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Resident Evil Styled Inventory.

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Heaven forbid someone else has already suggested this, I have looked but there's always one lol.

Whilst I do like the current system, especially the apparent emphasis on item and space management, one crossbow bolt, or a box of painkillers for example just wouldn't take up so much space. Thinking about this reminded me of the system used in the Resident Evil games, where you have a certain amount of space, and instead of having slots per say, you just have one big slot in which you can move around items and sort them in a certain way to maximize space. I really like the idea of this being incorporated into DayZ; Far from making the game easier, it could actually make it more challenging, if items are re-sized in relation to other items, it could become more difficult to collect and keep certain things, say Jerry cans or tents, but become easier for things that SHOULD take up less room like bullets, bolts, painkillers, bandages etc..

For those of you unfamiliar with the system in RE, here's a vid...

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I agree! I'd love for the interface to take some inspiration from Resident Evil. More so the older styled inventory, but that's just my preference. Having a separate menu screen that everyone goes to to access their supplies wouldn't work for a game like this though.

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It would be nice, but I can live with the current inventory system. It's really not that biggie once you get use to it.

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Yeah.... i see you what you got going on here, and i think it would work, and i do agree with some of your points, however lets be realistic about it and not use RE4 as an example...

you should not be able to fit 3 Shotguns, 1 Sniper Rifle, 5 Handguns, and an SMG plus various ammo and equipment, in a magical invisible briefcase that only exists when you go into you inventory menu.

Case in point:



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Yeah.... i see you what you got going on here, and i think it would work, and i do agree with some of your points, however lets be realistic about it and not use RE4 as an example...

you should not be able to fit 3 Shotguns, 1 Sniper Rifle, 5 Handguns, and an SMG plus various ammo and equipment, in a magical invisible briefcase that only exists when you go into you inventory menu.

Case in point:



Oh yeah, totally agree with that lol. Ideally items would be sized proportionally to the bag, other items etc, in which case it would just be impossible to have such an arsenal at hand..

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I really liked the way it was solved in Deus Ex: Human Revolution. It's similar.

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Riordin you still have three slots left!!


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