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Bug with M107/As50

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Sorry for my bad english, im german.

I think its not a bug or somthing but i already shot about 5 people with an as50/m107 (They got the sniper, not me).

And everytime i kill one of these snipers the disappear in the next 10 seconds!

3 Days ago i spawned with my DMR on the big building (with the ladder) in cherno and on the smaller buidling next to mine there were 2 people at the top: One with a cz and one with a m107. 2 Shots, 2 murders.

Then the one with m107 just gone slowly into the ground, came back and then disappeared! His friend with the cz was still there for about 30 minutes then i left cherno.


Everytime i kill a M107/As50 sniper they are just disappearing or disconnecting :(

PS: Im not a cherno sniper who kills just for fun. My friend got killed and i helped him to get some basic stuff before we go to stary.

Edited by RoflStoffl96

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Sorry for my bad english, im german.

I think its not a bug or somthing but i already shot about 5 people with an as50/m107 (They got the sniper, not me).

And everytime i kill one of these snipers the disappear in the next 10 seconds!

3 Days ago i spawned with my DMR on the big building (with the ladder) in cherno and on the smaller buidling next to mine there were 2 people at the top: One with a cz and one with a m107. 2 Shots, 2 murders.

Then the one with m107 just gone slowly into the ground, came back and then disappeared! His friend with the cz was still there for about 30 minutes then i left cherno.


Everytime i kill a M107/As50 sniper they are just disappearing or disconnecting :(

PS: Im not a cherno sniper who kills just for fun. My friend got killed and i helped him to get some basic stuff before we go to stary.


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Its not "disappering or disconnecting" its "Disconnection and corpse disappering becouse of it"

Its just some ALT + 4 omg im fired by someon noobs

Edited by Paddy0610

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Its not "disappering or disconnecting" its "Disconnection and corpse disappering becouse of it"

Its just some ALT + 4 omg im fired by someon noobs


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they are just disappearing or disconnecting

You answered your own question without knowing it. The guy with the CZ didn't try to alt f4 to avoid a death, the guys with the M107/AS50 are all trying to combat log to avoid dying to save their gear. If they do it too slow and you kill them, however, and they still try to abort, their body sinks into the ground and disappears when they leave the server.

For this reason I generally try to refrain from quitting a server too shortly after dying, anyone who shoots me deserves their chance to loot me.

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They are disconnecting quickly enough for their corpses to disappear. That's an old bug. Some servers treat this as a bannable exploit, so feel free to post the video in cheat reporting section, or show it to administrators.

Edited by KizUrazgubi

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You guys cant read, right?

"2 shots, 2 murders"

I got a murder, he sank into the ground and came back tehn disappeared.

Now say me why and stop trolling around -.-'

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You guys cant read, right?

"2 shots, 2 murders"

I got a murder, he sank into the ground and came back tehn disappeared.

Now say me why and stop trolling around -.-'

No one is trolling. Like BlaBla said, when they quickly disconnect after death their bodies will disappear.

Perhaps he disconnected, rejoined, respawned, and then disconnected?

Maybe there's a bug with the body disappearing on death; It reappears for a short time.

I'm thinking bugception.

Edited by Cobalt Pete (xbow)

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You guys cant read, right?

"2 shots, 2 murders"

I got a murder, he sank into the ground and came back tehn disappeared.

Now say me why and stop trolling around -.-'

Are you trying to insult people telling you the honest answer? In your original post you said there were TWO people, one with a CZ550, one with a .50 CAL. When you say two murders, we go "oh, he shot the CZ550 guy and the .50 CAL guy. We read your post, understood it as it was placed forward, and you respond with hostility.

I have had people disappear on me right after shooting them as well, and he had an M107. Snuck up behind him at NWAF and put a shot point blank into his head, was able to loot him for about 2 seconds before he sank into the ground. Opened up the players tab and he was no longer on server. He had alt f4d at the first sign of anything hitting near him, but he was already dead. This is what happened to you, he tried to run, you got the kill on him, and his body sank into the ground because once a player leaves a server, THEIR BODIES DISAPPEAR OFF THE SERVER. This is the reason why I stay on a server after being shot so the person who shot me gets their chance to loot my body.

Only other explanation is bug, but it's likely the former.

Edited by Paeyvn

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I got a murder, he sank into the ground and came back tehn disappeared.

Yes you killed him, he pressed Alt+F4 quickly after death and his body disappeared. That's a long standing bug.

Edited by KizUrazgubi

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