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Fluttershy <3

Best Camping Spots

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Behind the rocks at Cap Golova.

We had a tent city there for 3 weeks with 2 ATV's a few dirtbikes and more lol

No one thinks to check behind the rocks. That is, until someone in a PBX drives by :\

EDIT: Oh your looking for sniping spots lol

Find your own :P

Edited by Food
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I must say posting them here will reduce their effectiveness.

But honestly I don't use specific locations, i prone in a bush in the treelines more than 200m from a town. this way when you watch the zombies spawn from your scope you know it is because another player is in the town, from there it's the obligatory kill, stealth in then loot and return to the trees. A method that has sustained me for quite a while

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to spawn kill people? if so you're a bitch

yeah you right, but im dont wana spawn kill, i want just good camping spots for sniping, and dont waste time to go somewhere

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I must say posting them here will reduce their effectiveness.

But honestly I don't use specific locations, i prone in a bush in the treelines more than 200m from a town. this way when you watch the zombies spawn from your scope you know it is because another player is in the town, from there it's the obligatory kill, stealth in then loot and return to the trees. A method that has sustained me for quite a while

so then camping on the roof is bad idea?

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so then camping on the roof is bad idea?

Usually but not always, roof camping loses you the bonus of using zombie spawns to know when a player is there and makes you susceptible to counter-sniping. However on a roof you will have less chance of missing due to the target being closer and less of a hike back to your camping spot.

In short either, whatever suits your playstyle

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aslong as you don't spawn camp cherno and elektro some some assholes do to kill people with enfields and makarovs then i don't mind. i always kill those snipers and they dc to prevent me from getting their good loot...fucking losers lol that's what they are

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Don't camp the the roof... wtf!!! komotez gets killed every hour .. if your playstyle is noob camp the roof. also pick your sniping spot correctly!!! it isn't in just any old place 200m from the city thats for dead people. your sniping spot gives you adequate cover from the sides and the back while also limiting your outline looking from the front. your sniping spot also needs to have good cover from all directions when using your escape route. your sniping spot also is tailored for what your planning on sniping so since you didn't say what you were targeting I can't give you specific spots (ex. snipers, coastal freshies,)

Edited by Wrath.22

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Camping is fucking gay anyway.... Everyone here who is a bandit likely sits waiting just to kill a fresh spawn or low level player and does not even loot.... I hope you feel real cool at the end of the day...

This map is 100 percent geared towards bandits... It bottle necks people into places where bandits camp and pick off people... If dayz launchs with this map only it will fail. People are already sick of this map and its in alpha.

Lingor is by far a better map......................................................

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Camping is fucking gay anyway.... Everyone here who is a bandit likely sits waiting just to kill a fresh spawn or low level player and does not even loot.... I hope you feel real cool at the end of the day...


But i'd suggest for spawn killing some fresh spaw- i mean animals with bandages, Well, pm me. Don't need anyone else taking my spots.

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