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This game is going to shit if we dont do something soon

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A similar thing happened to me in Stary Sobor the other day, I was alone mostly in the tents having just checked them but my bones were broken and I was on 5k blood. So I hear the screams of someone getting pounced on, I move along on my belly to try and see if he needs help and he is just sitting in a tent and shoots me. I guess it saved me the trip to the hospital which was about 4km away and he got my remington, m1, mil flashlight and assorted gear.

I think I learned that day that nobody is worth saving.

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  On 7/31/2012 at 7:51 AM, ZERQER said:

Well today was a swell story, here im bored anyways.

Today when i logged on to the server, i was about to head north from elektro. When i reach Topolka Dam i open my map to see if i was headed to a barn on the way up. On the map i see a wierd orange icon, when i moused over it it said: Man.

It was not very far from me neither very close, so i ran into the treeline and crouch-ran for about an 300-400 meters. Through the treeline i see another player, the other player(which when i came closer to was named adam) had a tunnel-vision and he couldnt see me. So i went up to him and i was mabye 10-15 meters away from him,when i said to him: I am friendly, Are you friendly? He then made a 360, probably because he was scared shitless. Then i asked him again: Are you friendly? He had by that time scoped in on me with their sniper. I then stood up and saluted to him to show him that i was friendly, so i stood there saluting for about 5-8 seconds. And then BAAM!!!!1!!one!! He took a shot at me through my chest with his sniper at a 10 meter range. He didnt kill me, he made me unconsious and then looted me of my AKM and my M14 AIM, then he watched me bleed to my death.

I just saw him sitting 1 meter away from me, eating my beans, holding my gun, my ammo, my backpack, my... everything.

P.S. Im in search of a group in EU to join, just PM me if you want me in.

P.S.S. Everybody that plays DayZ should that a salute is a sign of peace. Also the Bendy dance.

He was basically camping Elektro on what's known as "snipers hills", bad luck mate, those guys are cowards..

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I've been shot there by a sniper too mate, next time if ya see a guy with a sniper rifle just slot him first mate. Nothing better than ruining his days camping!

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Will these threads ever end , folk love to kill each other in this game know not all play this for pvp but there loads of pvp players out there who kill on site and enjoy that gaming style as much as you enjoy yours .

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Almost believable, but the orange "man" on the map is a zombie not a player. Zombies as far as I know don't carry sniper rifles. Assuming this really happened the thing to take from this is most players shoot on sight. A player who carries a sniper rifle is always going to kill you on sight, there's no reason to use a sniper rifle except against other players. This alpha mod is actually doing pretty good.

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  On 7/31/2012 at 7:55 AM, ZERQER said:

You know something? I have morals. i dont shoot, unless i HAVE too.

and now you´re dead... if someone is pointing his gun at you, kill him! Show no merci if they don´t answer to direct chat, they´ll kill you by a chance of 99,5%

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  On 7/31/2012 at 7:51 AM, ZERQER said:

Well today was a swell story, here im bored anyways.

Today when i logged on to the server, i was about to head north from elektro. When i reach Topolka Dam i open my map to see if i was headed to a barn on the way up. On the map i see a wierd orange icon, when i moused over it it said: Man.

It was not very far from me neither very close, so i ran into the treeline and crouch-ran for about an 300-400 meters. Through the treeline i see another player, the other player(which when i came closer to was named adam) had a tunnel-vision and he couldnt see me. So i went up to him and i was mabye 10-15 meters away from him,when i said to him: I am friendly, Are you friendly? He then made a 360, probably because he was scared shitless. Then i asked him again: Are you friendly? He had by that time scoped in on me with their sniper. I then stood up and saluted to him to show him that i was friendly, so i stood there saluting for about 5-8 seconds. And then BAAM!!!!1!!one!! He took a shot at me through my chest with his sniper at a 10 meter range. He didnt kill me, he made me unconsious and then looted me of my AKM and my M14 AIM, then he watched me bleed to my death.

I just saw him sitting 1 meter away from me, eating my beans, holding my gun, my ammo, my backpack, my... everything.

P.S. Im in search of a group in EU to join, just PM me if you want me in.

P.S.S. Everybody that plays DayZ should that a salute is a sign of peace. Also the Bendy dance.

Ever hear the term every man for himself? If you can't the pressure go play cod zombies.

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  On 7/31/2012 at 7:58 AM, VaultDweller said:

You cant stop the bandits neither do we want to.

Its what making this mod such an excellent experiance in first place.

Your aproach was so dull and blank.

What you experiance was a classic Dayz encounter.

This is a cruel and brutal game.

What else did you expect from him after 5-8 sec of non replyng?

Ask ,,friendly,, once,if the other player doesnt respond to you dont keep persisting on a contact.

Two options :

1. Back away slowly after not replyng to you.

2. Shoot him. (kill or be killed)

Its a basic survival instict...wich as i see,you failed.

Lesson learned.

Players in this game has nothing to do with the game.

Game will never turn into shit,it will never change,the only thing that will change is your way at looking at it.

Welcome to DayZ my friend.

You are totally and completely 100% wrong on the point of a game never turning bad and never changing. The community can/will/has a huge impact on if this game continues to thrive or fades slowly off. Players in this game have EVERYTHING to do with the game, players in this game MAKE the game. I believe you are either playing a different game or should be playing a single player one, because to me that is a totally absurd comment. Community and how it behaves in game can and has broke games.

Edited by Gambles

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  On 7/31/2012 at 7:55 AM, ZERQER said:

You know something? I have morals. i dont shoot, unless i HAVE too.

and that is why you are dead.

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title is "this game is going to shit if we dont do something soon" why in the farg would you force the game not to shit? thats pretty mean dont you think? i mean, if you gotta shit, you gotta shit and there is no one who should tell you otherwise! May the SHIT be with you OP! may the shit be with you :'(

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respawn, grab a gun and hunt that fucker down.

thats what i would have done.

then again, i wouldn't run up close to an armed player and salute while he is aiming at me,

that just makes no sense.

but complain about the game going to shit. hell yea.

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  On 7/31/2012 at 12:58 PM, calmantos said:

Ever hear the term every man for himself? If you can't the pressure go play cod zombies.

Stop talking BS. This is the new player forum, so let em whine if they want to. It's a phase everyone of us has gone through since this mod has been released.

Was it bright to go up to that guy? No, but understandable considering that he's a new player. He learned the lesson everybody has to learn in DayZ:

- Cover your ass.

- Trust noone.

- Shoot first.

That is the state of the game as it is right now. That doesn't appeal to everybody and can be very frustrating at the beginning. Especially when you see all those nice vids on youtube where people are grouped up and do all the cool stuff.

People who see that think: "hey cool I wanna do that too! Looks really awesome!". They buy Arma 2, download Dayz, finally manage to connect to a server and pick up their first gear. Then they see a fellow survivor and extend their greetings, hoping to finally see all those great adventures they heard from.... and get shot in the face :)

So you just have to give new people the opportunity to rant here and share their experience with the community, as long as it's more or less constructive.

DayZ is a type of game which most people are very unfamiliar with and that's what the "new players" forum is there for (not only for that of course).

There are people who take their time to explain why this game has to be like it is because, apparently, they have nothing better to do... or try to gain some karma because they shot some poor noob for a can of beans 5 minutes earlier.

And there are people who scan the forums to shoot out some dull sentences like "goez back to cod no0b! ahhahaha", "hardcore yeah, lone wolf and shit". Because they (also) seem to have nothing better to do.

But unless the OP is a whiny little bitch and not able to discuss the matter in a constructive way... I think the better way to deal with it is the first alternative.

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  On 7/31/2012 at 7:51 AM, ZERQER said:

Well today was a swell story, here im bored anyways.

Today when i logged on to the server, i was about to head north from elektro. When i reach Topolka Dam i open my map to see if i was headed to a barn on the way up. On the map i see a wierd orange icon, when i moused over it it said: Man.

It was not very far from me neither very close, so i ran into the treeline and crouch-ran for about an 300-400 meters. Through the treeline i see another player, the other player(which when i came closer to was named adam) had a tunnel-vision and he couldnt see me. So i went up to him and i was mabye 10-15 meters away from him,when i said to him: I am friendly, Are you friendly? He then made a 360, probably because he was scared shitless. Then i asked him again: Are you friendly? He had by that time scoped in on me with their sniper. I then stood up and saluted to him to show him that i was friendly, so i stood there saluting for about 5-8 seconds. And then BAAM!!!!1!!one!! He took a shot at me through my chest with his sniper at a 10 meter range. He didnt kill me, he made me unconsious and then looted me of my AKM and my M14 AIM, then he watched me bleed to my death.

I just saw him sitting 1 meter away from me, eating my beans, holding my gun, my ammo, my backpack, my... everything.

P.S. Im in search of a group in EU to join, just PM me if you want me in.

P.S.S. Everybody that plays DayZ should that a salute is a sign of peace. Also the Bendy dance.

The title of the post was misleading. So a player killed you. I am sorry this is upsetting, but this is Dayz.

If you want to hold hands, sing, and make peace signs, I suggest the Sims might be a better option for you.

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  On 7/31/2012 at 1:46 PM, Mortal Wombat said:

Stop talking BS. This is the new player forum, so let em whine if they want to. It's a phase everyone of us has gone through since this mod has been released.

Was it bright to go up to that guy? No, but understandable considering that he's a new player. He learned the lesson everybody has to learn in DayZ:

New player will learn faster via swift kick in the balls.

Tip for new guy.... everyone is out to kill you, someone is always aiming at you. Keep that in mind and you might have some fun.

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I'm new to the game also. I've been playing for about two weeks now, and what I've learned from experience is that friendliness only happens to me when in a starting town. Either they are newly spawned like me, or they have the gun advantage, so either way I'm not really seen as a threat to them. Once I'm away from the coast I either avoid people I see, or kill them.

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  On 7/31/2012 at 7:51 AM, ZERQER said:

Well today was a swell story, here im bored anyways.

Today when i logged on to the server, i was about to head north from elektro. When i reach Topolka Dam i open my map to see if i was headed to a barn on the way up. On the map i see a wierd orange icon, when i moused over it it said: Man.

It was not very far from me neither very close, so i ran into the treeline and crouch-ran for about an 300-400 meters. Through the treeline i see another player, the other player(which when i came closer to was named adam) had a tunnel-vision and he couldnt see me. So i went up to him and i was mabye 10-15 meters away from him,when i said to him: I am friendly, Are you friendly? He then made a 360, probably because he was scared shitless. Then i asked him again: Are you friendly? He had by that time scoped in on me with their sniper. I then stood up and saluted to him to show him that i was friendly, so i stood there saluting for about 5-8 seconds. And then BAAM!!!!1!!one!! He took a shot at me through my chest with his sniper at a 10 meter range. He didnt kill me, he made me unconsious and then looted me of my AKM and my M14 AIM, then he watched me bleed to my death.

I just saw him sitting 1 meter away from me, eating my beans, holding my gun, my ammo, my backpack, my... everything.

P.S. Im in search of a group in EU to join, just PM me if you want me in.

P.S.S. Everybody that plays DayZ should that a salute is a sign of peace. Also the Bendy dance.

Your an idiot.

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Have some beans, you poor thing. I can't make my avatar salute or do the dance. Hell, I can't even make my flashlight work. But I don't want to shoot or murder anyone. I'm quite happy as I am. It would be nice if baddies wore a different colour outfit or something so we could keep away. I'm just saying, not suggesting it actually be done. :)

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You know something I learned? Not to trust anyone. I have experienced Friendly and then afterwards getting backstabbed.

So here's the principle I live by: Shoot on sight, to kill or be killed.

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  On 7/31/2012 at 7:55 AM, ZERQER said:

You know something? I have morals. i dont shoot, unless i HAVE too.

I played that way for te first few weeks. Gets boring getting shot or avoiding hotspots, then you have no choice but to start shooting or leave the game..

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I dont think his intentions could have been more obvious if he blindfolded you and tied you to a pole.

Edited by Caz

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How is this the games fault? You have a choice in being friendly or not, the same goes to the guy who shot you. He chose not to be friendly. Simple.

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Kind of your fault really, if i see another player i don't go skipping over to them i tend to watch them for awhile see where there heading and then just go in a separate direction. the fact that you walked up to him itself is just a stupid thing to do.. most players just shoot on sight.

Edited by Furry_PawstarZ

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