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Can't repair vehicles

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Date/Time: 23, May 2012 10pm -8 PST

What happened: Found a car (red). Went up to car with a toolbox and engine parts (followed by tire, jerry can, scrap metal). Tried to find the repair option in the scroll wheel. Tried right clicking the items.

Where you were: Middle of a field near a small town.

What you were doing: Trying to repair acar

*Current installed version:

*Server(s) you were on: FR 2

*Your system specs: I7 2600K, GTX 570, 16GB RAM

*Timeline of events before/after error: N/A

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Same thing just happened to my group and I.

Where you were: Middle of a small town.

What you were doing: Trying to repair a car

*Current installed version:

*Server(s) you were on: Dallas 8

*Your system specs: High end PC

*Timeline of events before/after error: Found the car like this

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Good job linking to a bug that doesn't even describe the issue. This isn't related to the first scroll action being stuck on the scroll wheel.

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Yeah its something with the Save Vehicle / Tent Function it stays on the scroll bar. Its Hard to Fuel some Vehicles ive noticed the only work around is to disconnect and reconnect next to the Vehicle then you get the refuel option only once. But on a side note the Vehicles get repaired on server restarts.

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People are getting really tired of not being able to use/repair vehicles. It's time we get a fix on this and cut the restriction crap on newer servers as well. It's a pain in the ass to transport all your gear across this 250km² map on foot when your camping tent is raided.

We need to be able to lock vehicles and their content as well - or at least be able to setup a tent well hidden right next to a bush/tree or in a forest. There's just not enough hiding spots in clearings, people always get lost and wander in the middle of nowhere a lot and find your stuff by coincidence since you can't really hide your stuff..

Same happened to me. Tried to fix a Huey, had all the parts necessary, but never gave me the option to repair anything (the red text in the mousewheel menu never showed up). Even tried downgrading to and 1.5.7. Had the text fading out into black and the herpa derpa version mismatch text, but was able to walk around and open the menu. Didn't work either.

May be related to the main action stuck with you wherever you are (Save old camping tent, Save UH-1 Huey, etc..).

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Can we get any confirmation that Rocket and co know about this and will be fixing it?

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Probably won't get a clear confirmation of it being fixed but it stems from the save options being stuck on the scroll wheel most likely.

* [NEW] Construction options moved to items in gear menu (right click wire fencing kit to use etc...)

They might make it in the gear menu like they have done with construction.

Like i stated with before Vehicles can be refueled with a quick relog next to the vehicle getting the option before the save option is stuck.

I Hope this gets fixed i can only steal so many working vehicles before new ones spawn and cant be repaired

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