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About Wrath.22

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Wrath.22

    PvP tips we all should know.

    were you unlucky or were you bad? you were bad. There aren't too many pro bandits out there that would loot a body at the NW airfield in the middle of the field. Pro bandits always stalk their prey into areas where there is cover before taking the shot. If they cannot stalk them into a place of cover they usually do not take the shot unless they plan to use their dead bodies as bait for an idiot willing to loot 2 dead bodies out in the open at the NW airfield.(This is you) You are talking to an army sniper by the way. There are 2 kinds of snipers careful ones and dead ones.
  2. Wrath.22

    PvP tips we all should know.

    I completely disagree with you. going prone is a waste of time since you were caught out in the open with no cover near by I assume your an idiot that deserves to die. I have no intention of telling you the correct strategy if caught in this situation because it would cause havoc in the pvp game of dayz. I don't need a bunch of rambo skill level players against me.
  3. Wrath.22

    Best Camping Spots

    Don't camp the the roof... wtf!!! komotez gets killed every hour .. if your playstyle is noob camp the roof. also pick your sniping spot correctly!!! it isn't in just any old place 200m from the city thats for dead people. your sniping spot gives you adequate cover from the sides and the back while also limiting your outline looking from the front. your sniping spot also needs to have good cover from all directions when using your escape route. your sniping spot also is tailored for what your planning on sniping so since you didn't say what you were targeting I can't give you specific spots (ex. snipers, coastal freshies,)
  4. Wrath.22

    PvP tips we all should know.

    Okay I will start by stating my average kill per life ratio. I normally get 30 kills per life running through large coastal cities. My favorite gun is the 1911 and by far is the only gun you need to be the best bandit. fully automatic assault rifles are also good options but only if you are exceptional with the aim. I really don't want to give tips on how i manage to obtain my kd ratio because it will add on to the already ridiculous pvp problem that we have already. But I will say that I run everywhere I never use stealth I never stop or walk in cities unless inside buildings and I always look around with the alt key while on the move. These tips should be followed with no exceptions when in large coastal cities.