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Found a ghille suit, decent gear. Now what?

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So I've died countless times. I've had the game for abou a week. I got a nice assault rifle, well hidden tent with good gear in it just in case i die, and I just found a Ghille suit. What exactly is next now? Should I just sit around elektro and cherno or go somewhere else?

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Well, you could become a bandit.

You could go hunt bandits in elektro/cherno

You could continue to survive alone/with a friend

Become a medic for your server

Continue to scavenge and stockpile in your tent/more tents

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This is the part where you're supposed to create the fun for yourself! Get a crew together and take over a town, find a vehicle and run people over, run around with a hatchet and freak people out. If you want to just pvp Cherno, Elektro, Novy Sobor, and NW airfield are good places to start. Just experiment with the game and see what you come up with.

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I find the main cities good to kill people in.

I go there for easy loot. Cherno is deserted right now due to the glitches, though Elektro is circulating with players.

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Stockpile ammo and guns in your tents for "missions" eg, have sniping gear, and maybe some player hunting gear. Do the old Lee Enfield NVG combo at night in elecktro, guaranteed hours of fun.

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It really goes down to your personal prefrences.

You coud eather continue surviving and go on a survival marathon (how manny days without dying,basic loner)

Or became a helping hand,helping others when they get themselfs in a bad spot. (medic or an silent guardian angel,its a risky thing to do also,coud get shoot or killed,but for others who appreceate your good will coud shure make a new friendship and boost your reputation)

Or you just get bored and do the most common thing around... go on rampage and became a bandit.(the easiest thing to do,get some hilly billy friends and shoot everything you see,no tactics,no thinking..just kill,loot and move on to the next target)

Personaly i choose the second option. (cuz its the most challenging and rarest thing around these days)

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Find some mt.dew, win the game, go to green mt, unlock its power!!!!!

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Get the very best gear you can. I currently am running around with an MK48 MOD, M9SD, Ghillie Suit, NVG, Range Finder, GPS... Then get a base going somewhere safe and stash as much great gear as you can in some tents.

My friends and I have a base full of ghillies, NVG's, GPS's, etc. Plus awesome weapons like the AS50, M4A1 CCO SD, SVD Camo, FN-FAL, Bizon etc. It's pretty good fun hoarding all this stuff. Even more fun when you find another base and steal all their stuff. :D With the upcoming patch that fixes the ammo replenishing, getting as much ammo as possible stashed is going to be important for the weapons.

There are so many things to do on this game. That's what is so great about this game/mod. You make your own fun and are not doing some mundane linear quests.

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There is no real Endgame yet. But apparently it's Rockets next short term goal to implement one. :) (7:00)

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