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White Flag? Ceasefire? (Stop KoS)

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I understand the intention, but I fear all you would achieve is making yourself even more visible to a useless camper.. and receive a bullet to the head far quicker than usual.

There is really nothing that can be done to 'fix' (notice the quotes) the rampant pointless player killing that this game has degenerated into, and I am saying that as a recovering KoS sniper (never spawn camped). The only hope is that the griefers get bored and move on to more rewarding activities or some other game. I found more rewarding activities and it is so much more fun - alas a vast majority of the griefers are so devoid of talent that organizing an event to run around the world and collect parts is likely beyond their capability. :D

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i'm sorry I thought i was on dayzmod.com... I seem to have wondered onto mylittlepony.net, i'll be on my way.

Based on the maturity in this comment, my little pony sound just about right for you.

Edited by CLewis
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I understand the intention, but I fear all you would achieve is making yourself even more visible to a useless camper.. and receive a bullet to the head far quicker than usual.

There is really nothing that can be done to 'fix' (notice the quotes) the rampant pointless player killing that this game has degenerated into, and I am saying that as a recovering KoS sniper (never spawn camped). The only hope is that the griefers get bored and move on to more rewarding activities or some other game. I found more rewarding activities and it is so much more fun - alas a vast majority of the griefers are so devoid of talent that organizing an event to run around the world and collect parts is likely beyond their capability. :D

I understand your point, The scenario you guys suggest all involve some player with malicious intent, I have no intention of providing a "fix" for greifers or bandits. This idea merely provides the sanctity of teamwork to players who both want it, you don't want teamwork, no prob kill them. Doesn't worry me. I reiterate, this is purely to benefit those who want to co-operate. No one else.

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the point is that you dont know if someone is lying, like you wouldnt know in real life if it were to happen. a ceasefire option isn't what this mod is about

Edit: if you want team work stop looking to make friends in the game and get your RL friends to play...

Edited by Acix

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Based on the maturity in this comment, my little pony sound just about right for you.

ZING, what's worse is I got burned by someone who wants his hand held so the bad people won't shoot him... Double ice burn, touche sir.

I think this thread is a great suggestion. May I just add to it some more? Tweak it for the better, if you will? Once player A and player B have accepted their artificial cease fire friendship, a harp should start playing and their character skins should change into this:


Edited by itputsthelotion

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the point is that you dont know if someone is lying, like you wouldnt know in real life if it were to happen. a ceasefire option isn't what this mod is about

Edit: if you want team work stop looking to make friends in the game and get your RL friends to play...

I do mate. I play my with my mate in real life, we were discussing what it would be like to team up with strangers.

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There is no hand holding in this idea. The concept is to have an option to quickly convey that you are friendly and don't NEED/WANT to shoot them. This is a military game after all and their was no mechanic in place to say "Hey, I'm friendly." This game definately needs a mechanic that will quickly show this. A ceasefire is a good way to do it if both people agree. The other person wouldn't even need to respond and that would actually give them the upper hand just like every bandit already has against a friendly person.

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There is no hand holding in this idea. The concept is to have an option to quickly convey that you are friendly and don't NEED/WANT to shoot them. This is a military game after all and their was no mechanic in place to say "Hey, I'm friendly." This game definately needs a mechanic that will quickly show this. A ceasefire is a good way to do it if both people agree. The other person wouldn't even need to respond and that would actually give them the upper hand just like every bandit already has against a friendly person.

This is an artificial mechanic, therefor its handholding.

That added security and certainty destroys the immersion of the game.

And once it starts, it's a slippery slope down to safe zones, no pvp servers, and only being shot when you put yourself into 'pvp mode'.

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There is no hand holding in this idea. The concept is to have an option to quickly convey that you are friendly and don't NEED/WANT to shoot them. This is a military game after all and their was no mechanic in place to say "Hey, I'm friendly." This game definately needs a mechanic that will quickly show this. A ceasefire is a good way to do it if both people agree. The other person wouldn't even need to respond and that would actually give them the upper hand just like every bandit already has against a friendly person.

There's a hotkey in Arma II for "surrender". It's not, by default, bound to any key. So bind it to a key and your character throws his hands up in the air... But why would you want that? You want a pretty clear reduction of any risk at all by just making yourself invincible to your new found "friends".

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ZING, what's worse is I got burned by someone who wants his hand held so the bad people won't shoot him... Double ice burn, touche sir.

I think this thread is a great suggestion. May I just add to it some more? Tweak it for the better, if you will? Once player A and player B have accepted their artificial cease fire friendship, a harp should start playing and their character skins should change into this:


Wow, "ignorant" doesn't even begin to describe you, how about you read my suggestion before you come up with your smart arse reply. Do you actually have any friends mate? Again I reiterate I don't want people to "hold my hand against the bad man" I don't want to fix "bandits" or "griefers". Just an option to team up. You seem to think the whole idea of clans/friends playing together is "hand holding". Maybe you should re-organise your thoughts and reply when you have a cohesive argument.

Edited by SwitchBlayd

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There's a hotkey in Arma II for "surrender". It's not, by default, bound to any key. So bind it to a key and your character throws his hands up in the air... But why would you want that? You want a pretty clear reduction of any risk at all by just making yourself invincible to your new found "friends".

That is one-sided and still requires an agreement between both players via Direct chat. This idea has merit and if polished it could be a quick way of establishing communication between two friendly people. I don't think prevent people from shooting each other is a great idea but a way for both players to feel more comfortable is needed. I'm reluctant to meet anyone with just their rifle pointed 2 feet away from my face.

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This is an artificial mechanic, therefor its handholding.

That added security and certainty destroys the immersion of the game.

And once it starts, it's a slippery slope down to safe zones, no pvp servers, and only being shot when you put yourself into 'pvp mode'.

So a ceasefire, a recognised military gesture is an artificial mechanic, but breaking my legs getting scratched by a zombie is ok? And please, no it is not a slippery slope. None of those will happen and this idea will not influence them. Killing people is currently in the game, I can pick up a gun, and kill someone. Teamwork is not implemented, there is no recognised or proper way of teaming up, something that is VITAL in any iteration of a zombie apocalypse.

Edited by SwitchBlayd

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@itputsthelotion I probably play the harder game of the two of us. Alone. No 3dp. No crosshair. And how do you know what I want?

You got "zinged", because you said something incredibly stupid.

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I think the idea of adding an artificial friendship with removes friendly fire is hand holding, yes. Deny it all you want and call me ignorant if you will. I've made friends in game, why can't you? Tried using the mic at all?

My suggestion of carebear outfits was serious. I want you to stand out from afar as a pathetic player who is able to shoot his artificial friends without damaging them so I can shoot you with a shotgun.

Edited by itputsthelotion

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I think the idea of adding an artificial friendship with removes friendly fire is hand holding, yes. Deny it all you want and call me ignorant if you will. I've made friends in game, why can't you? Tried using the mic at all?

You've made friends in game yet reject the idea of teamwork. Whilst posting stupid pictures and making jokes, please go back to 4chan where that is encouraged, we're here to discuss a game. Where teamwork can be introduced. It exists in real life, my friend wont kill me in cold blood, but everyone in the game will, and voice chat is not even close to implementation of teamwork.

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Wow, "ignorant" doesn't even begin to describe you, how about you read my suggestion before you come up with your smart arse play. Do you actually have any friends me. Again I reiterate I don't want people to "hold my hand against the bad man" I don't want to fix "bandits" or "griefers". Just an option to team up. You seem to think the whole idea of clans/friends playing together is "hand holding". Maybe you should re-organise your thoughts and reply when you have a cohesive argument.

I don't know either. Some people are just simple-minded absolutists who thinks only in extremes. "If this game isn't constantly shitting on you, it's care-bares" or some stupid shit like that. Why must it be either one end of the spectrum or the other?

ANYWAYS.... I think your original idea of a "no damage" toggle does kind of feel "too gamey" and outside the feel of the game.

Personally, I think the Bandit skins system was a good placeholder for the PvP situation. It shouldn't be in the final product, but it certainly wasn't breaking gameplay. Especially considering, Rocket removed it without a good replacement to the point where it is now mindless death-matching.

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You've made friends in game yet reject the idea of teamwork. Whilst posting stupid pictures and making jokes, please go back to 4chan where that is encouraged, we're here to discuss a game. Where teamwork can be introduced. It exists in real life, my friend wont kill me in cold blood, but everyone in the game will, and voice chat is not even close to implementation of teamwork.

lol? I don't reject the idea of teamwork. What gave you that idea?

I love the teams I play with -- They watch my back, they save my gear, they give me food and water when I am out, they help me and give me first aid when I need it, they spot things I don't and we can be tactical together. I make friends in game and we benefit each other too and help each other out. I also hunt people down and kill them.

No, what I reject is artificial arcadey gamey hand holding bullshit like some "LETS BE FRIENDS 4EVA!!" function to remove risk for people who are inept.

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Yes, absolutely, i should refer you to a previous post someone on this thread made that Rocket does not encourage realism. I would also like to point out that the list of realistic effects you have listed is irrelevant, as none of them have actually been realistically implemented yet (yeah its only alpha blah blah blah). Like people breaking their legs from walking slowly into a railing, a zombie scratching my arm and me breaking my leg, blood pouring out in this weird fountain etc...

I'm not talking about realism here, I'm talking about the fact that you HAVE to eat. Can't find a can of beans? Sorry. You're dead. Get attacked by an infected? There's a chance that your leg can all but break, making you immobile. Would this brutal and unforgiving theme fit in to a mechanic which comforts the survivor. Don't worry, there is no chance that this guy is just going to turn dickhead and shoot you in the back.

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I don't know either. Some people are just simple-minded absolutists who thinks only in extremes. "If this game isn't constantly shitting on you, it's care-bares" or some stupid shit like that. Why must it be either one end of the spectrum or the other?

ANYWAYS.... I think your original idea of a "no damage" toggle does kind of feel "too gamey" and outside the feel of the game.

Personally, I think the Bandit skins system was a good placeholder for the PvP situation. It shouldn't be in the final product, but it certainly wasn't breaking gameplay. Especially considering, Rocket removed it without a good replacement to the point where it is now mindless death-matching.

Yeah the no damage thing can definatly be improved/edited. I made the suggestion do others could make there's and improve it so they wish. It's disheartening when people seem to think the aim of the game is to "acquire sick guns and kill newbs". People who reject the idea of teamwork must have no real friends.

And can someone please tell me rockets reasoning behind removing the bandit skin? It was a good idea. Maybe the more kills you amass the more your char skin changes, so you know who the real psycho's are.

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I'm not talking about realism here, I'm talking about the fact that you HAVE to eat. Can't find a can of beans? Sorry. You're dead. Get attacked by an infected? There's a chance that your leg can all but break, making you immobile. Would this brutal and unforgiving theme fit in to a mechanic which comforts the survivor. Don't worry, there is no chance that this guy is just going to turn dickhead and shoot you in the back.

That is a good point. The social and psychological aspect of this game should still remain intact.

But seriously:

  • When a player being chased by a hoard of infected STOPS TO LINE UP A HEADSHOT and kills you with his gun...
  • When a player camps near the shore simply to snipe new-spawned characters.
  • When he go-to gameplay results in "got bored; PvP."

Shit's broken.

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And can someone please tell me rockets reasoning behind removing the bandit skin? It was a good idea. Maybe the more kills you amass the more your char skin changes, so you know who the real psycho's are.




That is a good point. The social and psychological aspect of this game should still remain intact.

But seriously:

  • When a player being chased by a hoard of infected STOPS TO LINE UP A HEADSHOT and kills you with his gun...
  • When a player camps near the shore simply to snipe new-spawned characters.
  • When he go-to gameplay results in "got bored; PvP."

Shit's broken.

I'm going to shamefully throw a rocket quote or 2 in your face, which isn't something that you deserve and for that, I'm sorry. :(



Edited by Sticker704

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So, what if the players want to leave the "group"? Do they unclick friendly? Does that mean they can now kill the other guy?

What someone suggested earlier, a time limit, that they can both choose to extend, and if you have no interest in it anymore, then you should have not accepted it in the first place.

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Jesus does the guy have to swear in every post. I didn't really understand his reasoning behind removing bandit skins, he just cited some "numbers" proving the skins didn't "fit their purpose". Doesn't this quote suggest the skins had a "purpose" it was an attempt to quell the whole bandit thing, so rocket has actually tried.

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lol? I don't reject the idea of teamwork. What gave you that idea?

I love the teams I play with -- They watch my back, they save my gear, they give me food and water when I am out, they help me and give me first aid when I need it, they spot things I don't and we can be tactical together. I make friends in game and we benefit each other too and help each other out. I also hunt people down and kill them.

No, what I reject is artificial arcadey gamey hand holding bullshit like some "LETS BE FRIENDS 4EVA!!" function to remove risk for people who are inept.

How the hell does it remove risk, if that player was planning to kill me he wouldn't accept the request. And good on you for making friends in game mate. At least it will make up for the fact you have none in real life. Someone get this guy a medal.

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