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Tales of Real Banditry

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In these days of KOS, coastal town deathmatches and sniper camping at NW airfield, it can often seem like true banditry is dead. You know, when someone lays an enticing trap for his victim, feigns an injury to bring the beans to them or that holy grail of DayZ folklore: the bloodless gunpoint robbery.

Use this thread to share your stories of such escapades. Show us all that proper banditry still exists out there, and that you are one of the awesome people doing it!

Bonus points if you took what you needed and allowed your victim to live.

(NOTE: I am not complaining about KOS, coastal town deathmatches and sniper camping at NW airfield. If you do those things, that's fine. This just isn't a thread for those stories, that's all.)

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I only had a hatchet and this person was unarmed. He didn't reply to my call and then he got loads of zeds on me. So we were running and i whacked him braking his legs. I quickly looted his backpack and left him there to get eaten by the zeds. Was this too mean?

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I wouldn't call that banditry, I'd call it bitchslapping a fool lol. Still, good on you for it :D

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Lol thanks and nice one Boomstick the old shoot in the face!

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Came into a house with my 1866 out. Saw a guy prone on the stairs, immediately started spamming the trigger, he did the same. Lots of cracking and booming, my screen flashing as I get hit. I assume I lost and expecting to get the hour glass (I always do).

All of the sudden, the reload indicator comes up. No way had I forgotten to reload! I guess I could pull out my pistol but it will be too late by then....

Then I realize he's keeled over. I guess it wasn't a reload icon I thought I saw in all the confusion, but perhaps it was the rearm icon? Either that or I was just seeing things. Anyway, I'd won, and I was bleeding. Ran up the stairs, bandaged myself. 4000 blood (down from 6500). Must have been shooting me with a makarov.

So I go back out to his body at the top of the stairs - I need beans before I start passing out. All of the sudden, another player comes up the stairs. I have the jump on him, but I still have my makarov out from before, not the 1866. I lost to him.

Never had a chance to switch back to my 1866 to see if I was really out of ammo or not. Probably not.

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I just started playing a couple days ago and it took me until last night to really get the hang of the game... All of this is on the US89 (or was it US87?) server.

During the day I met a guy who told me about his ATV and how awesome it was. I asked him to show me, so he did. Weasled got a 7.62 and I got an ATV.

Having decided that I didn't want to follow that path, I went to Cherno to gather supplies and maybe make a friend. I did and his name was Droost. We both needed blood and he was being swarmed by zombies. I saved him and we discussed meeting up with his group and his friend "Zack" as we exchanged supplies and he gave me a transfusion. Now was my turn to give a transfusion, something I hadn't done before. I used the scroll wheel menu and selected the option to start it,but for some reason instead of giving him blood I gave him a couple bullets as my AK sprayed wildly on full auto.

After Droost, I realized the true potential of this playstyle and made my way into forest as dusk hit.

Once it was completely dark out, I stalked a guy in the darkness for an hour to Balota, crawling in the grass with my AK. I crept up right next to him and yelled, "BOO!" then shot him. Yum beans.

Later, I met someone named Zack (note that I am Zach). He had a hatchet and I kept telling him that I wanted to be good friends with him. I was going to build him a fire in the barn so we could sing campfires and tell stories, but all he could talk about was how we should go to Elektro. I told him I didn't want to and that I felt very unappreciated since he wanted to leave me after I built a fire for him to warm up. As he turned and left I yelled, "THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!" That was the last thing he heard before my M1911 went off.

I made some friends because apparently Zack had friends with good gear and they were/are (assuming they play on that server regularly) offering a bounty for me. The guy Droost from before is also apparently part of their crew, to make things worse. Some people heard it and later on ran into me and we are now best buds because they actually sing songs around the campfires with me. We decided to raid some villages later and ran into a guy with an Enfield. He wanted to join us, which we were wary about considering the bounty on my head but I said ok. He started acting suspicious though, looking in our packs and constantly flashing his light. I told him to stop, but he didn't listen. I told him that in order for us to trust him, he had to pick up a road flare and light the way through Cherno for us. If he lived, he was in. He picked it up and ran as we watched, hopeful that he would pull through. But alas, the inevitable sniper rifle report rang through the hill.... Sorry dude, whatever your name was...

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This thread would be interesting if every story wouldn't end with "I killed the fucker". Try this thread again in about 6 months, I'm sure there will be loads of true bandit stories.

Right now it's kill on sight or die watching the other guy shoot you.

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This thread would be interesting if every story wouldn't end with "I killed the fucker". Try this thread again in about 6 months, I'm sure there will be loads of true bandit stories.

Right now it's kill on sight or die watching the other guy shoot you.

That was sort of the point, I wanted to see if anyone does actually outwit people etc rather than just blasting them. It's not looking promising!

Once it was completely dark out, I stalked a guy in the darkness for an hour to Balota, crawling in the grass with my AK. I crept up right next to him and yelled, "BOO!" then shot him. Yum beans.

I did enjoy this though :D

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I don't often bandit, but sometimes I get bored. While I was server surfing (home server was pitchblack and about empty, not much fun to be had), I finally had a stroke of luck and found a day-time server with decent ping.

I was looking in Gorka for some fueltank parts for my pickup on my home server, when I heard an engine. Driving through Gorka was an offroad pickup just like mine! I started thinking about where his home base would be, and hoping that he would stay in the area for a while.

I went over to the gas station between Gorka and Dubrovka, and planted my bear trap I found in the Novy Lug barn. The first time I planted it, it was right at the gates to the fuel tanks. I didn't like it there, so I picked it up (breaking my own leg in the process, stupid bug), and placed it in between the two tanks. My plan was to have him break his leg while refueling, then steal the truck while he crawled around. I didn't even consider him having a morphine, I was just really pleased about my cleverness.

After heading up to Dubrovka and hitting the barns for food, I heard an engine again. Sure enough, it was the pickup heading south towards the gas station!

I started crouch running after him, hoping he would stop for gas, and watching as he parked the truck right at the gates and hopped out. As he checked the gas station, I guess he saw me laying on the other side of the ridge, poking my head and gun up. He fired 3 quick shots at me, then ran in between the tanks. I couldn't hear the *snap* but I sure could imagine it. He came crawling out and I guess got a morphine from the truck, because he ran around it while I shot at him (400m shots with winchester, he was just a ant) and then drove off. I felt like a failure, but chalked it up to a learning experience and headed over to Polana to see what I could loot from the grocery store there. Just south of town, I saw the pickup sitting there. I sprinted to it, but alas, it was out of gas. I never saw the other player again, I went looking for a fuel can in the barns, and when I came back from getting a drink, the truck was gone again.

Yeah, I'm rarely a bandit, and not a very good one, but it made for a good story to tell my friends in TS, didn't it? :)

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your plan may not have worked out, but have my beans, sir, for trying it! :beans:

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your plan may not have worked out, but have my beans, sir, for trying it! :beans:

Same, that is pretty damn clever and hilariously cruel. I think I am going to try holding up a group of survivors sometime with only a Makarov or Hatchet, telling them that I recently respawned and that I have a sniper and people with automatic weapons behind me to back me up. I will then ask them to give one a rifle and that if they shoot me or if they refuse that they will be sniped instantly. Once they do, I will either go along my merry way singing the trololol song or I will just shoot them.

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My first attempts at banditry turned into axe murders. My first three victims were unarmed but that didn't stop me. Shortly after finding a Winchester 1866 on a corpse outside the airstrip in Balota I also found my fourth victim. After unsuccessfully attempting to raid the deer stands in the army camp I fell back and as I did I turned around just in time to catch a survivor closing in on the camp. I took a moment to catch my breath then put three rounds into him. I didn't loot the first two victims because they were unarmed, so this was the first victim I looted. Oh man, he was carrying some nice gear too. NVG, GPS, toolbox, entranching tool, ALICE pack, and more. I was stoked. As I opened the ALICE pack to see what goodies I would find within I got shot in the head. Insta-dead. In one moment I went from nothing to everything then back to nothing. Perhaps not true banditry as defined in OP, but this seems to be the way things work in Chernarus.

Edited by Sneckz

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I'd like to see any posts on this that have anything to do with robbing people when alt + f4 is a function in the game

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I'd like to see any posts on this that have anything to do with robbing people when alt + f4 is a function in the game

was going to post the same thing after reading everything.

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me and two of my mates were up at the NW airfield looking for loot in the barracks, when i heard gunshots, after proceding cautiously, i checked the front door and saw a new dead body on the road out side. we assumed the guy would be coming into the barracks and sure enough i caught a glimpse of him in the trees from through the window.

so we all piled into the bathroom ( no windows) , shut the door and waited.

5 minutes or so passed, until we heard footsteps,

the door opens, and for maybe two seconds. the bandit is crouching infront of us with a mk48 and two m16's in his face.

30 seconds later all that's left is a a smoke filled room, a swarm of zombies coming for us, and a new digit on my bandit kills counter.

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Heh, one of the first DayZ videos I saw, two friends had both gotten a hoard of zombies behind them and were running for over +5 minutes.. When one of them shoots the other and he falls to the ground..

They were buddies and laughing about it, but talk about a trickster

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