addy in global chat for you after that exchange. If I was a dick I would have kicked you banned you or griefed you base as well, which I didnt.

Most of the regular clans and players that frequent my server have made contact with us in TS and heard our fire policy and such as I said 20 ppl used that camp between 3 clans with 10 more regualrs joining the hunt for you until you come into TS and make contact with us. This is a valid function of the game and I have NO server powers other than kick ban and global chat so if you cant deal with 30 ppl hunting you validly for grifing their camp then coming back and killing them and refusing to enter TS then find another server homeslice cause your life is about to get VERY HARD and I dont cheat hack or script and I have the actual server logs to prove that so there sint shit anyone can do to help you.

Either stay away from our camp and dont grief my bloody server with your tents and wire and come to TS and make nice nice with us or we make your griefing life hell in the most legit of manners.

TS =

And FYI no we wont PK you if you come to TS and make cojntact, many bad incidents have happened between us initiallly and we are all friends now we are used to dropping drama and working together especially with x2 thunderdomes happening yesterday alone.


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Thank you F4ll3N

Don't offence I really appreciate providing a good condition server, and I do enjoy playing in your server.

So basically you say, you have "fire policy", wow that surprises me you set up that kind of server policy I didn't know that.

Will 30 people chase me? that pretty awesome because playing on a knife-edge will make my game more fun. and I think you guys also need a "public enemy"

Since I got enough item from Johnny Bravo who drove white off-road car, and sniped by me, I don't need to touch your tent :)

Anyway, game is game, I don't think I need to compromise with you guys to play in your server.

Let's survive.

Edited by Asmode

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By the way, if an AS50 shot hits you in the head - you'll die before you hear the shot.

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Thank you F4ll3N

Don't offence I really appreciate providing a good condition server, and I do enjoy playing in your server.

So basically you say, you have "fire policy", wow that surprises me you set up that kind of server policy I didn't know that.

Will 30 people chase me? that pretty awesome because playing on a knife-edge will make my game more fun. and I think you guys also need a "public enemy"

Since I got enough item from Johnny Bravo who drove white off-road car, and sniped by me, I don't need to touch your tent :)

Anyway, game is game, I don't think I need to compromise with you guys to play in your server.

Let's survive.

oh we cool Asmod, but it is on like Donkey Kong.

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I killed the same admin from the US199 server,

but very interestingly, this guy use admin chat to tell me "we watch you asmode" , due to this server doesn't reveal player's name, how come he knows my name?

and is it appropriate to use admin chat to warn a player?

There is another story, I found camping base which have more than 30 tents with some vehicles, I had looked around that area, soon after he used admin chat again to tell me

something like "I know your camp location as well, so play nice asmode" what kind of warning is that?

I can see your name at any time using BERcon. I can also warn you if I think I see you doing anything mischievous, such as combat logging via admin & a private message. Not hard...

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