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What you say before/after you kill someone

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I usually will spit out STOP RIGHT THERE CRIMINAL SCUM! when I see someone then if they keep moving(they always do) I spit THEN PAY WITH YOUR BLOOD! and murderficate them. And finally when they are crying in group chat that somebody (me) killed them I quaintly add, Your stolen goods are now FORFEIT!

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I say nothing, I see no glory in boasting or taunting. It's... unprofessional.

Target, fire, loot, run. No sound, no mess.

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I either don't say anything if I believe the other person is going to kill me, or I say something like "Identify yourself."

In fact, just this past evening, I had someone pull a shotgun on me when I asked that. The idiot fired it in the middle of a large city. He survived the horde that attacked him, but he didn't survive lead therapy afterwards.

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You just killed my friend, thankyou for stopping to type a witty response so I didn't miss my shot.

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Got quite a laugh a couple of nights ago when me and a friend were slowing walking along the NW airstrip heading to the northern most barracks. AK47SU rings out near by and we are both on the floor, my friend instantly dead.

The attacker says "Goodnight my sunshines" over the mic, however I was not dead - just sitting extremely still. I slowly turn and put him on the floor with my glock (making sure I kill him with a few extra rounds) - sometimes it pays to confirm your kills before getting smart over the mic :)

(Hello yedrellow, if you're reading this)

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I never say anything on my "self defence" killings :)

However I do take it upon myself to answer the cries and tears of victims of other murders :) I enjoy a good bit of angry banter often really throws a wrench and confusion into the mix.

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Nothing. I'm just leaving the shooting spot and waiting for victims friends.

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sometimes before the kill i might ask, "friendly (insert name here)?" when they have stopped and are answering i take an easy 500m headshot.

after the shot i move to a new location and say nothing.

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Did a Duke Nukem on 'em once and said 'Eat sh*t and die', but apart from that, nada.

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doesn't this belong in the bandit section?

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Before: i ask "Friendly"

then mostly i got killed

After: "???" to convey a bad certain


yup i'm a carebear

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I say nothing' date=' I see no glory in boasting or taunting. It's... unprofessional.

Target, fire, loot, run. No sound, no mess.


You scare me.

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Recently had a streak of baaaaad mood... found a CZ near Elektro and decided to play evil bandit for once, climbed a tower and started chatting with people in my sights (Regular server).

"Hi anika."

Anika was killed.

"Bye anika."

"Oh, hello target, do you want to be my target?" (his name really was 'target')

"Hey, no climbing on higher ground, bad boy!"

target was killed.

"Hi mark. I can see you."

"What do you offer me if I do not shoot you?"

*** was killed (forgot his name)

"See, I shot your companion, you want to offer me something now?"

(Due to target suddenly popping up, mark managed to escape... later one hunted him down with a winchester, as well as his friend, though they wounded me lethally.)

*** was killed.

Mark was killed.

Alblaka was killed.

"Finally, couldn't live with myself letting you escape :3"

Mark: "Hope it was worth it you ****"

Had a bus. Heard steps. Turned around, saw a suvivor, pulled gun, he went prone and chatted 'don't shoot me'. He was an unarmed spawnie.

"Fine, I will not shoot you, but you better get off here.

"Because that's MY vehicle."

He moved towards the bus.

"If you get any closer, I'll gun you down."

He looked towards me, the bus, me, and sidesteped towards it.

*** was killed.

***: "lol"

"Told ya."

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Had a bus. Heard steps. Turned around' date=' saw a suvivor, pulled gun, he went prone and chatted 'don't shoot me'. He was an unarmed spawnie.

"Fine, I will not shoot you, but you better get off here.

"Because that's MY vehicle."

He moved towards the bus.

"If you get any closer, I'll gun you down."

He looked towards me, the bus, me, and sidesteped towards it.

*** was killed.

***: "lol"

"Told ya."


lol lol lol, like in a bad movie...

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I run around with voip on at the direct channel, occasionally saying "Hello?".

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