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Player corpses not appearing

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What: Any time I hear flies and try to locate the corpse that is the source, there's nothing there. Before there'd be the odd time where the flies persist and the body is gone, but I haven't been able to find a single player corpse since the most recent hotfix. I haven't seen what happens if a player dies in my presence, but I'm sure there's something wrong here, and not being able to stumble upon dead players to loot really sucks. One other player mentioned the same issue, but it doesn't seem widespread.


Many different US servers

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I'm going to go ahead and verify this issue. Or at least mention that it occurred to me as well. Friend died next to our campsite after starving while he was offline--had a GPS and several other valuables. Heard the flies, but absolutely no body.

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I watched one guy kill another at the NW airfield and then I killed him and his friend with my sniper. Walked over there looked in two people's inventory without looting anything, and then the third guy I clicked gear on just dissapeared. When I looked back the other 2 dudes did too. I could still hear the flies. Also zombie and gear spawning seemed screwed up for that area around the hangers too. Sucks because one of them had NVGs dammit.

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Noticed this as well, today after starting up, I found myself at the factory by the coast. looked around for loot an ended up the roof where I saw a couple of survivors coming up the coast, killed um both including a bandit who had been stalking them, then went back to looking for loot. I went outside( maybe 10ish mins later) an went to where I had killed them I found nothing, only the sound of flies remained. =( very annoying.

There was mention of this happening on US severs. I was in US2

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This happened to me tonight as well. I came across flies three times but no bodies. Two of those times I was definitely the first one to find the bodies, so it wasn't anything to do with someone else hiding them.

I'm also experiencing the invisible to others and invisible when in third person bug, not sure if they are related.

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Bodies dissapear when someone dies and disconnects now' date=' also I can hear flies but can't see bodies.


That happened to me. I went to loot a bandit, saw that he had a DMR, tried to drop some junk to make room in my bag and when I turned around he was gone but the flies were still buzzing.

The problem also happened when my friend tried to retrieve her corpse. It was just gone, but the flies were there.

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I, as well as a large group of friends I play with, can confirm this problem.

We have come across the sound effect of flies but no body several times AND maybe 8 times out of 10 a just-killed player's corpse will disappear almost immediately meaning you can't loot them.

I have yet to see a single player corpse anywhere today, even in hot zones, which is a first for me.

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Quite annoying this, had an epic fire-fight with a guy I came out as the winner, with a lucky shot from quite the distance, as I made my way to him I could see his body slowly fading into the ground.

Getting there I heard nothing but flies and was unable to see his body :(

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This happened to me and 4 of my other other friends, we were sniping people in cherno and we normally go and loot the bodies after, we killed a total of 23 people. NOT ONE BODY WAS THERE WHEN WE WENT TO LOOT. Then somebody spawned behind us and we ended up killing him. No less then 15 seconds after he died his body disappeared this is a huge problem to me seeing how my group operates off player kills loot. Food,water,ammo, etc, etc.

This needs to be fixed really bad.

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