SwitchBlayd 32 Posted July 31, 2012 So the main issue prevalent on these forums is the whole KoS issue. And how that cant be avoided for players who may want to team up with strangers (people like these exist). Now personally im a KoS person as i've been on the receiving end of KoS strangers numerous times and it was the only way to play and survive successfully. So heres an idea. A white flag, or ceasefire, so say two players meet, lets call them player A and B.Neither player wants to KoS but wants to team up, but of course neither player trust the other player and truly believes eaches intentions. They are both behind cover and are wary the other player may want to kill them (that old "friendly" thing in dc chat is often a lie). So player A can somehow click the other players name or type /friendly or /whiteflag or something into dc. This will send an offer from Player A to Player B. If Player B accepts Payer A's offer, neither can attack each other, and if they decline, both players know that they are hostile. Thus a teaming up aspect is introduced, whilst keeping banditry if one player so wishes to. Similar to how people in real life (like in the walking dead tv show for example) can just lay down there weapons and put there hands up to show they are not hostile.Just an idea, i'm sure it will have some flaws but just looking to get an idea of what you guys think. 6 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sticker704 121 Posted July 31, 2012 It's a cool idea, but does it fit with the theme of the mod? Not being able to shoot someone doesn't tie in with the whole realism survival aspect. What if I want to change my mind and betray the person who I teamed up with? (which happens a lot :P) 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kin0 21 Posted July 31, 2012 The only issue with this, is that Bandits will use it as a decoy tactic and mow people down.The only true way to do it would be to have some way of differentiating who is a bandit (murdered a player) and who is a friendly (only killed in self-defence or never murdered, etc) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Disgraced 1123 Posted July 31, 2012 The is already the surrender option. To put one's hands in the air. Currently, to my experience, doing this just results in getting shot, anyway. I'm. It sure this would differ. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The_Man 393 Posted July 31, 2012 I like the idea and I've seen the concept a few times before. It would help with trading, teaming up, talking about intel, etc. It doesn't really stop bandits at all but it helps people who want to meet others so I think it is a good idea. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
teocyn 37 Posted July 31, 2012 It's fine as it is... in a realistic scenario of DayZ, people wouldn't run around with the world Bandit tattoo'd on their forehead, they will pretend to be friendly and then kill you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SwitchBlayd 32 Posted July 31, 2012 It's a cool idea, but does it fit with the theme of the mod? Not being able to shoot someone doesn't tie in with the whole realism survival aspect. What if I want to change my mind and betray the person who I teamed up with? (which happens a lot :P)Theme of the mod? Rocket encourages nothing. There is no theme. If were talking realism, (Walking dead comparison again lol) We see that if there was a zombie apocalypse, people would team up to survive, i wouldnt kill someone in real life, they could be a scouting member of a large group of people living in the apocalypse. I highly doubt everyone in the zombie apocalypse would be some sort of lone wolf guy looking for "military tents" to get some "sick guns" and "kill newbs". People would team up in real life, i dont see it any other way. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SwitchBlayd 32 Posted July 31, 2012 It's fine as it is... in a realistic scenario of DayZ, people wouldn't run around with the world Bandit tattoo'd on their forehead, they will pretend to be friendly and then kill you.Fine, decline the offer and then kill them. No need to become friends with them and then kill them, thats just cold hearted murder. KoS woud still exist the same way it always has, but the option is there for two people who genuinely want to team up, thats all. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheElephantSeal 0 Posted July 31, 2012 It's fine as it is... in a realistic scenario of DayZ, people wouldn't run around with the world Bandit tattoo'd on their forehead, they will pretend to be friendly and then kill you.I don't know about you but if there was a zombie apocalypse, I wouldn't just run around killing everyone. If I encountered someone, I think killing them on sight would be the last thing I wanted to do, I would want to cooperate.Betraying them would be just as bad. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The_Man 393 Posted July 31, 2012 Theme of the mod? Rocket encourages nothing. There is no theme. If were talking realism, (Walking dead comparison again lol) We see that if there was a zombie apocalypse, people would team up to survive, i wouldnt kill someone in real life, they could be a scouting member of a large group of people living in the apocalypse. I highly doubt everyone in the zombie apocalypse would be some sort of lone wolf guy looking for "military tents" to get some "sick guns" and "kill newbs". People would team up in real life, i dont see it any other way.The Walking Dead is based off a comic book. There isn't much realism in the series. Also, Rocket stated that he isn't going for realism but rather an authentic gaming experience. I think your idea is authentic to the gaming experience. Also, to use The Walking Dead against your argument, what about Michonne! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SwitchBlayd 32 Posted July 31, 2012 The Walking Dead is based off a comic book. There isn't much realism in the series. Also, Rocket stated that he isn't going for realism but rather an authentic gaming experience. I think your idea is authentic to the gaming experience. Also, to use The Walking Dead against your argument, what about Michonne!I understand that, but lets forget the walking dead for a moment, also lets not post spoilers dude, i havent read the comics. But the way i see it the walking dead tv show is the most realistic representation of a zombie apocalyse ive ever seen (if it really happened) compared to stuff like resident evil movies where theres like people running on walls and ceilings dodging bullets with inf mag dual uzi's etc..But i digress, my point here is simple, the option of KoS is always there, never touched, should you wish to kill them, fine do so. The option to team up doesnt exist currently, i dont think rocket should encourage either KoS or teaming, he should simply give us the option to do both, as teaming up currently requires outside the game connections friends/clans etc 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sticker704 121 Posted July 31, 2012 Theme of the mod? Rocket encourages nothing. There is no theme. If were talking realism...Hold it!I'm talking about a brutal and unforgiving experience. Yadda yadda. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bbilbo1 149 Posted July 31, 2012 Day Z Player:Praise DayZ for it's difficulty curve and it's insistence on "smart gameplay"See another player, Mindlessly kill them as a knee-jerk reaction because we don't have a higher intelligence than a rabid animal.There seems to be a disconnect, here... :P 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 10 Posted July 31, 2012 Idea sounds good to me, but for the case if you change your mind after some time: maybe add an option/chat command that sets a 10 minute limit after that you may shoot each other again, with the other guy being notified. That way you could still go away from each other and in a random encounter 15 minutes later maybe one of you would die. And you still couldnt betray. If someone chases you after that, you just could change servers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SwitchBlayd 32 Posted July 31, 2012 Hold it!I'm talking about a brutal and unforgiving experience. Yadda yadda.I literally have no idea what your trying to say. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nexusmax (DayZ) 2 Posted July 31, 2012 if I ask u to stop or not run. Do it or I will kill you no questions asked. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LegitOldSchool 261 Posted July 31, 2012 This wouldn't work. Imagine this scenario. Player A and B are playing together but not "friendly" to each other because they know each other IRL. They talk over a private communnication server (i.e. teamspeak). Player A goes scouting and encounters player 1. Player A requests a friendly invite to player 1 and he accepts. Then player A lures player 1 to player B's location and player B shoots player 1. Loot, rince, repeat. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SwitchBlayd 32 Posted July 31, 2012 Idea sounds good to me, but for the case if you change your mind after some time: maybe add an option/chat command that sets a 10 minute limit after that you may shoot each other again, with the other guy being notified. That way you could still go away from each other and in a random encounter 15 minutes later maybe one of you would die. And you still couldnt betray. If someone chases you after that, you just could change servers.Exactly, a time limit on the ceasefire, if both teammates wish to extend their team, so be it, if they wish to part ways fine. Maybe members of the team could get an aesthetic change, to identify each other, such as similar hat for example, or something more creative, allowing each team member to identify each other, as well as other players being able to recognize these people as a "team". Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sticker704 121 Posted July 31, 2012 I literally have no idea what your trying to say.Neither do I.That was stupid.Put it this way: If has features such as hunger, temperature, thirst, blood, bleeding, pain, broken legs, would it be OK to have a feature where it's impossible to be shot by a player? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SwitchBlayd 32 Posted July 31, 2012 This wouldn't work. Imagine this scenario. Player A and B are playing together but not "friendly" to each other because they know each other IRL. They talk over a private communnication server (i.e. teamspeak). Player A goes scouting and encounters player 1. Player A requests a friendly invite to player 1 and he accepts. Then player A lures player 1 to player B's location and player B shoots player 1. Loot, rince, repeat.This is still doable right now, as i have mentioned, my idea is beneficial for people who GENIUNELY want to team and help each other. That idea of luring is incredibly clever, i dont see it as an exploit, as its totally fine for people to do that, i dont want to remove the whole hazard/danger risk of the game as its awesome, as i said, it will merely benefit those with good intentions, not detract from those with bad. And hey what if the victim, whos being lured, kills player B, player A's friend, that would be akward huh?Player 1: "Hey dude i just killed this guy! Lets loot him"Pleyr A thinks, do i tell this guy he was my friend and i was planning to betray him? or do i loot my friends corpse as my plan failed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheMachine 803 Posted July 31, 2012 Very gamey, totally doesn't fit with the mod.how about you use fucking voice chat to ask if someone's friendly then gauge the timbre of their voice to decide if they're really friendly?People want so much hand holding. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kentk94 194 Posted July 31, 2012 if I ask u to stop or not run. Do it or I will kill you no questions asked.Yeah, cause if I'm running past you, and in the opposite direction with absolutely no weapon, I surely post a HUGE threat to you.So if you ask me to stop and not to run, I will start zig zagging as I run away from you, because we both know you're just going to shoot me anyways. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 191 Posted July 31, 2012 i'm sorry I thought i was on dayzmod.com... I seem to have wondered onto mylittlepony.net, i'll be on my way. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SwitchBlayd 32 Posted July 31, 2012 Neither do I.That was stupid.Put it this way: If has features such as hunger, temperature, thirst, blood, bleeding, pain, broken legs, would it be OK to have a feature where it's impossible to be shot by a player?Yes, absolutely, i should refer you to a previous post someone on this thread made that Rocket does not encourage realism. I would also like to point out that the list of realistic effects you have listed is irrelevant, as none of them have actually been realistically implemented yet (yeah its only alpha blah blah blah). Like people breaking their legs from walking slowly into a railing, a zombie scratching my arm and me breaking my leg, blood pouring out in this weird fountain etc... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SwitchBlayd 32 Posted July 31, 2012 Very gamey, totally doesn't fit with the mod.how about you use fucking voice chat to ask if someone's friendly then gauge the timbre of their voice to decide if they're really friendly?People want so much hand holding.Umm, dont know how to break this too you, but this is a game, your killing virtual people with a mouse and keyboard, seriously. And not everyone uses voice chat, and this means nothing, people have said friendly in VC all the time and lied. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites