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Seriously this is getting stupid.. Three hours and not a single weapon?

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To the op...

1) stop joining heavily populated severs where everything will be stripped clean

- even if you do I find it hard to believe that you can't at least get a shotgun and a axe, which are easy to find

2) stay along the shoreline and loot cherno and elektro

3) it's a game.. Don't nerd rage about it

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Please do new players a favor and never say "Loot is random" Loot is very very very far from being random in this game. It's actually incredibly specific. :\ I understand you're trying to help, but when I was told loot was random, the first thing that popped into my head was "Ok so avoid big cities and populated area's, I'll have just as good a chance finding stuff in area's with less chances to die." which isn't really the case. I've gone into a couple of the big cities since figuring that out and gathered a lot of gear.. Last time before I died I had a 24slot backpack, gps, a sniper rifle and a great assault rifle, a bunch of food, drinks, and morphine/bloodbags etc.. Sure you can find that stuff all over, but not in decent quantities..

Also screw maps/GPS haha.. I got killed while checking them. :(

Trying to encourage some friends to play, would be awesome to run around as a group

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Also screw maps/GPS haha.. I got killed while checking them. :(

right ctrl + M gives you a mini-map if you have a GPS. It's pretty small, but it helps navigate towns.

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Do you always hate on what you dont understand. The inventory system is fine. You just dont know how to use it. Dont post here with your rants just play the game and learn.

I don't know about fine. Once you learn how to use it, it's manageable, but I wouldn't say it's very "user-friendly"

That being said, alpha is alpha

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Go to a different server man. I had servers where i can only find empty cans. Joined different ones and found loads of cool stuff.

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Is this a fucking first person shooter or what? So far I've just been running around, using the poorly designed pick up items system to try and scavenge fucking empty cans of cola, sweeeet. I haven't found a single fucking weapon to defend myself with, I found a hunting knife a minute ago and was like sweet something to defend myself with finally, NOPE, no dice. It's a fucking hunting knife but you can't protect yourself with it. I've watched tutorial videos where the stupid fuck walks into a building and finds THREE WEAPONS. Do I just have the worst fucking possible luck or what? If I take a few hits, which is pretty unavoidable using the shitty pick up items system, my vision starts to go fucking haywire then I can't even see any items if I wanted to. Zombies chase you for fucking ever, and without some way to fucking fight them this game is fucking ridiculously stupid.

Why don't you change your game plan....clearly what you are doing isn't working. Try googling "how and where to find weapons DAYZ"

Guarantee you will solve your problem. Now instead of being a naive, uneducated twat - do work son.

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Is this a fucking first person shooter or what? So far I've just been running around, using the poorly designed pick up items system to try and scavenge fucking empty cans of cola, sweeeet. I haven't found a single fucking weapon to defend myself with, I found a hunting knife a minute ago and was like sweet something to defend myself with finally, NOPE, no dice. It's a fucking hunting knife but you can't protect yourself with it. I've watched tutorial videos where the stupid fuck walks into a building and finds THREE WEAPONS. Do I just have the worst fucking possible luck or what? If I take a few hits, which is pretty unavoidable using the shitty pick up items system, my vision starts to go fucking haywire then I can't even see any items if I wanted to. Zombies chase you for fucking ever, and without some way to fucking fight them this game is fucking ridiculously stupid.

Nope. I have the same problem. All stores empty, all houses empty, barns sometimes have a weapon, as do deer hides, but not enough loot elsewhere to stay alive. Does not feel like bad luck - feels like a bug. See my other thread 'where's the loot'.

ps: I have a god damn map already. Knowing where things SHOULD be is not the problem.

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I'm having the same problems.. I've tried 4 times now the longest being about a 2 hour stint of crawing all over towns & out side towns to find not a single weapon. I've found 1 hand gun so far but it was on a dead body, but I've found countless amounts of ammo and other junk.

I've used this map, http://dayzdb.com/map on the 2 hour stint I liturally checked every single location listed in Kamehka, pluss two of the tree stands that are shown on the map to the noth finally dying at the Barn shown to the north between Kamenka & Komarovo. On a diffrent try I made it up to Pavlovo and into the out skirts of Zelenogorsk check tree stands and so on but found no guns only ammo and ended up dying.

I've had 4 atempts where I lived a reasonable amount of time and a few atempts I didn't live long but ?I've yet to find a gun anywhere. I'm not looking for easy mode as I'm a long time EVE online player and used to hard sand box game, but in all honestly It's getting extreemly boring crawing around with 20 zombies all over the place and nothing to show for it except start over..

I've looked through the map checking the locations that are supposed to spawn weapons but have yet to find anything but road flares & ammo.. and a axe that I couldn't even use to hit a Zombie with among other small utility things..

You can use a hatchet as a weapon if you right click and select 'Remove from toolbelt', It's actually pretty handy for small groups of zombies (<5) if you can sneak up on them 1 at a time.

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Your anger amuses me.

This isn't CoD Zombies.

If you want to know why anyone who says something like 'this isn't CoD! lolz NOOB' deserves nothing but contempt, have a look at this long thread on the old ArmA II mouse lag issue. I and other people were seeing something like 2-3s mouse lag but everyone on the forums was still talking BS about weapon physics and this being a 'proper' shooter. In the end the issue was fixed by updated NVidia drivers.


This is a newbie forum on a Alpha release mod. Accept that

a) new players might have legitimate questions

B) confused newbies can be a hint of flaw in the mod design

c) it's an Alpha - it CAN have bugs. don't take it personally

We want this mod to be successful so when we see things that we think aren't working we come here to talk about them.

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Is this a fucking first person shooter or what? So far I've just been running around, using the poorly designed pick up items system to try and scavenge fucking empty cans of cola, sweeeet. I haven't found a single fucking weapon to defend myself with, I found a hunting knife a minute ago and was like sweet something to defend myself with finally, NOPE, no dice. It's a fucking hunting knife but you can't protect yourself with it. I've watched tutorial videos where the stupid fuck walks into a building and finds THREE WEAPONS. Do I just have the worst fucking possible luck or what? If I take a few hits, which is pretty unavoidable using the shitty pick up items system, my vision starts to go fucking haywire then I can't even see any items if I wanted to. Zombies chase you for fucking ever, and without some way to fucking fight them this game is fucking ridiculously stupid.


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If you want to know why anyone who says something like 'this isn't CoD! lolz NOOB' deserves nothing but contempt, have a look at this long thread on the old ArmA II mouse lag issue. I and other people were seeing something like 2-3s mouse lag but everyone on the forums was still talking BS about weapon physics and this being a 'proper' shooter. In the end the issue was fixed by updated NVidia drivers.


This is a newbie forum on a Alpha release mod. Accept that

a) new players might have legitimate questions

B) confused newbies can be a hint of flaw in the mod design

c) it's an Alpha - it CAN have bugs. don't take it personally

We want this mod to be successful so when we see things that we think aren't working we come here to talk about them.

Wrong, nothing he said was constructive criticism, He talked like a noob. He act's like a Noob.

So me calling him a noob, is just stating the obvious.

Just read the first words he spoke.

"Is this not a first person shooter, or what"

...I rest my case.. And your thread about mouse lag has nothing to do with this fuck up not finding a weapon.

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If you want to know why anyone who says something like 'this isn't CoD! lolz NOOB' deserves nothing but contempt, have a look at this long thread on the old ArmA II mouse lag issue. I and other people were seeing something like 2-3s mouse lag but everyone on the forums was still talking BS about weapon physics and this being a 'proper' shooter. In the end the issue was fixed by updated NVidia drivers.


This is a newbie forum on a Alpha release mod. Accept that

a) new players might have legitimate questions

B) confused newbies can be a hint of flaw in the mod design

c) it's an Alpha - it CAN have bugs. don't take it personally

We want this mod to be successful so when we see things that we think aren't working we come here to talk about them.

There's a difference between a noob asking for advice and a bitching whining thread interspersed with "fuck this" and "fuck that". Did you read the OP. It's just a massive pile of shit typed through the tears of self pity. i hope he never manages to find a gun because the first thing he's probably going to do is start shooting fresh spawns to boost his ego.

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There's a difference between a noob asking for advice and a bitching whining thread interspersed with "fuck this" and "fuck that". Did you read the OP. It's just a massive pile of shit typed through the tears of self pity. i hope he never manages to find a gun because the first thing he's probably going to do is start shooting fresh spawns to boost his ego.

I think everything he says is a reasonable summary of many people's experience (at least initially). It took me three days to find a gun and i saw exactly the same video. The tutorial guide basically says, 'go here, find food', 'go here find medical supplies, go inland'. When I tried the same thing I found nothing at all in the market and just a few empty tin cans at the hospital (so the tut is only useful if you happen to be as lucky as the guy who made it.

If he sounds frustrated with the game then (this being a newbie forum) maybe you should try to work out why. Are you offended by what he said or how he said it. If it is the later then where have you been... this is the Internet my friend.

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Atleast use the word "Fucking" a little less in your topic. Then MAYBE i'd give you advice.

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Play on servers which get restarted every 6 hours at least. Loot spawn is badly implemented and will stop spawning after some time.

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Personnally, I'm half-way lucky and half-way unlucky.

- I have find tons of ammos (got my backpack full) of all kinds.

- I have find a hunting knife and have passed near tons of animals ready to get cooked.

- I have find some smoke grenades (great thing to take the attention of zombies)

- Found out that zombies are easy to evade if you do some swimming than running while they are still bathing. :P

(They might run faster, but they don't swim faster. Run to the water, start swimming into the ocean and wait for them to gets in the water enought to start the swimming state. Then move away in the direction of the shore and run away.)

I haven't found :

- A single weapon to be used (so I can't even kill the animals for food or kill zombies for loot)

- Any food or drink. I'm about to die from thirst

- Another player (while being on a couple of 30-50 filled servers)

Been playing for about 2 hours and half, visited 2 small towns (towns that are on a single road) and 3 medium towns (3 roads or building or more)

Thats honestly not surprising if you're not raiding elektro/cherno right away, taveling inland is safer , but less loot until you get to stary.

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Wrong, nothing he said was constructive criticism, He talked like a noob. He act's like a Noob.

So me calling him a noob, is just stating the obvious.

Just read the first words he spoke.

"Is this not a first person shooter, or what"

...I rest my case.. And your thread about mouse lag has nothing to do with this fuck up not finding a weapon.

Yeps... He's a noob. Welcome to the forum for 'New Player Discussion'? (is that not obvious enough?)

The thread about mouse lag is about douchebags telling gamers that it's their fault that the game doesn't work when they don't understand the nature of the problem. Clearly some people are seeing problems with item re-spawn. Telling them to all go away and play CoD is not constructive either.

I have a lot of respect for the mod developers here and for Bohemnia, but from what I have seen in ArmA itself the scripting engine which makes it all work is not entirely robust.

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Your clearly looking in the wrong place.... Try looking in, you know - civilization!

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I highly recommend using the first Lee Enfield you find on zombies in a major town. It'll beef up your How-to on dodging zombo's real fast.

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