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Watch out for jerry11600

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Hey guys watch out for jerry11600, which is his name on skype, I had invited him to play with my group and he killed me and took all of my friend's gear, I post this not as a complaint, but as a warning.

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The mistake was not to have a gun pointing at him until you're feeling safe about him :P

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I used to feel that once you exchanged Skypes everything was "cool"...

Sadly it's not.

Only loyalty and friendship will keep you safe in DayZ, and those seem to be some rare high-yield loot with no clear spawn location.

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Quick, someone post a picture of an amazed kitten or something!

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The problem was, we did have guns pointed at him, for the first few hours, we had played with him for a few hours and he just suddenly decided to put a clip in my back

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Quick, someone post a picture of an amazed kitten or something!


just for you :P

Edited by iGoMeep

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I am not arguing with a person who will lie just for the possibility of gaining his reputation back, which was lost by his own actions, you bled out and my friends items were never returned

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I am not arguing with a person who will lie just for the possibility of gaining his reputation back, which was lost by his own actions, you bled out and my friends items were never returned

Not lying, it's pretty lame that you'll say i didn't return your stuff... i did.

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Anyone with that many numbers after their name is clearly a troll, for future refference. :)

Edited by Smash250

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We had that once... Let a guy into our Skype/TS channel and even after 5 hours of getting to know him and playing with him, getting him geared and looted he still shot a lot of us and stole a car.

Feels pretty shitty when you let someone into your group like this and they shit all over you. Makes me want to falcon punch him in the face, but hey... its the beauty of DayZ huh!

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Lol... calm down boys, in Day Z there is not rules (Except the hacking that is bannable), but in-game you make your chooses to kill or not, to loot or not.. it's like The Walking Dead game, you made the choose to kill that two guys, yeah -you're a pretty bastard, but i think it's not a reason to make flood here, you mut stop it because other people find it boring... Argue in PMs but not here))

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