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Jen (DayZ)

Two accounts with PMC, not working: please Help!

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Hey guys.. so I recently purchased the PMC DLC and fell in love with the high-res textures. However, I was only able to play on one of my two accounts with them. Flustered, I bought a second PMC DLC on the second Steam account, hoping this would fix it. However, only one of them still works. Both keys are c completely different, and here's what I tried in order to get this to work:

- Log onto Steam 2 account, uninstall everything, reinstall Arma II, OA, PMC. Run everything, Export registry key for OA and PMC.

-Log onto Steam 1 account, uninstall everything *again*, reinstall Arma II, second copy of OA, and second copy of PMC. Export both OA and PMC registries.

I try to use the second account, and I can't get on, even though I have the registries reverting to the PMC key that *should* correspond with the second account. However, no go.

Any ideas on how to get this up and running guys? I really just want these textures on both accounts, especially since I bought the DLC twice.

Please leave if you try to troll, I made it far to easy since I'm tired and haven't slept in 24 hours.

Edited by Jen

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Okay, are you trying to play ARMA II PMC or DayZ, please clarify or use better sentence structure.

Your post makes it sound like your trying to play just PMC not DayZ.

Edited by Riordin

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DayZ with the PMC textures.. because you can do that. But I'm getting a weird error message every time I switch the registries to the second account, even though I purchased PMC twice on each Steam account.

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