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Draconic (DayZ)

Player Classes + group perks

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I would like to see a class and perks system implemented, focused around groups play. Not sure how this would be implemented with in ARMA2's game controls but something along the line of 2 people meet up and agree to join forces. As long as they are with in X distance of each other they get Y perks.

Class - Perk - Reason it is "realistic"

Sniper - Camouflage - One person provides cover as other moves, so you will get an innate - being hear/seen

Infantry + dmg critical - Your knowledge of weapons helps your team do better

Medic + health - your knowledge of medical expertise helps your team

Special Forces - not sure on perk but maybe a lil bit of everything but only like 20% of what the other classes get. This would be your jack of all, master of none class.

Engineering (Construction) - More likely to find rare loot/more loot - Heck engineers can Macgyver anything out of anything :P

You would choose your class at start, and that is what you would spawn, you can also make it so that if your using your giving classes special weapon (cz550 for sniper, assault rifle for infantry etc etc) you get an innate bonus for yourself.

This would encourage more team work and not just shooting some one because they turned a corner near you. survivor groups would be more likely, and bandits groups would have to weigh if it is better to go solo or group up and risk being stabbed in the back :P

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I really disagree with adding classes, such as you are suggesting.

It would turn the game down a path of being a shooter with some weird mechanics, as opposed to an apocalypse Survival Sim.

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Not that its a bad idea for a regular shooter game or MMO.

For a survival game, realistic survival I can group and use the actual terrain ad the skills of my partner for advantage.

Not some game-run calculator that artificially makes me better than I am.

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Here's a question:

If things go to $hit and I am an engineer am I more likely to run across a toolbox?

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Here's a question:

If things go to $hit and I am an engineer am I more likely to run across a toolbox?

no but if you find one your more likely to know what to do with it, on the same token if things go to sh*t and i am a trained Doctor i will better know how to fix you, or if i am a trained snipe be better able to hide etc....

I am not asking for classes with special weapons only, or with special skills, just general perks for saying your are slightly better in one way then another, and if balance is an issue you can even make it so that there are negatives, maybe an sniper moves slower and can't run, or a medic can only hold 6 mags of pistol ammo as it needs more bag space for bandages...

Lots of ways you can keep it realistic, not like a MMO/BF3 game and still add "Classes"

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Do not like this.

Forming a group already provides all the benefits it should provide.

Classes are

- complicated to implement

- bad for balancing

- unnecessary

- damaging to solo players

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iirc rocket already said that a class/skill/specialization system is on the to-do list so v0v

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I had a similar idea but there was 4 Player Classes, each with it's own perk trees.

***I say in advance, since far, FAR too many posts I have read on this forum are hostile in nature, but something that carries over after dying would be nice. This may be an "MMO Feature" as many like to constantly ridicule, but ultimately (zombie survival sim or not) these features would encourage more players to consider playing this mod. Keep in mind, this is a video game and play-ability comes before realism.

The following are based on an experience system that would carry across player lives. 1 zombie kill = 1 xp; 1 human kill = 10 xp

1st. Marksman

The rifleman/sniper, valuable to groups and excellent to solo. Picks players/zombies off at long distances. All perks are limited (and may pertain solely) to rifles such as Lee Enfield, Winchester, CZ, etc.

Perks include: Increased Accuracy, Less Recoil, Increased Clip Size, Faster Reloading, Increased Zoom, Faster Sprint Recovery, Decreased Shot Volume

2nd. Assault

The Assault Rifle & Explosives expert, a true force to be reckoned with. A more valuable perk for more valuable weapons. Prefers to use an AK or LMG over any slow shooting rifle. All perks are limited (and may pertain solely) to assault rifles, LMGs, and Explosives.

Perks include: Increased Clip size, Reduced Recoil, Faster Reloading, Increased Explosives Effectiveness Range, Increased Explosives Damage, Increased Max Blood (up to 15000), Increased Pistol Damage

3rd. Doctor

The Survival Specialist & Medic, a cornerstone of any team (even a 1-man team). Can stay alive through thick and thin, all the while lacking the offensive power of its counterparts. All perks range from a great deal of areas.

Perks Include: Faster Item Consumption Times (Food, Water, Bandages, etc.), Increased Movement Speed, Food Restores More Blood, Temperature Decreases At Drastically Slower Rate, Increased Max Blood (up to 16000), Additional Inventory Slots, Increased Pistol Damage, Slight Damage Resistance (5% max), Decreased "Rate of Decay" on Hunger & Thirst.

4th. Assassin

The Silent and Deadly Killer, effective in teams and great solo. Prefers silenced weapons. This character wishes to remain silent and avoid detection at all costs. Perks range from a great deal of areas. Also note that Silenced Weapons also includes the Crossbow.

Perks include: Much Faster Movement Speed (Faster Than Doctor), Reduced Visibility Generated By Movement, Reduced Noise Generated By Movement & All Weapons, Additional Inventory Slots, Much Faster Reload Speed, Increased Clip Size, Increased Weapon Damage W/ Silenced Weapons


Additional Perks unrelated to Classes can also be awarded for things such as a certain number of headshots or kills with particular weapons and additional xp can be dealt out accordingly.


Pistol Master- 250 headshots total with pistols

BOOM! Headshot- 50 headshot kills of other players


Constructive feedback is welcome, this is merely an idea and I am an aspiring game/mod developer. I figured adding onto this thread was better than making my own.

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I dont see why I need a game calculator to make me a better anything.

If I want to snipe better I need to use the environment, find enough ammo and a decent location to practice and use my personal skills.

What I dont need is to click some "sniper class" button and all the sudden have more accuracy and more rifle loot magically appearing by me.

Just as if I were an engineer I dont need more toolboxes showing up. I need to learn how to use the tools if I find a toolbox.

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Enough with the perks allready..

anykind of Perk or Skill system will have negative effects on gameplay in matter of Game-Balance..

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I had a similar idea but there was 4 Player Classes' date=' each with it's own perk trees.

[b']***I say in advance, since far, FAR too many posts I have read on this forum are hostile in nature, but something that carries over after dying would be nice. This may be an "MMO Feature" as many like to constantly ridicule, but ultimately (zombie survival sim or not) these features would encourage more players to consider playing this mod. Keep in mind, this is a video game and play-ability comes before realism.

The following are based on an experience system that would carry across player lives. 1 zombie kill = 1 xp; 1 human kill = 10 xp

1st. Marksman

The rifleman/sniper, valuable to groups and excellent to solo. Picks players/zombies off at long distances. All perks are limited (and may pertain solely) to rifles such as Lee Enfield, Winchester, CZ, etc.

Perks include: Increased Accuracy, Less Recoil, Increased Clip Size, Faster Reloading, Increased Zoom, Faster Sprint Recovery, Decreased Shot Volume

2nd. Assault

The Assault Rifle & Explosives expert, a true force to be reckoned with. A more valuable perk for more valuable weapons. Prefers to use an AK or LMG over any slow shooting rifle. All perks are limited (and may pertain solely) to assault rifles, LMGs, and Explosives.

Perks include: Increased Clip size, Reduced Recoil, Faster Reloading, Increased Explosives Effectiveness Range, Increased Explosives Damage, Increased Max Blood (up to 15000), Increased Pistol Damage

3rd. Doctor

The Survival Specialist & Medic, a cornerstone of any team (even a 1-man team). Can stay alive through thick and thin, all the while lacking the offensive power of its counterparts. All perks range from a great deal of areas.

Perks Include: Faster Item Consumption Times (Food, Water, Bandages, etc.), Increased Movement Speed, Food Restores More Blood, Temperature Decreases At Drastically Slower Rate, Increased Max Blood (up to 16000), Additional Inventory Slots, Increased Pistol Damage, Slight Damage Resistance (5% max), Decreased "Rate of Decay" on Hunger & Thirst.

4th. Assassin

The Silent and Deadly Killer, effective in teams and great solo. Prefers silenced weapons. This character wishes to remain silent and avoid detection at all costs. Perks range from a great deal of areas. Also note that Silenced Weapons also includes the Crossbow.

Perks include: Much Faster Movement Speed (Faster Than Doctor), Reduced Visibility Generated By Movement, Reduced Noise Generated By Movement & All Weapons, Additional Inventory Slots, Much Faster Reload Speed, Increased Clip Size, Increased Weapon Damage W/ Silenced Weapons


Additional Perks unrelated to Classes can also be awarded for things such as a certain number of headshots or kills with particular weapons and additional xp can be dealt out accordingly.


Pistol Master- 250 headshots total with pistols

BOOM! Headshot- 50 headshot kills of other players


Constructive feedback is welcome, this is merely an idea and I am an aspiring game/mod developer. I figured adding onto this thread was better than making my own.

If I am a Sniper and I hand my buddy my gun, will the "clip size" be reduced?

If we go to a shooting range and grab the same rifle off the rack, will I somehow have more bullets?

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Yes, the clip size would return to normal.

Play-ability > Realism

Every. Single. Time.

If ultimate realism was the case you would need a can opener to eat your precious beans, or to smash the can against a nice rock.

For those who hate all RPG aspects & CoD shooting, keep in mind how popular and successful those games are. Whether you like them or not, those games are doing amazing.

I would love for this mod to do something similar to games such as Killing Floor.

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Here's a question:

If things go to $hit and I am an engineer am I more likely to run across a toolbox?

no but if you find one your more likely to know what to do with it' date=' on the same token if things go to sh*t and i am a trained Doctor i will better know how to fix you, or if i am a trained snipe be better able to hide etc....

I am not asking for classes with special weapons only, or with special skills, just general perks for saying your are slightly better in one way then another, and if balance is an issue you can even make it so that there are negatives, maybe an sniper moves slower and can't run, or a medic can only hold 6 mags of pistol ammo as it needs more bag space for bandages...

Lots of ways you can keep it realistic, not like a MMO/BF3 game and still add "Classes"


I'm not against the idea entirely but I am against artificial restrictions. Like why cant a "medic" carry anything he wants in that bag. He doesnt carry bandages and guess what.. he cant bandage shit with his skills and dies.

I dont like artificial loot drop changes. If I'm an engineer I wont magically have more tools around me. So no toolbox loot increases, but maybe I can disassemble wire fences faster. IF I find a toolbox.

Why can't a sniper run? Rifles too heavy, but if I was a medic I could run with that same rifle? Just make it so you Nobody can run with rifles instead of some artificial mechanic.

Or dont let medics carry sniper rifles right? So what keeps an EMT from picking up a rifle exactly?

Yes' date=' the clip size would return to normal.

Play-ability > Realism

Every. Single. Time.

If ultimate realism was the case you would need a can opener to eat your precious beans, or to smash the can against a nice rock.

For those who hate all RPG aspects & CoD shooting, keep in mind how popular and successful those games are. Whether you like them or not, those games are doing amazing.

I would love for this mod to do something similar to games such as Killing Floor.


You are right about those other games. Tht is also exactly what Rocket and the team intended to avoid.

Read his community address that talks about that very issue.

ARMA has Zero... Zero class perks just like real life.

A gun has X amount of ammo, always. If clip sizes are to magically change volume then its best to not use ARMA as the engine since it was specifically designed NOT to have physically impossible changes happen within the environment.

I'm not saying you have bad ideas, I'm just thinking that ARMA and this mod aren't supposed to mimic games that are already made.

Again another concept addressed by Rocket.

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The Clip Size option was merely a suggestion' date=' but things such as reload speed are not ruled out in that case either.


Yeah reload speed seems completely reasonable since its not a magic physical change to the world.

I'd say anyone can increase reload time the more magazines they go through. The counter resets after every death.

I would stock up on makerov mags, go into a forest and shoot like crazy to gain the reload bonus. Much like muscle memory would work in real life.

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making it like every other videogame ever doesn't seem like a very original idea

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making it like every other videogame ever doesn't seem like a very original idea

Well that was the point some people had. Copy the mainstream games since they are doing so well.

This of course comes from people who don't read Rocket's community statements.

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Specialization of sorts, awesome. Classes, terrible.

EDIT: Things like editing clip size is completely stupid as its not like you can push more bullets into a mag. Increased blood, quieter movement, faster consumption etc. etc. are good things though.

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I'm not completely against a perk system, but it would have to be done very carefully and not be too impacting on the gameplay. Also, having some ability to adjust your starting gear would be kind of cool (like giving up extra food for some more ammo, a slightly bigger pack, and what not). More than that, I think you're going too far and won't contribute positively to the mod.

If you're idea is attempting to encourage more grouping, it doesn't really help. The incentive to form groups is there, the problem is the threat of running into bandits or being betrayed is so big that no one wants to form them. Instead, there should be more incentive to stay humane and then you will get more people grouping and less bandits running around.

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Perks are for COD & BF:BC NOT for an ARMA2 MOD!! If you are good at sniping then you are good at sniping, as above you don't need the game to make you better.

If you want classes then go play multiplayer ARMA2 there are classes there!

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I think perks and classes kinda suck... in this game you learn to get good at something your self, not have the game make you better at it. The only acceptions would be reload speed, the more you reload the faster your character gets same with healing. But everything else.. like loot drops, weapon accuracy should be up to you.

I can imagine most people that play Dayz have never played vanilla arma 2 and they dnt understand that you have to go prone to be the most accurate you can't sprint and be accurate with shooting. Perks no.

Getting good at the game your self. Yes....

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I think perks and classes kinda suck... in this game you learn to get good at something your self' date=' not have the game make you better at it. The only acceptions would be reload speed, the more you reload the faster your character gets same with healing. But everything else.. like loot drops, weapon accuracy should be up to you.

I can imagine most people that play Dayz have never played vanilla arma 2 and they dnt understand that you have to go prone to be the most accurate you can't sprint and be accurate with shooting. Perks no.

Getting good at the game your self. Yes....


I agree completely.

I watched this guy try to snipe for a while before I offered to help him learn.

Taught him to zero, use mildot subtension (ARMA altered of course) and then spent a day huntin ammo so we could go practice.

No magic game sniper skillz, just learning how to actually use a rifle.

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