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Fix tents and car saving FFS

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Please...there now that i balanced the rudeness...

I can't stand it i have lost over 5 vehicles and multiple tents both with AMAZING gear due to them just fucking vanishing (sometimes the tents reappear but never the cars)

Seriously, it makes playing this game even more repetitive since the only option is to hold whats on your person and wait to die and get annoyed. The game right now is just the embodiment of the "shooting the shaggy dog" trope...ya it can be fun at times but only for so long.

Granted maybe it is because im not a sick fuck who gets his rocks off for virtually killing and griefing every other player, and if this games "vision" or purpose is to just be an open world deathmatch griefing machine than ya i guess it isn't the right mod for me...but it can still be fun....it is just with all these bugs and constant (and sometimes unnecessary) new features; tank traps wire fencing, sand bags....(are you fucking kidding me) it just gets boring real fast is all...i know not all people crave more...(look at call of duty, lol comparing this game to CoD is actually appropriate since they are both massively repetitive and without significant change each just adds a neat little new feature to keep people coming for more).

BUT HEY im just saying it would nice if shit would start getting fixed instead of trying to add more, though it seems that they are adding more and also trying to fix things at the same time...i don't really see why they are doing that when no matter what each time something new comes along so due a slew of new problems i just wish they would focus solely on fixing or adding things.

It seems they still have plans to expand upon dayz...though i don't think by much (meaning i don't think they plan to make this some kind of fallout game with zombies; as in trade and reform of civilization) and because of that i think it would just be more fun for everyone if problems were focused on getting fixed instead of new features that add even more problems be implemented.

BUT HEY im just someone who is part of the minority here (kind of, i at least hope the blind hardcore loyalists would at least recognize not everything is intended GLITCHES EXIST YOU GUYS)

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Keep in mind, DayZ is still in Alpha, but I agree with the shooting the shaggy dog concept

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Lost a chopper to a restart. Server logs show we sent save commands 30 times after getting it safely back to where we operate from.

Restarted the server in the early AM....chopper was gone, attempted a couple of restarts to try to get it to reappear and it never did.

Its alpha though and I'm not too worried about it but its quite an endeavor to get a chopper off Skalisty Island and it either requires multiple people to help, or you have to spend a TON of time carting over the repair supplies by yourself...either way its quite an time consuming endeavor and it sucks to have to continually do it over cause we restart our server every 12 hours.

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Sounds to me like you're someone who doesnt' get the concept of "testing". This isn't a final product, and shit is gonna happen. Yes it sucks and nobody likes to have it happen to them. I've been an alpha tester/beta tester for countless games, including MMOs. I go into it knowing full well that nothing I do matters, and that at any second a server wipe will force me to start over. I was once a beta tester for Call of Duty: United Offensive. We spent hours going over the map looking for textures that didn't match on the map. Sometimes, testing isn't all about "having fun". I think if you have this mindset, it makes these issues a little less aggravating.

You also forgot the golden rule. No, not the three way. Don't get attached to your gear.

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  On 7/31/2012 at 3:34 PM, StefanDayZ said:

Keep in mind, DayZ is still in Alpha, but I agree with the shooting the shaggy dog concept

Ya i know it is still alpha just saying

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  On 7/31/2012 at 3:49 PM, kentk94 said:

Sounds to me like you're someone who doesnt' get the concept of "testing". This isn't a final product, and shit is gonna happen. Yes it sucks and nobody likes to have it happen to them. I've been an alpha tester/beta tester for countless games, including MMOs. I go into it knowing full well that nothing I do matters, and that at any second a server wipe will force me to start over. I was once a beta tester for Call of Duty: United Offensive. We spent hours going over the map looking for textures that didn't match on the map. Sometimes, testing isn't all about "having fun". I think if you have this mindset, it makes these issues a little less aggravating.

You also forgot the golden rule. No, not the three way. Don't get attached to your gear.

True im not experienced at alpha level game testing not really since i haven't made a gameplay mod only maps and games through creator programs but still it just feels like the game is very stagnant all they keep adding are these stupid non sense items either it is just still VERY early or they don't plan to do much ( i don't think they plan to evolve the game mod much IMO) mainly because they said they would have dayz ported to arma 3 (some said by spring) and IDK it just feels right now the updating and what not has slowed down a lot since 1.7.5.

Also about the gear statement...ya i guess but if im not allowed to care about my gear WTF is the purpose in playing? Killing people for no reason? Because if gear is pointless than so should be killing since killing should really only be used to get gear to SURVIVE. Just saying with that logic and with how the game is now...the mod as is now is nothing but a human genocide sim....

Edited by Slyguy65
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  On 7/31/2012 at 3:32 PM, Slyguy65 said:

BUT HEY im just saying it would nice if shit would start getting fixed instead of trying to add more, though it seems that they are adding more and also trying to fix things at the same time...i don't really see why they are doing that when no matter what each time something new comes along so due a slew of new problems i just wish they would focus solely on fixing or adding things.

It seems they still have plans to expand upon dayz...though i don't think by much (meaning i don't think they plan to make this some kind of fallout game with zombies; as in trade and reform of civilization) and because of that i think it would just be more fun for everyone if problems were focused on getting fixed instead of new features that add even more problems be implemented.

The alpha stage is meant for adding new features. It's only supposed to be stable enough to be able to test the new features. Betas are for stabilizing and squashing bugs. I'd much rather have this game in an alpha stage for 2 years, than rushing into beta and missing out on possible features.

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Guys, there is a community bug tracker and bug reporting thread. Complaining over and over well-known problems doesn't help.

And let me explain something about alpha. This stage of software development is the one, where new content gets added to the game. Some of the content may not be fully functional or being a complete placeholder. Fixing bugs that don't block Testing of major functionality is out of scope of alpha.

The main problem with this mod is it has got too popular at the alpha sGave, so developers can't focus of adding new features and have to fix bugs.

Please, stop creating I Want It Fixed Noawbtbreads, it is really counterproductive.

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i agree, the tent(saving) should be fixed, i'm only wondering why does it take so long to fix this. I just want to add that i know this MOD is in alpha, but i'm afraid Rocket is losing a lot of time since WarZ is coming this fall as a standalone game. This bugs should be fixed already

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  On 7/31/2012 at 4:29 PM, Mindtraveling said:

The alpha stage is meant for adding new features. It's only supposed to be stable enough to be able to test the new features. Betas are for stabilizing and squashing bugs. I'd much rather have this game in an alpha stage for 2 years, than rushing into beta and missing out on possible features.

Makes sense, i just wish they would clarify exactly what they expect this to turn into since the only "new" features they seem to add are pointless little tid bit items that don't even really serve a purpose. I have heard talk about underground bunkers. That would be a nice little step up but still nothing really game changing...i just feel the core won't change and that the only things that will be added are minor little things nothing like actual activities to do (restore power, take over buildings and form a base with others and start trades). If im wrong and they actually have big plans do go ahead and tell me, cause i hope this mod expands and evolves from how it is now with just mindless killing and just overall pointlessness.

Im all for the never ending thing but there should at least be activities to do.

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  On 7/31/2012 at 4:43 PM, ...Viper... said:

i agree, the tent(saving) should be fixed, i'm only wondering why does it take so long to fix this. I just want to add that i know this MOD is in alpha, but i'm afraid Rocket is losing a lot of time since WarZ is coming this fall as a standalone game. This bugs should be fixed already

I know right thats what im saying that game comes out of no where and looks like a more refined and better experience than this game and it is almost done...it will have all the things people are craving from Dayz...supposedly.

Until i actually play it im skeptical but if it turns out like it looks than i will just be like "come on dayz pick up the pace...the person who copied you is doing 10x better"

BTW is it even certain that war Z is a copy cat? It is just hard to believe that after only 3 months of alpha testing a mod...someone saw it, copied the idea...and now has an almost finished version before the alpha of the copied product is even done.....anyone explain that?

Edited by Slyguy65

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