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Why should killing other players be a punishable act?

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Yet another pointless thread, which can easily be summarised by:

"I got killed, in a game about trying to avoid being killed. Clearly it is the game's fault, not mine".

The only issue with "Bandits" was calling them "Bandits" in the first place. Everybody is a survivor, it just happens there are some people who are more ruthless in their methods of survival than others. If you don't like being killed, stop making yourself a target - that applies both to zombies and to other players.

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Rocket has clearly stated that PvP will never be removed. Deal with it and learn to adapt.

I once played on a SA:MP roleplaying server, where for years I was a criminal. The developers, however, kept pushing cops to get better script support / advantage over the criminals because it wasn't "realistic" that criminals could be better than cops. Basically the cops whined and whinged because they died too much, because they never had to deal with even odds, which made the criminals better since they were the underdog. They had more skill than the cops. This led to the game being horribly imbalanced towards one side because they had less skill than the other side.

You're asking for a handicap because you can't survive as it is now. That's the bottom line.

I've been playing this mod for roughly a month.

I have NOT ONCE died from a player.

I've died twice in total, one being from the ladder bug and one from being stuck in a situation where I couldn't outrun the zombies. You must at all times move carefully and get the fuck off the coast.

Everything on DayZ is balanced right now.

The same amount of shots kill from a specific weapon kill the same amount of shit, no matter what skin you wear. The same amount of loot is available for players, and you've got exactly the same amount of chances as anyone else. If you're one of those people who never wants to shoot at anyone ever, then you better get damn good at hiding.

This mod doesn't, and should not reward stupidity like running in an open field at night, or trying to group with absolute strangers in Cherno over fucking side chat.

If you want to make this a game where you can run through Cherno at night with chemlights in your hands playing rave music over direct chat without a care in the world, please go away and stop ruining this mod.

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Yet another pointless thread' date=' which can easily be summarised by:

"I got killed, in a game about trying to avoid being killed. Clearly it is the game's fault, not mine".

The only issue with "Bandits" was calling them "Bandits" in the first place. Everybody is a survivor, it just happens there are some people who are more ruthless in their methods of survival than others. If you don't like being killed, stop making yourself a target - that applies both to zombies and to other players.


You just repeated everything I've been saying since I started this thread.

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There is no counter to Bandits, outside of avoiding every other person in the game. Every time you make contact with another player, as a Survivor, you are playing Russian roulette. The Bandit holds all the cards, and has all the advantages.

Survivor - Friendly?

Bandit - Yes, I'm friendly!

*bullet to the back of the head*

So if you want to play as a Survivor, your options are to play Solo, or team up with RL friends and guildies, period. The risk vs. reward of trusting anyone else simply isn't worth it.

Also, it doesn't help that Survivors are forced to talk in global chat to communicate, giving any Bandit all the info they need to scout and kill any Survivor. It's like shooting fish in a barrel.

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After playing with so many backstabbers my new mentality is just kill anyone and everyone. Friendly' date=' hostile, I don't care, you're a corpse.


Don't give into the dark side! If you are ever on a server at the same time I am I would be more than happy to lend a hand.

And I never shoot anyone in the back. In fact, I haven't ever shot any players.

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A guy like me' date=' ex-military, I wouldn't flinch at shooting someone to take his stuff if I needed it. That is my "realism"


What army teaches their soldiers to act like triggerhappy braindeads :huh:

Seriously, that's utter bullshit. Even by gunpoint you could get all the stuff you'll need, no need for shooting on sight.

I highly doubt that you have ever served in any kind of army. Or, most probably, you just haven't learned the right lessons.

What do you think soldiers do? run around saving kittens from trees?

No we are trained to do our job, BY ANY MEANS. and that includes killing people in a most coldblooded fashion once in awhile. And if you think of the context, A zombie apocalypse (Spelling?) my job would be to survive, and if that means blowing the brains out of some boso about to give away my position, or if he has stuff I need, then I'd do it.

If you want to play this game as if you can save the world and maybe win a cuddly white rabbit you can pet, then go ahead. But I'm not going to do that, and im sure as hell not going to get punished for being efficient in my survival. Now please think before you post rubbish like that.

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I've seen quite a few people suggesting that players with low humanity need to be punished in one way or another' date=' the most asinine of which is the "wait x minutes per y murders to repawn", and I have yet to find any reason why this would be even remotely acceptable.


Put simply- Discourage not punish or force.

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my job would be to survive' date=' and if that means blowing the brains out of some boso about to give away my position, or if he has stuff I need, then I'd do it.


This is it. If you need. If you have to survive, if it is necessary.

That's what this game is all about.

But people aren't shooting when they need.

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There is no counter to Bandits

Shoot them?

So if you want to play as a Survivor' date=' your options are to play Solo, or team up with RL friends and guildies, period. The risk vs. reward of trusting anyone else simply isn't worth it.


Yes. What is wrong with that, again? Bandits live exactly the same way as you described above.

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