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Why can't we feast of human flesh?

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Pointless mechanic, it is already easier to find normal food than it is to find an already dead player or to kill a living one. Animals are everywhere in the game and you can get to any supermarket in the game before you will die of starvation. You can survive with flashing red food for around 20 minutes, if you can't reach a supermarket or find an animal in that time you're incompetent.

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Only when we get the rape option too.

Think about it.

Chernarus would become the new Goldshire.

Edited by Dickhat

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Why if it went tits up you would already be thinking about food/water!! ;)

That cow in the field would be top of my list, I would keep it fed and watered!! :)

You can make alot of things from cows milk!!

Just shoot the bulls when hungry, only problem I see is storage as that shit will go off fast!! <_<

I dunno but eating people has only been done in crack pot places and in extreme conditions!! Plus I would be afraid of infection!! :huh:

Just going to say this for education's sake. You need a bull to get milk. Females cows don't just give milk out. They have to have a calf that needs milk, and then their body will produce milk. It's just like every other animal in the world, even humans.

I'm sure if you bend over hard enough you can suck yourself off, doesn't mean it needs to be a playable character action, go find some beans.

This needs to be in the game now. Thank you for the excellent suggestion.

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Only psychos would become cannibals. I don't care what happens but i'm not killing and eating people.

You sure about that?

Inb4 people going crazy about 'The Road'. (Guess it's a bit too late to call inb4 though)

Edited by Tenderness

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It should be made mandatory for player killers to have to gut their victim and be forced to eat said steaks with out any a condiments.

Bet that would reduce the blood lust of the players showing the first signs of the infection.

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most of the fallout games have a cannibalism perk. If you eat someone while you're in front of the public, your "karma" goes down. And also if you have a follower and they see you do it, then they will leave you. I don't see a problem with this, and the fallout games, especially fallout 3, are great games that everyone should play.

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Cool idea.. Could be used to affect the humaity level somehow.

I'd rather have it like that: If your humanity level is low enough you can do it!

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I don't understand why everyone is so squeamish about this. Sorry it offends your delicate sensibilities but this is a fucking apocalypse. I'd butcher your children to keep mine alive if it came to that and maybe all the food would get eaten up pretty quickly. Let's make food less common and add in canabalism.

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Just going to say this for education's sake. You need a bull to get milk. Females cows don't just give milk out. They have to have a calf that needs milk, and then their body will produce milk. It's just like every other animal in the world, even humans.

There is always one pedantic nit picking f... I wont go on!!!! >:(

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There is always one pedantic nit picking f... I wont go on!!!! >:(

Like I said, I added that in for education's sake. You don't have to read it, but if someone wants to learn a little fact about cows, they can.

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Then what makes us different from us and them Raj! (Batman Begins reference) But in all seriousness this could play out pretty nicely actually. WHen your a cannibal you should get a skin thats different (torn clothes, blood dripping from mouth, etc.) It would be cool. Also it would make sense, if any of you read the walking dead comics.

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